That's right, I've got cought - quite and interesting experience... Space piracy...
Didn't want to die, lose ship or go into jail on first week... I tried to defend from police >>> and actually made one lose ship. I love this - carying military grade armor and weaponary to defend.
Later, some unseen technology was observed while in use - damn Cloaking devices are all over the place. So, as you might guessed, I ran out of Coutermeasures and had to stop.
Today I've learned a very important lesson: Space police isn't that much different from ground one >>>. Richer though.
[font=Palatino Linotype] Full Name:Fion' McGee Ship Name: [color=#99FF99][M]-Pint'O'Ale
Friendly Casualties:
None a' t'all
Hostile Casualties:
Brief Description:
So, 'ere's d'a story, 'n'its'a gud'n too!
Was drunk, 'n pissed, fin' sum big bas'terd zoner crapbox makin' 'way through golden dublin lik' 'n' d'a bas'terd own tha' fakker. I hit's 'm wit a popper t'a slow dat' big metal junkpile down, and he's all "dont attack me"
Wha?! Popper ain'a'ttack ya slag head r'tard. Grrr.
So I tell's tha' fakker, ya best back your'damn'self up n' stop actin' dumb. 'N I tells 'm
ya got one chance t'a mak' dis roight - ya' pay me bartab (I'm a hopeless sod when it comes t'a moneh), which was like, twelve thousand 'r'such. Then, he's gotta call Carina a whore o'r system commo's. Then, apologize f'r tresspassin' - and lastly, t'a get his dumb face outta dublin before I bust it up.
He laughs, call's meh "Funny", and tells me to fekk off, he ain' doin' fekk all.
Titan and Gaelic Storm show up tho', and at this point, I tell 'im t'a gimme his pant's, and stop bein' an arse. He chooses to foight it out. Result's below.
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Name: [color=#FF0000]Connor Logan Ship: Greyhound
Alrite, aye'll try ta sum up everythin' interestin' tha'aye ha'pleasure ta see o'hear,
sa let's get started aye?
Most'o this stoof happened a while'go so aye'll skip da details dat aye no longer remembah'
So, aye had a few fights, made'a'few pics, sadly aye don' always remember ta record may poofs, but
still hope'ye like'what'aye 'ave, olso made a fe' miner sacks emptier fer minin' oor gol'.
And tha' was tha' borin' part, 'round week ago aye had met a rheinlandish lad tha' was so nice as to
hand'oover ta us almost 300 'sairs, aye ha' no ayedea ho' he'got'em, but aye coul'care less, so aye
gave'im permission ta dropp'em off.
Dere was a brawl at a KC lately too, reavers were attackin' a bowex transport, aye jumped in ta assist,
and while dat transport went dawn, BAF shoo'n oop and started a real pa'tee, reavers lost three'or four
sheps, and aye decided ta ran while aye still could.
A'few days back me an' an'fellas had been'untin tha barge, [Nostromo], which someho' managed ta
escape, no idea ho'.
And no' da most intarestin' part: Da leeds 'ole in cambs is swarmin' with da 'sairs transports lately,
unescorted aye may add! Dey were headed ta O-5, but aye managed ta bloo'em up, and sell da cargo
fer a nice cash, oh, what dey be haulin' was cryocubes, or somethin'. Keepin' an eye oot on tha' hole
mite not be a bad idea.
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Name: [color=#FF0000]Connor Logan Ship: Greyhound
No' tha' was one interestin' day!
First, aye blo' oop a corsair trying som' funny stooff wit'ome miners, den aye made'em pay fer minin' oor gol', REAPER-17 wa' deir iff sig', told'em to call ta bosses ta buy a licence or sumtin'.
Afterwards we've got some sairs in Dublin, but dey left fer London, we, tha's me an' Michael in hees gunboo't pursued and helped da BAF ta clear'em oot, backin' off once dey had eet under control, in da end 4 sairs got shoot down aye believe, one snub an' one gunboat managed ta flee, slimy bastards.
Later we sat on da O-49 hole and taxed da ships passin' bay, tha's a true gold mine, aye'm tellin ye!
All'o'dem complied except one poor liner wit'a Destroyer escort, sadly, liner was too dumb even ta surrender when eet ran oot o'bots and was at da verge o'collapse.
Dat's preety much all dere is ta say, aye'll be at da bar if ye ha' any questions.
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Name: [color=#FF0000]Connor Logan Ship: Barghest
Anoder day, even more creyzi!
First, the usual deal, remindin' some poor fellas dat gold in dub' is oors, lookin fer a sair pests, haven't found any t'day, and visitin' Arra bar.
But 'ere gets da spotlight of da day, a trader tried ta run gold fro' Graves ta Edin, and it had IC identification!
So aye proceeded ta make'im drop his cargo, ta which he refused, so aye blown'im ta scrap. Den aye went fer a walk 'round Edin, and on may way back aye found da same lad, dis time empty, comin' oota dublin hole.
Aye decided ta make'im donate ta oor cause, but den he went nuts! He offered me 2 million fer blowing him up!
Aye don't deal with crazy, so aye denied, and he stated he'll just hug da sun, aye didn't believe'im at first, but he indeed rammed ta star!
Aye decided ta film da fireworks, just in case.
On may way back, aye saw a zoner carrier headed fer dub' hole as well, enough to say, aye'n'oder mollys weren't too happy'bout eet, but as aye had in dire need'o shot'o whiskey, aye left ta matter ta dose two, aye believe dey let him pass ta O49, aye do'kno.
Alrite, yesterday was an intarestin' day, but aye've been too tired ta write'bout it da same day, so 'ere eet is.
Dere were 'sairs at Camb, so folks rushed een ta do so'm huntin', dere were more 'sairs dan oos, so some baffles cannon fodders were nessesary, dat's why aye called'em, in da end, we've found sairs shootin' a lone baffle cruiser, 'bout which we could care less, so we charged an' shat da crap oo'tta dem, da Pinata Reaver jumped inta da fun too, an' as soon as we killed one, rest started runnin fer deir lives, aye remember one had baffles on his tail, so we've let'em be useful fer a change, and headed ta lisburn fer a well earned drink.
On da side note, aye don' kno' how aye foun' mayself in da position of leader, but aye wasn' dat bad, aye?
'Bout t'day, aye bloo'n oop an Legate dat trespassed oor space! Aye had some help fro' da Firebrick, and later too BAF destroyers, dat was fun, aye'm tellin ya! BAF moved oot as soon as da 'sair got bloo'n oop, smart'o dem.
And a small donation fer oor cause fro' a lone freelancers too, aye'll be off ta bar.
Aye it is me again.
Movin around with ma Ship and guess what- some fool made a unshielded base next to da Newcastle gate- it was Bridge somethin- so I took da option to pop it:
[color=#3366FF]message ends.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Hey...some report 'bout t'days events.
I received a call dat there were some transports gathring near LD-14. Went out t' Leeds an' met up with [M]-Ol'Ale an' [M]-Queens.Open.Legs at Stokes. Ol'Ale an' me then flew to LD-14 while our heavy supp'rt
stood back. [M]-Harasser was already involved in the foight an' we couldn't get t' him quickly enough t'
safe his ship from blowin' up. Guess he made't in his pod alroight though. With the superi'r forces of two
gunboats, a battleship, a bomber an' some transports against us we had t' withdraw from dere.
The darn battleship of their, HMS_Malice, seems t' have a cloak an' followed us t' the Stokes asteroid field.
After a short while the HMS-Abhainn.Thaita arrived as well an' they attack'd us, with the battleship uncloak'n
right next to the Queens.Open.Legs. T' keep the gunboat busy [M]-Freedom's.Price jumped in the foight an'
we were able to blow't up an' make dem Bretonians pay fer shoot'n down the Harasser. The battleship didn'
stay 'round fer long after dat as he cloak'd away an' ran like a lil' coward that he was. So in the en' I guess it
wasn' a bad foight, could've gone better, but also much worse.
Full Name:Fion' McGee Ship Name: [color=#99FF99][M]-Woad.Warrior
Friendly Casualties:
None a' t'all
Hostile Casualties:
Brief Description:
[font=Palatino Linotype] Was flyin'round da poxy Hood, saw some big long fish ship wit'purty lights'n'stuff. Some slant-eye haulin' alloy. Say it goin' ta...feck, like'n I can pra'nounce 'dis garbage...*sigh*...nog'a'no? da'roight? Aye.
He got da feelin' I was lookin' fer scratch, and off'rd 5 Mil t'a pass. Sounded good t'a me, so I took it from'em. 'Ere's the pretty snap'ys.