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As the playerbase reduced, I think it's time to bring back some of the Jumpholes that existed in previous versions of this mod, and even Vanilla, that made travelling shorter.
Omega 11- Omega 7; Omega 11 - Omega 3; Honshu - Hokkaido; Cambridge - Leeds; Theta - Eta - Alpha; Tau 37 - Alpha; Sigma 13 - New Berlin; Sigma 13 - Chugoku; Honshu - Chugoku just to name a few.
Not all of them have to be brought back but if most of them do it'll be much appreciated.
Those are the ones that I remember without any wiki digging, but I'm sure there are more, so if anyone else remembers a useful jumphole that used to exist and now doesn't, feel free to share it here.
Also, opinions.
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Most of those were removed because they were insane shortcuts that destroyed activity in huge swathes of space. Can you present a compelling case that this'd no longer be the case this time around?
I mean, sure, some of them really do need repairing though. Shorter routes between Gamma and Alpha, for example. A lot of them were just trader shortcuts though.
As jammi said some of those JH are just tools for powertraders to get somewhere with less pain.
Though some would be quite useful, like the Chukogu-Honshu one.
We need more comments on this.
Or make these shortcut jump holes limited only to snubs and freighters like docking satellites. I think someone said in past it´s possible and problem with powertraders would be solved then...
As jh are now they are fine i think coz old setup skipped some systems and lowered interactions within these systems. Moving them to ther present locations has made trading a bit more interisting, dodging pirates an meeting up with other players. For exp the O11 jh's to O7 &O3 was only moved next door to O9, if you want short route shoot trough there but possible pirates or wild could be waiting or go the saver route trough Stuttgart if you not to brave. Any case i think its fine way it is as the enviroment is constantly changing. And like a wise man once told me there is no easy way to make money.
(07-08-2015, 09:23 PM)Laura C. Wrote: Or make these shortcut jump holes limited only to snubs and freighters like docking satellites. I think someone said in past it´s possible and problem with powertraders would be solved then...
Now that's something I haven't thought about. In vanillia lore, no bigger ships but freighters could jump through the holes...
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They existed in 4.85 when 200 players was a common thing. Now that we're down to 40 they are all removed.
I know they were overpowered for powertraders but they had the risks of getting pirated easier (There were alot of them back in the day) or killed by Npcs (10+ Wild VHFs with CD come to mind). Putting holes for snubs and freighters only is a very good idea.
The main problem overall is that there are too many systems for the amount of players and they just lack shortcuts. Not just for traders, but for anyone else.
Also, just remembered Frankfurt - Hamburg jumpoles. Both got removed.