' Wrote:I've seen your lovely Kusari do it. Its okay for your bunch to do it but not another right? I believe it was regarding the fines you issue. They were set and someone was over fined, in response to their whining the Codex was changed so that the officer on duty can determine the amount of the fine. Which isn't un reasonable, but something was done outside of your Codex and changed to suit the KNF.
Sorry I edited it.
My larger point is simple. None of the houses have a full set of laws. Some laws are just assumed. Are you honestly asking that the BAF sit down and write an entire set of laws so they can role play to your standard? If so, I'll ask that Kusari do the same.
' Wrote:Yes, but we admitted that we made a mistake and then changed the law. We didn't pretend that the law had always existed in that manner.
PS. Out to go see a Phillies game, back in a few hours, I will answer any further comments then.
Alright, then my point about Kusari doing it is rather moot. Still, none of the houses have a full set of laws. Some laws are just assumed. Are you honestly asking that the BAF sit down and write an entire set of laws so they can role play to your standard? If so, I'll ask that Kusari do the same.
Hm.... Alright, gotta say my hopes for Dakun are very small now, after speaking with some people that are currently trying to clean up the mess, he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously... At all.
' Wrote:Hm.... Alright, gotta say my hopes for Dakun are very small now, after speaking with some people that are currently trying to clean up the mess, he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously... At all.
No he isn't. In fact, he's planning a Juggernaut spam of Omega-3.
But of course, none of what happened was Dakun's fault. And of course, none of what happens from here on is his fault either.
It's just everyone "out to get Dakun", yup. No roleplay reasons. No legitimate concerns or legitimate reactions. Nope. Just everyone out to get Dakun, no other reason. We're even making up laws specifically to hurt Dakun. We just don't like him that much.
Zelot, you're not my favorite member here. We've disagreed on many points in the past and I'm sure we'll clash plenty in the future as well.
That having been said, thank you for posting this, somebody needed to do it. You're absolutely right in this being the way the 'community', as it were, functions.
If you expect people to act in a certain way constantly, they may as well do it just to piss off whoever's antagonizing them.
' Wrote:It's a conspiracy.
Conspiracys aren't meant to be tossed out in the open. This isn't a conspiracy, it's more akin to stoning somebody out in public.
I think I'll make a BPA and accuse every trader I see of supporting enemies of Bretonia, regardless of what they're carrying.
Yeah, no, it doesn't work that way. If you want to consider blood diamonds contraband in Bretonia, then they need to be published in the Laws as such. If they're not listed there as being contraband, they're not contraband and blowing up a trader who refuses to pay a fine for an interpretation of a law that you made up on the spot just smacks of pvp abuse.