They become more over time. I watcher one brake off and go in line infront of the other port that already had one infront.
Just some minutes later, when i tried to see how long it takes to dock i got "company" from this hessian Gunboat (im in a Daumann heg btw. and we realy love eachother (`s death)):
If they had known i couldnt dock i had been completely dead or raped for atleast 5 million (cargo full) or more even. But they went further down the lane and my heg started a funny circling around a dockingscene-point for 2 minutes until the docking scene suddenly engaged and i was save (and very lucky i guess).
I'll insist with the ones before me, the bug is still happening, had about 5 or 6 bowex NPCs stuck in front of New London Docking ring for about 15 minutes ... then they disappeared.