Now, then, since sanctions are supposed to be anonymous, can we add something in the sanction report template thread (On the first post, otherwise people won't read it) that asks people nicely not to do this? If they're rulebreakers, we'll know their name anyway, but if they aren't, then we might as well keep them from suspicion of the 'View New Posts' button users.
EDIT: Wow, I totally didn't say what I wanted to say. I meant, please don't put the rule breaker in question's name in the subtitle or title... :$
Sorry everyone! Silly sports got to me hard tonight....
EDIT 2: Wow, that was really, really dumb of me. I was in no way saying no one should be sanctioned or identified in the report, or that they shouldn't put the name in the sanction...
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
What?! What I read is you don't want anyone who is filing a sanction report to place the name of the violator in the title. Am I right? If that's that case any violation report submitted can not be viewed by anyone excepting admins. Where's the problem?
I disagree. If someone breaks the rules, we laugh at them. How do we laugh at someone if we dont know their name?
Then again, it would be much easier for me if I could just make a general "I'm laughing at you, rule breaker!" thread, rather than having to point out individual names and cases.
There's hardly a value in making the sanction report anonymous if the admins will give out screenshots with the reporting player's name in them if the person questions their sanction.
No longer active online due to a dwindling amount of non-PvP (trading, pirating, mining, etc.) fun in the new version.
i am sure you can imagine what happens when someone that has NOT violated any rules. is mentioned in a report. - or would you like to read:
Reported for re-engaging and ooRP
on the forum? - no matter if you are guildty or not, everyone will remember three things. - your name, and your two supposed violations. - even if there won t be a sanction afterwards... thats what people remember.
so - yes, a report should be anonymous and neutral. its only the admins business to know who is reported, not the communities.
a report can easily be columny. its the decent thing not to include a name in a report - and i don t even agree with public sanction reports. - its like beheading someone in front of a jeering crowd of people - middle ages much?
As I have heard before, one sanction report can ruin your reputation as a player and a RP player.
I support this movement, and Tenacity, its ok to laugh at people, but laughing at them directly makes you a bit of a jerk, do it on your own accord and not in the forums.
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