Evenin' boys. Now, I know the Xeno Alliance an' The Brotherhood ain't had much correspondence or cooperation but 'm lookin' t'change that. Be warned, 's a big'un. It involves puttin' a hurt on them Mollys with both'a us gettin' somethin' outta it. If'n ya interested in it, we can discuss the finer details. If not, ain't no problem. We'll find some other way.
Don't know of us 'eh? I must say 's a bit of a surprise. I'll give ya the short version. We're acquainted with the Benitez Familia and smuggle their artifacts to the Liberteh market. Maybe ya forgot, who knows. Anyways, to the point.
What we offer is th'ability for the Brotherhood to get their hands on individuals they may wish to.. make an example of. Specifically, past traitors and even perhaps current ones the Mollys have used or are usin'. Think 'o it like one'a them black books. Names, info, location, such and such. As for us, we want one 'o them fancy 'Scylla' cruisers the Mollys love so much. That's also the short version.
Make no mistake, this ain't gonna be no walk in the park. I'm sure ya know that, far as yer enemies are concerned. What 'm askin' for is Brotherhood assistance in the form'a a strike team alongside ours. You know 'em better than us. If'n this tickles ya right, we can get down t'the particulars. It ain't gonna be just a smash 'n grab, though. Bit trickier.
I spoke with Leon Benitez and he confirmed your story, he mentioned your alliance as a trustworthy partner.
I am interested in hearing the finer details of this plan you have.
If it entertains the elders, the Brotherhood will send you this strike team, on the condition that it will operate under our command.
Both the black book an' the Scylla are in the same place; Arranmore Base in Dublin. The Alliance's held somewhat cordial relations wit' Mollys on account'a past run-ins. They been unaware'a our dealin's and apparently still so. Me an' some'a my boys gonna get on board with the guise of a big supply shipment for some extra cash. We gonna pop out shortly after that an' fight our way to the control room to sort the IFF system so's it don't shoot at ya fer a short time. List'll be on the same console.
Next, you's boys gonna board that mean 'ole Scylla. We'll dis-engage the moorin' after ya take the bridge just in case ya need us to board an' help out. Can't promise there'll be much'a us left by then, though. Only so many a few trains can carry if'n ya tryin' not to raise suspicions. Once ya take control an' moorin's done, we hightail it t'Gran Canaria an' swap ships. Ya'll will get the list then.
If'n ya got concerns or suggestions, 'm all ears. They's your enemy, after all.
I've spoken about your plan with an old compañero and well...
Something entertaining struck us.
You desire for information, men, and a ship.
You've mentioned several times that you are aware of our greater knowledge about our common foe....
Yet you plan to repay us for our help with information?
I am sure you have more to offer, señor.
That old amigo of mine is most curious about the outcome of this story.
Hmm. If yer tellin' me ya already know everythin' 'bout traitors an' such, so be it. Good on ya. We ain't got much to offer 'side from increasin' shipments or sellin' some'a yer stuff in the Liberteh market. Much as ya know, we ain't some big group like the Corsairs. We's simple freedom fighters, labelled as terrorists with the assistance'a the corrupt.
I'm assumin' ya already know what ya want, though. 'M I wrong?
Speaking about shipments...
The Benitez familia gained a fortune from trading with you.
My old compañero thinks all this wealth is too much of a burden to the Benitez familia.
It would be better if you would stop trading with them.
Instead, the Brotherhood knows many merchants you can trade with.
This way, the wealth would be divided more equally between the people of Crete.
Why trade with only one familia, if you could trade with many.
Just stop trading with the Benitez familia and the Brotherhood will arrange the rest.
Agree with this and you get what you want.
So long as the shipments can be matched, the Alliance don't much care who it comes from. Th'arrangement was business, after all. If'n ya boys can, it ain't no issue. I'll be havin' our arti boy handlin' most'a the shipments toss the details over.
Get yer quartermaster or whoever t'look it over 'n get back to me. If'n there's a loss, so long as it's marginal it shouldn't be much of an issue. 'Sides, I hear most'a the stuff comes from yer front porch.
The warehouses on Alexandria are filled with artifacts, packed and ready for shipment.
I will bring you into contact with the Lopez familia.
They are leading an artifact conglomerate of many smaller familias that together can easily serve your demand without loss.
The Corsair empire is on the dawn of a great transition and it is the Brotherhoods duty to make this transition go smooth,
without problems.
Therefore I stress again to keep this agreement confidential.