Name: Katie Grant
Place of birth: Planet New London
Background: I was born on planet New London, seems like a nice safe place, but not at all times. I have whitnessed an number of criminal attacks round this area, and the outcomes are terrible so after i graduated i made it my goal to join the bretonia police. I remember seeing bretonian police authorites when I was a young girl, and i have always been fascinated with there equipment since then, which has lead me to apply for the bretonian police. Also, i have seen the police in action, and i would like to participate in the removal of all criminal activity in bretonia.
Ambitions: To assist in the removal of criminal activities in bretonia, and to provide a safer environment for family and friends.
Pet: I have always had a weak point for cats, as i think they are unbelievably cute.
"The saftey of our loved ones does indeed promote a call to action, but you must be willing and ready to accept the harsh times and good times in equal measure. though it sounds like you have a firm vision ahead of you Miss Grant, or should I say, Junior Constable Grant. welcome to the Bretonia Police Authority, Proceed to accuire your necessary equipment and stand by for further orders."
-Sir Henry-George Whitehall.
2). Background Born on Planet Leeds working for the BPA since I was 18 ground working the beat on Planet Leeds, now 21 I have the Money and Courage to by my own Ship for Space Travel thus my application
I've studied law and order on Planet Leeds had to have it delivered from Planet Cambridge University which I used my student loan for. Now having experience on the ground and the classroom, I'm here to fly high.
3). Do you have any ambitions within the BPA after you join?Be Strong and Trice Up, (Move up the Ranks To a High Level Commissioner) be a Leader even from a Junior Constable, show everyone that I enjoy my job and show everyone and help everyone else do theirs
4). If you could have any pet in the world what would it be? (Be creative!) Alsatian, My wife has had me get one to keep my family safe at home. My dog was also trained in Drug search and Arresting Criminals.
5). //What is your Skype account name You already have it but for reference "bellck"
2). Background: Well eh... I was born on Planet Leeds on 5th April 801 A.S., but shortly after I was born, we moved to New London... Or Cambridge? Bah, who can remember that. I grew up like an ordinary child, really. Though, my life changed when I was 14. I got accepted to Police Academy on New London. Since then, I knew I want to be a Constable. And now, I'm here to serve.
3). Do you have any ambitions within the BPA after you join? Hm. That's hard to say... or more exactly, write... But of course, one of my goals is to become at least an Inspector. Maybe higher. The more important, however, is to keep civilians safe. Yeah, that's most important.
4). If you could have any pet in the world what would it be? Oh my... I hate pets. If so, then a small cute hamster. With furry horns on its head, and maybe... Brown and white body. Yeah. That would be cool. <strike>Question is: Who would feed it?</strike>
5). //Skype: mravec112
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
"From Leeds eh.. hmm, I hope you still have a sence of smell, *he chuckles* Specifically one strong enough to know when and where to use lethal force, and not forgetting when to retreat. And about leadership, that is something that you either have naturally, or will have to learn, you will have plenty of time for the latter. welcome to the Bretonia Police Authority Mr Columbus.
And to you as well Mr Dalton, ive heard crazy stories about people loosing their sence of smell on leeds, damn unfortunate it is too. Still its good to see such an unpstanding young man applying for the Queens Police, welcome to the Bretonia Police Authority Mr Dalton, and my daughter had a horned hamster, *shudders* dreadful creature it was indeed, though she loved it to bits..ahem, anyway, welcome aboard chap."
Barney was born on planet New London. When he finished high shool he wanted to join the peacekeepers. He decided to join the Academy and become a police offcer to serve the citizen of Bretonia. He is a patriot and brave man. His parrents live on New London planet and his father is a lawyer. Mother works at home and is a writer. He has no brother or sisters and he was a little spoiled only child what didn't help him on the Academy.
With quiet good results at ending exams Barney is now waiting for approval to join the Bretonia Police forces.
He is ready and waiting and the only thing that matter for him is safety of his nation and law...cause law is everything as his father used to say.
3). Do you have any ambitions within the BPA after you join?
I want to join to serve my nation and to protect the people of Bretonia - I am not aiming to become anyone important - I like to be undercommand of good pilots.
4). If you could have any pet in the world what would it be? (Be creative!)
I know that it is not very creative but I like cats...mostly cause they don't need much and they can take care of themselfs. They only need food and water and they can do all the rest my themselfs.
Creative asnwer:
I would like to have a mix of - Cat (doesn't need much attention), dog (is loyal), chicken (makes eggs), gold nugget ( gold eggs) sheep (could use that for some clothers) , horse ( you never know when you need one) , eagle ( they look cool), pig (if it would become annoying you could always make a becon of it)
"Father is a lawyer eh? he must have put away quite a few scumbags in his time, I trust your sheltered nature of being an only child will not impact on your capability to perform your duties with honour and valor. You have shown good initiative and though you may not wish to climb the ladder, it is in essence those people that climb the fastest, plenty of time ahead for that. Welcome to the Bretonia Police Authority, Junior Constable Marwick.
You will be shown the ropes when you arrive at The Hub to collect your uniform and general kit, an Inspector will see that you're propperly set up and ready for action.
1). Rachel McAllister
2). Background (Doesn't need to be very long)
Born and bred on Planet Leeds, she comes from a distinctly lower class working family. Now that she has turned 19 her ambitions are to join the police force and to make a name for herself. Any other relevant history will be revealed.
3). Do you have any ambitions within the BPA after you join?
To be the best that I can, and to serve Bretonia with all my heart!
4). If you could have any pet in the world what would it be?
A pet philosoraptor to answer all my questions. (A breed of philosophy and velosaraptor(sp))
5). Swipter88
"A mystery woman are we? hmm Miss McAllister, coming from the place you do, im sure you know fully well what the toll the war is having on our fare Bretonia. and also im sure that you know the importance of hardwork and dedication. As an individual you may seem small, but on the whole you make up the beautiful place we come to love. Your will to fight and protect that which we love is most admirable, im sure you will prove a great officer of the Queens Bretonian Law. Welcome to the Bretonia Police Authority, Junior Constable McAllister.
uniform and required kit are available at The Hub, you will be breifed upon your arrival, gets some rest, it will be a long first day.
Sender ID: Chris Eriksen Source: Freeport 4 Encryption: Light
My apologies for not coming in person, I just... It doesn't matter. I have sent a Biography and everything else needed.
1). Name (Firstname and Lastname)
Chris Eriksen
2). Background
I have.. Quite a troublesome past.
I was born on planet Los Angeles, Liberty in 791AS. I was a troublesome kid, and when I was 17 I stole a ship, and flew away. That's when I started my life as a pirate. Times were dangerous, and I made my living from pirating all around, and stayed mostly at the Freeports, trying to keep my neutrality as a Freelance Pirate. I worked mostly around Liberty. Then I was captured by a bunch of Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries, a few months ago. It didn't last though. The ship was the Intruder, that was shortly taken over by a group of pirates who rebelled, and gained control. The leaders of the group were Rufus Wolfgang and Joseph Tomasso, and I joined them. After this rebellion, they have formed "The Society", consisting mostly of pirates from the Intruder.
As a new faction, we needed allies, and the Outcasts offered us a few Kraken guns, if we kill enough Corsairs around Dublin. Since BPA are not too fond of Sairs in Dublin as well, we fought along side them, and I have made some Bretonian friends, and have been amazed for the beauty of the Bretonian systems, such as planet New London. The group began growing, but then there have been several.. Turn points. The 3rd in command has left the faction for reasons I do not know, and Joseph left the group for his love, which Rufus has sent him to kill. While Rufus tried to glue the pieces of the broken faction back together, I decided to leave as well. From there I went to live in the Freeports around Liberty. Today, after a month, I have finally gathered enough courage to send this application. I have changed for the good, and I would be grateful if you would give me a trail session. If you need, the people from BPA I have met before include Chris Columbus for example.
3). Do you have any ambitions within the BPA after you join?
Well, to be accepted to the Bretonian police(I mean fully accepted, to the point people trust me), keep the systems safe from the likes of "old me" and of course, progress in the rank tree.
4). If you could have any pet in the world what would it be? (Be creative!)
I would like to have a dolphin. Blue, smart, they are surely the greatest companion out there.