Anyone know some excellent movies or shows on Netflix? Looking for anything besides like.. westerns. I even enjoy musicals if they're well written. Also, I'd prefer newer movies that at least aren't in black and white. Shows like The Walking Dead I've already seen start to finish and such. But yeah, looking to waste the night away with some good flicks.
If there are some decent ones outside of Netflix, please do tell. Cheers!
If you are aware or not, please also state if it is or not on Netflix.
Yeah, it is flood. I'm down for a good laugh at stupid replies. But anywho, I do enjoy animés. Never even heard of that though. It's on Netflix? Or is it on an outside source? What's it about, without too bad of spoilers?
Yeah, I've seen a few of the episodes. Thank you! I'll see if I can find the complete series. Should I watch any of the movies, Doug? If so, which and what order?
Uh, try on Netflix, but also just hunt around for streaming sites, I'm sure you'll find something.
It's basically about these guys called contractors that have "magical" abilities that come at the cost of something. For example, one person has to break a finger every time he uses his ability. Other contracts include having to fold all the corners in a book, arranging stones in a 6 x 4 pattern, etc, etc.
The overall plot is that some super secret key has appeared that'll lead through the Gate, which is another other worldly object that just appeared out of no where and is believed to be the catalyst for the creation of the contractors. It focuses on a single man who aims to find this key anyway possible, even through lethal force.