:\>establishing long rang comms.....
:\>commlink opened...
:\>begin transmission.
Greetings esteemed congressmen. Name's Ford. I'm seekin' sponsorship to join your ranks. I got nothing to offer 'cept my dedication, loyalty, discretion, these two hands, and the service of my CSF to your disposal.
I been trying to make it on my own ever since the old man up and died. Since the bottom fell outta the scrap metal market he fell into drink and despair. My half brother Chevy and I tried to pull him up outta that pit, but he felt his life no longer had any meaning. He left me and Chevy 'The Farm', our old CSV, but I been savin' up and recently I traded her in for this here freighter I got now. Even still I'm startin' to feel the same way as the old man- just wandering Sirius trying to make a buck and keep myself off planet and outta the bars. Chevy ain't been so lucky- last I saw him he was face down in a gutter on Houston and seemed pretty durn happy about it. I'm hoping that if ya'll let me join up, I can convince him that there's some higher purpose he can aim towards. If'n I set the example of what is possible I'm hoping I can get him outta the gutter, and out into the free vacuum.
Mostly I run whatever I can make a buck offa between home, that's Texas, and wherever in Bretonia's buying. If you've got something useful for me to do round those parts, you can count on me to get 'er done. If ya got something for me to do somewheres else, I'll do my best, but I might need directions... Just so long as I can get back to check in on Chevy every once in a while- get him cleaned up and straightened out 'fore he aspirates, that'd be best.
I' love to discuss this more in person sometime, so drop me a line and I'll come a runnin'. Ya'll take care now.
Ford out.
:\>attaching video still.....
>>>INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<< >>ID: Thor Vorrison<< >>Subject: Application to join the Congress<< >> RECEIVING VIDEO UPLINK<<
Greeting Congressmen and Congresswomen,
My name is Thor Vorrison and I am a Junker born on the Junker station called Beaumont Base in the Texas system. I have currently live 28 years, 2 months, and 17 days to date and in that time I have spent most of it scrapping in the various Texas debris fields. I am currently flying a Junker Salvage Frigate called the Ol Rusty Hammer that was handed down to me when my old man passed away three years ago. The reason I am applying to join the Congress is that I feel I want to do more with my life then just scrapping(although, I will never give up scrapping just looking for some variety) and I figured joining the congress was a way to do it.
//Jeni Walker said she would be willing to sponsor me for application.
>>> Incoming Transmission <<< >CommID: Roland Axelsson >Location: Beaumont Station
>Subject: Junker Congress
To whom it may concern,
The name is Roland Axelsson.
I'm currently in command of a Salvage Frigate based out in the Texas system, with Beaumont Station being home base for the meanwhile, where I have been in contact with a Congressman by the name of Thor Vorrison, who informed me about the Congress itself and also where to get the best scrap! *chuckles*
In regards to Trading, I have a somewhat reasonable amount of experience under my belt so-to-speak, both with legal and what others might call 'unconventional' cargo, but let's not go into details, we all know secrecy is of the utmost importance.
>>> Incoming Transmission <<< >CommID: Tobias Banks >Location: Southampton Debris Field, New London
>Subject: Junker Congress Application
*loud bursts of static with some fervent shouting barely audible in the background* "What do ya mean th-*static* -ody comms are down? Hit by an asteroid? But we're transmittin' right now! See? The lil' light is on. Wait... oh, bugger me, its on! Get out of the way, you-!" *static*
With a bit of shuffling and the reception cleared up slightly, an image appears of a mans shoes, the camera presumably having fallen out of its bracket.
"Esteemed members o' the Junkers Congress, I am Tobias Banks, captain of the Salvager Frigate 'Junkers Bargain'. I would humbly request ta become a Congressman. Figured there was no better way ta move up in the world."
"You're probably wonderin' who the hell I am. Well thats a fair question, I won't begrudge ya that one. That bein' said, there ain't much I can explain on an open comms channel that would be of any use whatever ta folks like yaselves, so I'll jus' say that I am an experienced scrapper an' businessman. If ya've got any questions, ya welcomed ta hail me in space or whatnot. Tobias out."
*there is a sharp burst of feedback, the image on screen of the mans shoes shuffling slightly to the left, with some quiet words still audible*
"Think they're gonna reply? What am I sayin', o' course they're gonna reply. Who can turn down an offer like that? Haha. Wait, why is that still-" *static*
>>> Transmission Terminated <<<
//Loki557 said he'd vouch for me. My character names are Junkers_Bargain, Tobias_Banks, and Luxury_Liner_Soho, should anyone wish to contact me in-game.
Markus Rixus of the Junkers Congress here.
Just following on up on our discussion before outside Rochester. I'd like to see through that Tobias Banks is approved as a congressman as he has certain values which make us who we all are. Junkers.
He's certainly suitable to be a congressman I am willing to support him. As I've heard Thor Vorrison //Loki557 (Forgive if I was incorrect) said he'd vouch for him as well.
Well I just wanted to raise this to your attention Hawk so he may get approved. I doubt Mr Banks will let ya down.
~Markus Rixus: Captain of the Stooge Omellete (Flagship of Stooge Enterprises)
Good morning, gentlemen of the Congrrrrrrrrrrhsssssssshhhhhhhhhkk- tnnn...
[Message Hacked]
I do see that my message has gone undetected for a few days, and while so I've watched and learned the Congress ways.
Let me try to put this clearly as I can, since I don't want the misfortune of offending you:
This is not coming from lack of hospitality, let me simply state that I do not belive I share the same ideals of this group of individuals anymore. I have stood, listened and watched - and I believe I fully disagree with some things that seem to be set in stone.
Greetings Congress members. Some may remember me, most will not. I am Linkero Torvalds, former adjudicator of the Junkers Congress, and former pilot of the .:j:.Linux. Few of you know of my absence, so I wish to come forth with it
Roughly a year and a half ago, I had been sent to do some 'surveying' on Hogosha playing grounds. Unfortunately my mission proved unsuccessful. I had ran into some weapon platforms that weren't previously known about. Sure enough, they locked on and next thing I know, I was holding on to some scrap metal floating in space. Thankfully my escape pod drifted into a nearby jumphole and I was picked up by a trader.
After a recovery period, I am back to serve proudly. As long as im approved to come back with my spankin' new ship, I will make the Junkers proud to have me back!
' Wrote: Greetings Congress members. Some may remember me, most will not. I am Linkero Torvalds, former adjudicator of the Junkers Congress, and former pilot of the .:j:.Linux. Few of you know of my absence, so I wish to come forth with it
Roughly a year and a half ago, I had been sent to do some 'surveying' on Hogosha playing grounds. Unfortunately my mission proved unsuccessful. I had ran into some weapon platforms that weren't previously known about. Sure enough, they locked on and next thing I know, I was holding on to some scrap metal floating in space. Thankfully my escape pod drifted into a nearby jumphole and I was picked up by a trader.
After a recovery period, I am back to serve proudly. As long as im approved to come back with my spankin' new ship, I will make the Junkers proud to have me back!
Linkero Torvalds
Holy hell old friend it has been a long time!
When we lost contact with you we assumed the worst. We sent out search and rescue teams to your last coordinates but nothing was ever found. I feared you were dead and gone never to be seen again. Not sure why it took you so long to return but it doesn't matter. Just to see you alive and well is enough. Of course your welcomed to rejoin our ranks. There was a time I looked to you for advice and you were always willing to help.
Don't forget to stop by our hub and post your ship information in the roster section.
=========comms stream inbound======
source: Planet houston,Ticonderoga Ranch and Farm
ID Code: joe"quickdraw" Lathrop owner Ticonderoga Ranch
<the screen fades to black soon followed by a video stream of a man <you would place him in his early 40s> in a set of jeans cowboy boots and a clean flannel shirt,with the sleves rolled up,behind him is a CSF beaten and battered he removed his hat and looked to the camra>
Female voice: its recording paw
Man on camra: welp i supose it is then,zoom it in Rebecca
<the frame focuses as the man puffs on the cigar in his mouth>
"my name is Joseph Lathrop,friends call me quickdraw or joe,the womens voice yall heard was my lovely daughter,Rebecca,now yall are probably thinking why a man like me would want to contact yall.<he took another puff on the cigar and coughed a bit>
"well,for the past 15-20 years ive ben doing all sorts of small jobs and salvage work the ship behind me i scratch built her 10 years ago and ive allwaus considerd myself a junker anyway. <he paused and sighed the camra swept out and scanned the ranch that was actually a bit rundown inspite of joes clean apprence> truth be told times are tough in liberty and with growing dislike by the military and ever increaseing taxes ive decided i need a voice,ive decided i need to act.
ive decided to contact yall for membership into the congress brothers and sisters in arms as it were,one big ole happy family ive got nothin left my ranch is facein forclouser and welp,i lose that i lose a home get throw in sugerland ectra.
ive been hanging around both "JT" and Indio for a few days,indio himself said he would sponser me if i ever up and applied.
im good with a gun,hard working good with my tools and good at keepin secrets,i consider myself a cowboy but even we know when to zip our lips. yall wont be getting any complaints outta me but you can be damned sure to get my loyalty.
as fer ships,right now ive only got my freighter ive got limited cash avalible so ifin i need another ship i might beable to make it happen
thank ye kindly for your time,ill be here,yal lget back to me now,ya hear
<he walked to the camra,a final sweep showed the ranch his remaining animals and his ship then the lense cap with murmering>
Rebecca: ya think they wil laccepct us paw?
Joe:i dont know hunny,if not well survive as we have the past few years,your a fine young women you could probably get a job or something,anyway turnthe camra off now time fer supper
<end video >
Edit: wil lfix typos and stuff later today im dead arse tired