Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott Ishmael Leyva, I have received the filled-in questionnaire of yours.
I must say, I was worrying about your service record,
but considering our lack of pilots and your success in theory test, you're in.
I'll contact you on the secure channel (5.K.Y.P.3. protocol) to discuss some matters.
Marcus Ward, your application is good.
Now you just need to pass the theory test. I've sent you the questionnaire.
Please send the filled-in form back to me.
Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott Marcus Ward, I'm here to inform you that you've successfully passed the theory test.
Congratulations, ensign. Just use 5.K.Y.P.3. protocol to contact me,
so that I can give you access to our communication channel.
Then you'll report to Cape Hope for briefing.
Name: Kyle Tylios
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.86 m
Weight: 80 kg
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I believe I have more to offer in Primary Fleet than in Secondary
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
A month or maybe more
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I can contribute in the defense of Omicron Minor and anything else the Order might need
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
* Your Origin
* About your personality
* Any previous ventures you have undergone
Born on Planet Manhattan, grew up and became a Freelancer. After wandering in the Omicrons for some time, I came across an Order patrol. During that, we got attacked by nomad ships and severely damaging my ship so they took me along to repair my ship in exchange if I would listen to what they had to offer. They offered me a life to protect humanity from the Nomads, a life in The Order. As a Freelancer my ship was my home and friends were difficult to come by, so without any hesitation I accepted their offer to join them.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: master_charos
Timezone: GMT+2
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I'm usually online from either 5pm or 8pm and yes, I check forums everyday
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Only once. Was sanctioned for a "false mercenary contract".
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
1) What brought you so far to the Omicrons when you were a freelancer?
On the beginning of my journey, I went to Bretonia with a trader, Quinn Roderrick. From there I reached Java station in Tau-23 via disembarking traders or IMG ships that were heading that way. With the small fortune I had, I bought a ship, a Raven's Talon. After several deals with the IMG, I received map data and info about a Zoner Freeport in Omicron Delta. It took me few months to reach my destination due to exploration of the Omicrons and hazards I've come across.
2) What made you accept the offer of those Order operatives you mentioned?
Spending months alone in dangerous systems like the Omicrons made me re-consider my whole "adventure" idea of me alone versus the dangerous universe, so I thought I should join the Order because they need all help they can get and they are fighting for something more than survival.
Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott Kyle Tylios, although I have received your application, there are some missing parts.
I haven't received the answer for question #3 in Section II.
Also, although we ask for brief biography, your biography seems...
Well, too brief. Maybe you should've mentioned something about personality too,
since it's one of the aspects we're interested in.
However, considering our enemies' activity and
since we are in desperate need of people, you still might get in. Just send the part I haven't received and answer two questions:
1) What brought you so far to the Omicrons when you were a freelancer? 2) What made you accept the offer of those Order operatives you mentioned?
Do what you were told to do, and you might get to the second stage.
Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott
Ok, that's better. As I said, we need more people, and the results of theory test are satisfactory.
Therefore, you're in, ensign Tylios. You are to proceed to Cape Hope,
where your ship's IFF module will be edited to show that you're an ensign of the Order Primary Fleet.
You will also acquire access to our communication channel.
color=#FF9900]Section I: Personal Pilot Information[/color]
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I have flown in the independantly in the secondary fleet for a while now and im suprised at the low level of discpline there compared to some of the Primarys members and pilots.I must admit that i too am a little undisciplined compared to you guys but i am willing to change for the greater good. Being in a collective group also helps minimalize casulties and it will enable me to fight the Nomad's and other invaders with greater efficiency. How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
For around 3 months now i have been flying around
// I have been in for three months as I ave had a lot of different characters and have left and re-joined the secondary fleet a few times What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I can bring to you an active member and pilot who will serve in the line of duty to the best of my abillities. I am an extremly Loyal Soldier and will fight for the cause dutiflly and braveley Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
The More manueverable the ship is the better i get so in a bastet around a 6
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
Your Origin
About your personality
Any previous ventures you have undergone
My first affiliation was zoner it was a quiet and peaceful life and just what i needed i had a scimitar class light fighter of my own and would explore unknown parts of bretonia for fun. Then..... i got trnasfered to Omicron delta turns out they needed pilots there to protect against the "Enemy" they called it. At the time i was confused because zoners werent supposed to have enemys were they? That was until they invaded there were aliens every where and zoner pilots dying left and right we had a few capital ships but not nearly enough. Then the Order came and Really gave us a fighting chance their ships dark beacons of salvation amidst the onslaught. Many more pilots died needlessly becasue the Bounty hunters guild core refused to help in the struggle for suvival infact they started making bets on who would win. I was dsgusted with them and decided that the zoners were not for me and that is why im here.
My Origin: I was born onboard a zoner juggernaght and live my childhood on board the massive vessel spending omst of my time on the bio decks
Personality: I am a person of serious nature a loyal to my freinds and can be quite sociable
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: you know it
Timezone:GMT 0
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I check the forums once a day at least so i know whats going on if its half term i will be on from early in the morning but if its normal weekdays usually from 3:15 GMT to around 8:30
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Once at the when i had just started out all it was. was me firing on a trader in a cruiser every one was a noob once upon a time
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Never been sanctioned banned or warned since so yes i will follow the rules and i always have respected my fellow players and admins
Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott
Congratulatios, you're in, ensign Hakira. You are to proceed to Cape Hope,
where your ship's IFF module will be edited to show that you're an ensign of the Order Primary Fleet.
You will also acquire access to our communication channel.
Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott
Greetings, miss Hardcastle. I believe you remember me, since we have already met in space.
It's good to see that you have finally taken the decision to join our ranks.
I've seen you in combat and I guess I still owe you for helping me out several
days ago.
So, personally I would be glad to see you as a part of the Primary Fleet.
You have the support of the Rear Admiral and my own support. However, standard rules
apply to everyone. I'll send you the questionnaire, and you are to send the answers
via a private message on the secure channel.
Considering the high quality of your application, I think that the questionnaire won't be
a problem for you.
Sender ID: Commander Brian Scott Miss Hardcastle, it is sad to hear about your decision, considering the fact that your application would have been accepted otherwise. In fact, I was going to tell that you were accepted,
but this message reached me. It's always sad to lose a promising recruit.
Now, speaking of the situation itself... I think I can understand both sides: your side and the
position of Hiigara's CO. You see, some people live by their own code. I used to value those
"fair duels" myself, but times change, and people change with time.
We all have fought against uneven odds, one day or another. My rank wouldn't allow me to
question the position of Hiigara's CO, but I think I would have acted otherwise in that case.
I've had my share of combat with the Reapers, and I must say that not all of them value the
concept of "duels". So, let me tell you how I would act.
In this specific case, I would have ordered Johnson to retreat, allowing you to take his place
and then act depending on the circumstances. Sometimes using numeric advantage is a viable
option, especially against skilled opposition. This is what I've learned in the Omicrons.
However, the Admiralty might want to look into this case and investigate it further.
Therefore I would ask you not to make hasty decisions. Even if your decision is firm,
you should know that you would always be welcome in the Primary Fleet, should you
change your mind.