Büro der Marineintelligenz Secured military channel
...RECIPIENTS: GRN| ...SENDER: Kommissaroberrat Volker Koch, BDM Internal Affairs ...LOCATION: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System ...PRIORITY:Medium ...SUBJECT: Material exchange
Sehr geehrte Damen and Herren,
I'm sorry that our last meeting ended up in chaos and had to be canceled abrupt. We expected your convoy coming from Bering or Hudson, not Sigma-13. So we had to change our rendezvous point. And New Berlin isn't realy a good place for this kind of conversations. However, i think it is about time to go into details.
As already mentioned in our meetings before, the Büro wishes to have access to the Gallic marked. Especially Bio-Neural Processors and Cryocubes are in interest of us. We need exactly "1.200 units of Bio-Neural Processors and 4.500 units of Cryocubes", delivered to Mainz Storage Facility in Frankfurt. Maybe more in future.
We are ready to provide you with stabiline, light arms and military vehicles in return. I assume Herr Kommissar Schlafenberg promised you to show a little power demonstration of those vehicles. Sadly i can't grant you access to our factories. But i will provide you with all necessary technical specifications of said vehicles. I'm sure you will find something useful.
Product Line: Walker Vehicle Class: Velociraptor Mass: 12 t Top speed: 42 Km/h Power capacity: 4,300 u Hull plating: Cobadian Hull strength: 2,800 Shield strength: 5,000 Guns: 2 light turrets Available versions: Manned or unmanned
Comments: Standard offensive unit. Weak structural integrity but famous for high shield capacities and remarkable fire power. Specially designed for battles inside of densely settled cities. Most effective against structures, entrenched units and tanks.
Product Line: Walker Vehicle Class: Spinne Mass: 4,2 t Top speed: 40 Km/h Power capacity: 2,700 u Hull plating: Cobadian Hull strength: 2,150 Shield strength: 5,000 Guns: 1 light or medium turret Available versions: Unmanned only / cloaking device or jammer upgradeable
Comments: Relatively small unit compared with other walker types. Effective in both offensive and defensive operations. Its structure allows the use of one medium gun and additional equipment. Perfect for an ambush. A hidden Spinne should never be underestimated!
Product Line: Amphibious Vehicle Vehicle Class: Salamander Mass: 11 t Top speed on road: 100 Km/h Top speed in water: 18 Km/h Power capacity: 7,900 u Hull plating: Voranid Hull strength: 11,350 Shield strength: Shield not available Guns: 1 light or medium turret Available versions: Manned only / jammer upgradeable Comments: Standard ground unit. Light, fast and amphibious. The traditional design is still in fashion. If you believe in amphibious warfare, the Salamander will be your best friend. It is also a good anti-aircraft unit.
Product Line: Tank Vehicle Class: Tiger Mass: 50 t Top speed: 75 Km/h Power capacity: 22,500 u Hull plating: Puranid, Triborazid Hull strength: 18,050 Shield strength: 10,000 Guns: 1 medium turret Available versions: Manned only
Comments: Dependable and versatile. Heavy armor plating and strong powercore, while still beeing able to maneuver through rough terrain and distribute heavy punches to its opponents, this tank is a must have for every battle.
Product Line: Glider Vehicle Class: Rheinschnake Mass: 10 t Top speed: 98 Km/h Power capacity: 10,050 u Hull plating: Voranid Hull strength: 11,950 Shield strength: 12,000 Guns: 2 light turrets Available versions: Manned or unmanned / cloaking device or jammer upgradeable
Comments: The Rheinschnake is the first attempt to push Rheinland's glider technology in a completely new direction. Its powerful engines are much quieter than its predecessor ones, while still beeing able to hold up 10 tonnes plus additional weight. Suitable for any kind of terrain. An efficient killer on sea aswell on land.
Our goods will be delivered by logistic companies. Let me know how much and what kind of vehicles you wish to order, should you be interested in our offer. We can still talk about heavy stuff later, if this sortiment dosn't fits your needs.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kommissaroberrat Volker Koch
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Internal Affairs
Sender:The Directorate, Office of Naval Intelligence. Recipient:Kommissaroberrat Volker Koch, BDM Internal Affairs. Topic:Re: Material exchange.
The schematics provided by the Büro have passed our preliminary inspections - at least, from a theoretical standpoint. Naturally, we will need to perform cohesive and comprehensive live tests with the actual products before making a final decision.
Therefore, the Directorate places the following order:
750x Panzer "Tiger"
250x Kampfläufer "Spinne"
250x Kampfläufer "Velociraptor"
for a total of 1250 test vehicles. Of the selection offered, these variants were those which appear most suited to the Crown's needs.
Additionally, the Office wishes to procure 100 units of Stabiline for testing purposes.
Shipments are to be made to Battleship Venissieux in Lyonnais. Enter Gallia through the jumpgate in the neighbouring system of Rishiri, and hail the battleship immediately upon completion of your jump sequence. Provide valid credentials when they are requested and follow all instructions that Venissieux Command may issue during the docking and unloading processes.
Finally, the Département Logistique has been notified of your request, and the required goods will arrive at Mainz within 24 hours.
The Office looks forward to further co-operation.
À bientôt,
The Directorate
Office of Naval Intelligence
Gallic Royal Navy
Büro der Marineintelligenz Secured military channel
...RECIPIENTS: GRN| / ONI ...SENDER: Kommissaroberrat Volker Koch, BDM Internal Affairs ...LOCATION: Bonn Station, New Berlin System ...PRIORITY:Medium ...SUBJECT: Re: Material exchange
Sehr geehrte Damen and Herren,
The cargo has been delivered. I hope anything is alright and the quality fits your needs.
Encrypted: High
Priority: Medium
Subject: The part of freight is delivered
Guten Tag
I today on my own transport RS|RTS-Altenburg has delivered part of freight to Battleship Venissieux , same quantity of this cargo was delivered by other our pilot earlier .