I'm still new to the modelling thing and I really have no idea what I'd base this ship on, but the idea is to make a ship intended (in-RP) as a science and research vessel. I know a lot of players out there RP researchers and such, particularly within the order and liberty.
So, my suggestion:
Appearance- Should be somewhat large, but not too large - maybe between the size of a gunboat and container transport.
Should have several satellite/scanner structures on it (like the zoner destroyer has), as well as a biodome of sorts (zoners use them, could be used on a science ship for testing new species in a controlled environment).
Should be a mix between Kusari and Liberty ship designs (explained below)
Ageira-Kishiro Mobile Research Station
The mobile research station is a joint construction project between Ageira and Kishiro engineers. It contains state of the art scanner systems and onboard research labs and facilities that allow it to conduct field study and testing of new equipment and lifeforms. This ship is occasionally sold to third parties to fund ageira and kishiro contracts.
Now, some reasoning:
-Kishiro/Ageira designed - because they're the two most powerful groups within sirius that focus heavily on technological research. Kishiro conducts most research within kusari, while ageira is putting more research into lane and gate technology in the other three houses.
-The "Occasionally sold to third parties" part was put in because there are many players who RP as researchers and scientists, but are members of factions which are not directly allied to ageira or kishiro. This ship should be available to, say, outcast players (dennis jameson in particular, he's wanted a research ship for a while), lane hackers, the order, etc. It is -built- by kishiro and ageira, but should be available to any player who wants to RP the role of a scientist without joining those factions.
-As for stats, it should either be a transport-class ship or a gunboat-class ship, with a mix of stats between the two. I'd suggest medium cargo space (2000-2500), with fairly good armor (150-200k?) but minimal firepower. If made a gunboat class ship it could have, say, 3-4 turrets and a mine dropper. It would primarily be used for RP, as it wont be extremely capable in combat situations and wont have enough cargo space to appeal to the powertraders.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
It shouldn't be a GB class vessel.
It should be a transport class vessel.
It could be done, ask Jinx.:P
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Also not to fond of the biodomes, If it got into a fight, which most research is done in the Omegas, so you cant rule some combat out. In an RP sense if you loose shields and something hits a biodome? Umm that would be bad. But a good concept none the less
There are obviously diffrent flavours of science ships to concider... One would be a science ship that focuses on the collection and stufy of biological organisms, this ship would most certainly have a small bio-dome or something on the top of the ship.
Another would be an astrology ship that had an observatory on the top, or bottom, of the ship and some powerful optical scanners.
Then we have the survey science ships who would land on planets quite often (a science ship with wings, really)
Then we'd have a more of a universal science ship which has all the astrology and biological containment labs inside of the ship instead of housing them in a biodome or observatory.
Now... The ships would most likely needs some way of defending themselves. Think about the Kusari Explorer, that's a science ship (atleast in my own opinion). Science ships would most likely roam in the Omicrons, Omegas and Tau systems in search for all kinds of specimens... Not to mention the scientists who venture into the nomad systems. So yeah, keep them in line with the Explorer, and don't make them into bloody transport ships cause that would be beyond useless for field studies.
A survey shience ship should have a *very very* weak forward gun that looks like a mining laser, and a claw that can collect samples (The claw shouldn't be animated, it's just there for the RP) The same goes for the universal science ship. The forward gun wouldn't really be a weapon, it'd most likely do... 20 damage, heh. It's just there to blow up asteroids and stuff so you can properly RP that you're collecting samples.
La la la la la... Supose that's it... I hope the idea comes through.
I don't know how many know about the Reliance, the Order's mobile research vessel (my zoner dessy as Bs|), but yeah it's a zoner dessy cause it's the closest to a research vessel that I could find.
I've thought about this, and I think that it should be either an Order or Zoner ship and be shaped like a Catamaran.
oh, I use mine as a Nomad cell and specimen holder and lab. I go to like Omicron major and delta and stuff, kill some nomads, get them in my hold and bring them to 100 or minor to the big main Order research labs. But for rp's sake I keep cells and brains and stuff in the hold of my ship.