We have received a lot of feedback regarding our latest migration. Since then we checked mostly all of the possible reasons for the poor performance and decided to migrate the server yet again and back to France.
This has already yielded positive results in regards to server load as well as ping.
The server also costs about the same as the one before which means that our calculations for what we need to get per month are still valid.
Sadly though, the monthly costs on our Patreon does only cover about two thirds of what we need. Please consider donating a bit if you are capable to do so.
Please report back to us how you experience the performance of the new server. Thank you.
Would like to know if you can survive two months with the current donations, if yes I would donate 10€ in 2 months (New year = more money)
If not, I would start already this month with 10€.
seems fine. I signed up fer 5 $ Cnd. per month.. probly only 1/2 a euro with exchange hell I could sell that stupid star citizen ship I bought and havd still never used ... chuckles ..