Comm ID: Oberleutnant Karl van der Riess, RHA A&A
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
I see the Reavers have resurfaced. I have personally made sure due payments have been delivered.
Transaction logs attached:
[31.05.2011 15:21:21] You have sent 6.000.000 credits to Amethyst.Reaver
[31.05.2011 15:21:33] You have sent 21.000.000 credits to Lemon.Reaver
[31.05.2011 15:21:46] You have sent 11.000.000 credits to Silver.Reaver
[31.05.2011 15:21:57] You have sent 9.000.000 credits to Yale.Reaver
Keep up the good work.
Regards, Karl van der Riess
RHA Armament & Acquisitions
-(Incoming Transmission -(Reaver Mercenary Company -(James"Lemon"Hart - Company Grunt
Oh man, you guys are gonna love this. We got, get this, a Kruger Hegemon... a BHG gunboat and destroyer, and an RM fighter! Boom! Quite the spectacle, and I've run the numbers and I'll tell you now you owe 16.000.000 credits to Lemon.Reaver thanks.
Kruger Miner
BHG Gunboat
BHG Destroyer
Military Fighter
Right, and me and some other people were talking about maybe getting some Hessian tech to hit these targets a little harder... we got the bomber and heavier fighter side covered, but maybe if you could throw a few light fighters and a gunboat or two our way that would be awesome, not to mention your nice lasers. Not for free, of course. We're moving a few more ships down as I put this claim up, so you should hopefully be seeing some more results very soon!
You sirs.... You Hessians bloody rock.
And really, really bloody rock.
I mean. A little crew of your guys, and shazam, let's frack up Gamma... Or Omicron Hessia as it is now called.
Because... Daaaaaamn.
We just killed everything.
Murdersauce.. Everywhere. Reaver style.
And to finish it, we did put a Hessian flag on top of the debris.
First things first, the boys said i could claim the kills that didn't had my weapon signature and the comm logs that i'll show proves it.
So. First, two dead 'sair gunboats got radiated by yours truly and the peeps in O-11.
The A.D.M.I.N. Org. declared that it was Open Season! And thus, we need to deliver even more!
So, the Reavers go that extra-mile and do what they do best.
We kill.
And we deliver the bloody heads in a bag for your consideration.