So, I've stuck around long enough. It's been fun, I've got to see the lighter side of the community, and enjoy a lot of roleplay experiences with a lot of people. Though, it's generally time for me to move on. I was actually planning to leave a lot earlier, but life sometimes bites you, and you need to escape once and a while. Discovery was my escape.
Currently, real life needs my attention, since I've missed out on a lot of important things in my family. It's also almost New years, and my resolution is to leave my chair and go to the terrifying place known as outside.
Q: What will happen to your characters?
A: Well, storyline wise, I don't know, to be honest. Ship wise, I plan on giving certain things out to a select few people as farewell gifts.
So, I've really nothing to say anymore. It's been fun, but I've gotta run. So long, farewell, and happy holidays everyone.
Most sincerely,
Vendetta/Sev or whatever you want to call me, have called me, or need something to call me.