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I though the Freeport was free of unjustified people Nodoka...yet today, it seems its not. Emna Loyola was flying around the Freeport today, and decided to drag up past history to blow up my shuttle which, mind you, was right on top of the Freeport.
[10.02.2018 21:03:34] Enma.Loyola.: Wasn't that Emiko person actively cooperating with the Order?
[10.02.2018 21:03:41] Em.H: Emiko: Was.
[10.02.2018 21:03:49] A/)-ACV-Predator: <:: Weren't /you/ openly cooperating with the Nomads {?} ::>
[10.02.2018 21:03:59] Em.H: Emiko: But you hit the nail on the head Enma yes.
[10.02.2018 21:04:00] Order|CV-Sopdu: Mark: Good one.
[10.02.2018 21:04:17] Enma.Loyola.: I am Enma of House Loyola, sentence you you die, Emiko.
[10.02.2018 21:04:20] Death: Em.H was put out of action by Enma.Loyola. (Gun).
Personally I was hoping that the Freeport would be a safe place, and I was going to wait for you...yet now I'm seeing it from other colors Nodoka. My uncle died doing what was right...Shepard vanished doing what she though was right...this train of actions I've seen as of late...tell me. Am I going to die by you or hired hands doing what I though was right?
It brings into question if I should trust you, or the Confederacy anymore. More so, it brings into question why you Nodoka, admin of Freeport eleven, avenger of those that died there, speaker of those that go against the Order...it really just brings into question what you allow Core to do to civilians now...seeing Emna use a Nephilim as a shield from when the Freeport fired on her, all the way up to you letting warships staying in the no fire zone...
Tell me, truthfully Nodoka. If you are about neutrality..and the ending of fighting...why are you allowing people like the Core, and their terrorist leader Emna, to kill innocent people in the no fire zone? Today proved to me that those that died on the Port were not a vain attack by the Order, but proved to me perfectly why exactly the Order hates and spites you. You said there would be no more fighting..no more destruction near the freeport...yet Emna today proved that she and the Core do not care about that...today the Core shotdown a civilian...
So between the Order blowing up the Port, and Emna shooting down civilians, could you perhaps tell me which one is the real hostiles of the freeport? Or...was it honestly just you, picking the less of two evils?
Audemus vita nostra muniatur.
We dare to defend our lives.
I apologize for the encounter you had with Enma. Frankly, I'm beyond irritated with both factions. I'm pissed with the Order because of Golanski being insane, and I'm pissed with the Core because they're incompetent and their commandant lacks public-facing restraint.
To me, in all honesty, I hate both of them equally, sans the few people in the Core's ranks - sans Enma of course, today just solidified that I hate her guts - But I tolerate the Core because I have no choice. If they were gone, and we had a defense force of our own that was on station I'd take them over either of them any day, since from my encounters with the defense forces not aligned with either of them, they're NOT THE LUNATICS I PUT UP WITH ON A DAILY BASIS.
I'm sorry Emiko. I know that she's done a evil deed, but the Core has a gun at our head. It's not a case of lesser of two evils as much as it is I walked into this position with guns at my head and I have to tread carefully lest the people of this station be put into grave danger. If I had the opportunity to Claim Omicron Delta for the CoF and expunge Enma and her idiots, and Golanski and his idiots, I would more than happily jump at the opportunity if it would give no rammifications, but yet.. that is what life is. Actions have consequences. And although my mistimed action is more of an inaction, that too will have consequences.
All I ask is that you forgive such inaction. The next time Enma fires on you in my presence, I'm going to make sure she goes back to Yaren in a escape pod, cooperative agreements made by Voncloud be damned.
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Mmm...very well, I shall trust you this time Nodoka...when I got home, my mom took time off to do some White Tiger training with me, so I'm more lax now at least to respond. My mom does not want me on my liner out there at this time, given this happened, she does not want me to risk even more lives, so I'll be using my shuttle till I get more money for the Sabres being sold on the station...
To be honest, you remind me alot of my uncle Jeremy and Shepard, Nodoka...you do everything right, for what you believe is better for all of us, and not just a few...I know Golanski, who used to be my boss at that, has done wrong, and so has Emna, but I'll stay out of the conflict regardless...I rather not be pulled back in and be forced to fight someone I call a friend...
Oh..ya and uhm...my mom, Lilly Hideyoshi says Konbanwa and to be careful...s-so ya...
We'll see each other again soon..once I finish scraping my shuttle back together Emiko Hunter goes back to work
I have quite a lot of money at my disposal. I'd be more than happy to help you tend to needs for a new vessel, Emiko. Give me a reasonable amount and a account to wire it to and I'll have it sent there soon.
Oh..thats very kind of you Nodoka..I'm going to buy a new vessel called the White.Tiger so no one but you and me know its...well me, and I don't need much, only five million will do for the ship itself, armor I'll worry about later once I get my liner fueled up and ready. Emiko Hunter goes back to work
I'm going to have to decline sending you the 5 million credits. instead I shall be sending you 15 million so you can tend to everything you need to set up the ship. Consider it a long overdue token of appreciation for your efforts now and from your help during the Carthage situation.
Expect a credit transaction of 15.000.000 credits from the ZTV Frederic d'Erlanger.
Thank you so much Nodoka..I bought a civilian freighter off the Freeport in Theta..now I'm resting back home with mom frantically making sure I'm okay..so is my wife to, tho I guess with all I get over time they got a right to be worried. I'll be on the move by tomorrow if they let me, see you out there Nodoka.
I got two guncams to show you Nodoka..Core most likely won't say anything but you must see this. Captain Kyle of the RNC-Krauss appeared near the Freeport today, stating he was allowed there by you..this was cut short when a hostile RNC-Schiller appeared and fired a nightmare toward the freeport. I'm not sure if you truely allowed this, but something seemed really off...
[11.02.2018 17:54:28] Yellowstone.Park: Captain:...what.
[11.02.2018 17:54:33] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: What the
[11.02.2018 17:54:34] 2018-02-11 17:54:35 SMT Traffic control alert: A/)-ACV-Predator has requested to dock
[11.02.2018 17:54:48] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: Identify yourself's Rhienland Vessel.
[11.02.2018 17:55:00] 2018-02-11 17:55:01 SMT Traffic control alert: Yellowstone.Park has requested to dock
[11.02.2018 17:55:19] Warning: incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 10% to compensate
[11.02.2018 17:55:23] RNC-Krauss: Rasch: This is Rheinland Bismarck battleship Krauss. We are here to serve in the Freeport's defence line for a limited time.
[11.02.2018 17:55:28] /stuck
[11.02.2018 17:55:28] Attention! Stand clear. Towing Yellowstone.Park
[11.02.2018 17:55:29] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: You what ?
[11.02.2018 17:55:31] /stuck
[11.02.2018 17:55:31] Attention! Stand clear. Towing Yellowstone.Park
[11.02.2018 17:55:47] RNC-Krauss: Rasch: Administrator has briefly agreed to this. After the threats are gone- we'll leave.
[11.02.2018 17:56:23] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: Uhhh.... Have you Consulted the Core ?
[11.02.2018 17:56:59] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Not ourselves. Yet some of your Core members didn't seem to care about our presence.
[11.02.2018 17:57:32] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: Please wait for a moment, i'll have a superior officer here.
[11.02.2018 17:57:42] Death: Xycon suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[11.02.2018 17:57:43] Attention! Stand clear. Towing EFL:_Le_Ciel_Etoile
[11.02.2018 17:57:46] RNC-Krauss: Dover: This ship has been...present here for a few days already.
[11.02.2018 17:58:10] 2018-02-11 17:58:11 SMT Traffic control alert: EFL:_Le_Ciel_Etoile has requested to dock
[11.02.2018 17:58:25] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: Few Days ?
[11.02.2018 17:58:29] Death: Banker_XIII was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[11.02.2018 17:58:35] RNC-Krauss: Rasch: Pretty much.
[11.02.2018 17:59:56] Core|WV-Sargasso: Luke: There He is.
[11.02.2018 18:00:16] RNC-Krauss: Rasch: More Core? Is this some assault?
[11.02.2018 18:00:32] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: If it was an assault- we'd be dead already.
[11.02.2018 18:00:41] Core|WV-Laptev: We're alerted to why there is a Rheinland Military Capital in our space.
[11.02.2018 18:00:56] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: This is Lone-Elk of the Valley. We're on station and ready to provide support.
[11.02.2018 18:01:17] RNC-Krauss: Dover: Triggerhappy- eh?
[11.02.2018 18:01:18] Core|WV-Laptev: What is your reason for being here, Captain?
[11.02.2018 18:02:00] (C~Diamond: So many of them.
[11.02.2018 18:02:04] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: We're here to provide support in case of Nomad attacks. This battleship already took out a good number of them.
[11.02.2018 18:02:43] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Threats such as- Commune.
[11.02.2018 18:02:43] (C~Diamond: Rheinland capital on scanners.
[11.02.2018 18:02:54] Core|-Anubite: Hm.
[11.02.2018 18:03:04] Core|-Anubite: Permission to take care of this Outcast?
[11.02.2018 18:03:05] (C~Diamond: Let's see what do we have.
[11.02.2018 18:03:10] Core|WV-Laptev: Blast him.
[11.02.2018 18:03:16] (C~Diamond: Alright.
[11.02.2018 18:03:16] Core|-Anubite: Weapons free.
[11.02.2018 18:03:25] (C~Diamond: Attacking!
[11.02.2018 18:03:30] Core|WV-Laptev: We don't need you doing our job.
[11.02.2018 18:03:37] Core|WV-Laptev: It's against our laws for foreign capital ships to be here.
[11.02.2018 18:03:48] Core|WV-Laptev: And most likely, the Bundestag will be wondering where the hell you are.
[11.02.2018 18:04:10] RNC-Krauss: Ivan: This is a retired Captal ship, Core.
[11.02.2018 18:04:22] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: So then you stole it.
[11.02.2018 18:04:30] Core|WV-Laptev: The Rheinland Military casusally retiring a Rheinland Battleship? That is a good joke.
[11.02.2018 18:04:34] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: A thief, and an idiot. Just our lucky day.
[11.02.2018 18:04:47] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: If retired means stolen- nice mentality.
[11.02.2018 18:05:20] Core|WV-Laptev: We've got an agreement with Rheinland to return foreign capital ships such as yourself back to Rheinland space.
[11.02.2018 18:05:34] Core|WV-Laptev: We're not buying your excuses.
[11.02.2018 18:05:40] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Indeed.
[11.02.2018 18:05:50] Yellowstone.Park: Emiko: Err...if I'm allowed to ask, what was the ship retired for? For service? Outdated Module?
[11.02.2018 18:05:56] Core|WV-Laptev: And whether they're valid or not, they still break our law. Our sacred law. Our law of war. Our law that is to be respected-
[11.02.2018 18:06:02] Core|WV-Laptev: -above all law in the Edge Worlds.
[11.02.2018 18:06:27] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: The ship is retired for...multiple reasons.
[11.02.2018 18:06:27] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Damn, nice speech.
[11.02.2018 18:06:34] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Oi, pal.
[11.02.2018 18:06:38] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Go ahead and scan us.
[11.02.2018 18:06:42] Core|WV-Laptev: The fine for bringing a foreign capital to Core space is 3,000,000 credits. You will pay this immediately, before we escort you
[11.02.2018 18:06:47] Core|WV-Laptev: Out of the Omicrons.
[11.02.2018 18:06:55] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: If you don't us to retire you permanently, do as you're told.
[11.02.2018 18:07:49] Core|WV-Laptev: You understand English, ja Rheinlander?
[11.02.2018 18:08:01] WV-Stingray: Wayne: We could turn that ship into some valuable scrap
[11.02.2018 18:08:10] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: And before you even think about trying anything, I've got Torpedo lock. I'll break off that fancy cloak of yours.
[11.02.2018 18:08:20] Yellowstone.Park: Emiko: You also said the Freeport administrator allowed you here...do you got logs of Nodoka saying that?
[11.02.2018 18:08:20] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: I should've ask your high command for refunds on my dead Liner when I had the chance.
[11.02.2018 18:08:42] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Logs? I have enough of those.
[11.02.2018 18:08:48] Core|WV-Laptev: Whether it's permitted or not, it's still a foreign capital in our space.
[11.02.2018 18:08:50] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Listen pal. The only other Rheinland Battleship we've seen here is 100% infected.
[11.02.2018 18:08:51] Core|WV-Laptev: Which we will not tolerate.
[11.02.2018 18:09:04] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: So we assume you're an agent of the nomads.
[11.02.2018 18:09:13] Core|WV-Laptev: Indeed, there is a repeat pattern of House foreign capitals we meet here being infected.
[11.02.2018 18:09:28] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Oh yes, check my tentacles maybe I have some. *sarcastically*
[11.02.2018 18:09:37] OSC-Las.Vegas|Casino: Such hostile conversation again! Ladies and gentlemen, why don't you relax over a few drinks and games?
[11.02.2018 18:09:39] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Prime mortars.
[11.02.2018 18:09:41] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Either way- we'll comply this time.
[11.02.2018 18:09:46] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: And any other time.
[11.02.2018 18:10:11] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Just one question.
[11.02.2018 18:10:15] Core|WV-Laptev: Go ahead.
[11.02.2018 18:10:22] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Remember my crew?
[11.02.2018 18:10:34] Core|WV-Laptev: Don't know, personally I don't care.
[11.02.2018 18:10:46] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Remember their juicy screams while they burned in one of my liners?
[11.02.2018 18:11:05] /givecash white.tiger 2630260
[11.02.2018 18:11:05] You have sent 2.630.260 credits to White.Tiger
[11.02.2018 18:11:10] 2018-02-11 18:11:11 SMT Traffic control alert: Nicholas_Loney has requested to dock
[11.02.2018 18:11:11] Core|WV-Laptev: That's pretty creepy that you find the screams of your own dying crew juicy.
[11.02.2018 18:11:16] OSC-Las.Vegas|Casino: What dark tones.
[11.02.2018 18:11:17] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Oooo~ how dark and mysteri- Yeah I don't really care. Get out of here.
[11.02.2018 18:11:27] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Why the in world would you bring a liner into nomad space?
[11.02.2018 18:11:32] Core|WV-Laptev: We might have to escalte this. I don't think it's legally safe to keep you here.
[11.02.2018 18:11:34] OSC-Las.Vegas|Casino: What would one of the kids say? "Edgy"? Haha! Maybe you should lighten up over a game!
[11.02.2018 18:11:36] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[11.02.2018 18:11:38] 2018-02-11 18:11:39 SMT Traffic control alert: Yellowstone.Park has requested to dock
Then I grabbed my bomber which was on the Freeport, so I missed abit...
[11.02.2018 18:11:58] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: I ask the question this time. Now tell me. Why did you shoot off my liner. Filled with innocents.
[11.02.2018 18:11:59] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Torpedoes primed.
[11.02.2018 18:12:06] Death: DARX suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[11.02.2018 18:12:10] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: The sooner we make an example out of this "retired" and totally not infected warship, the better.
[11.02.2018 18:12:17] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: I can do sarcasm too pal.
[11.02.2018 18:12:19] Core|WV-Laptev: Let's allow him to talk first. I'm interested.
[11.02.2018 18:12:32] Core|WV-Laptev: Your liner was probably breaking the law.
[11.02.2018 18:12:40] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Not probably. Certainly.
[11.02.2018 18:12:56] Core|WV-Laptev: That is the only reason why we ever fire upon anything.
[11.02.2018 18:12:56] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Lawbreakers aren't innocent when caught in the act.
[11.02.2018 18:12:56] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Breaking the law? A half damanged Pilgrim Liner. Having no goods aboard.
[11.02.2018 18:13:00] Core|WV-Laptev: As I said, our law is sacred.
[11.02.2018 18:13:05] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: And uh, for the record, I claim you killed three liners filled with kittens. I've no evidence. Do you?
[11.02.2018 18:13:09] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Was that breaking the law?
[11.02.2018 18:13:36] White.Tiger: Emiko: Waiiitt...were you that junker captain that appeared during the Port event?
[11.02.2018 18:13:50] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: A Junker.
[11.02.2018 18:13:52] Core|WV-Laptev: It's funny how people can twist their vision of events to make themselves sound innocent.
[11.02.2018 18:13:55] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: In a Rheinland Battleship.
[11.02.2018 18:14:01] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Aren't all white tigers a clone of some old cat nowdays?
[11.02.2018 18:14:08] White.Tiger: Emiko: What.
[11.02.2018 18:14:24] White.Tiger: Emiko: ...No, I named my ship after the Kung Fu art of the White Tiger..
[11.02.2018 18:14:28] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: I need a proper scan of the ship.
[11.02.2018 18:14:36] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Cool.
[11.02.2018 18:14:39] Core|WV-Laptev: I'm tired of the dramatics. Time to comply with the law and send me that fine, Rheinlander.
[11.02.2018 18:14:40] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Just look at you, Core. You don't care about the Omicrons's safety. You want to be the only ones with big toys.
[11.02.2018 18:14:44] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: I dig the name, respect, sis.
[11.02.2018 18:14:58] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Aw. Someone doesn't like the rules.
[11.02.2018 18:15:01] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: And for good reason.
[11.02.2018 18:15:04] Core|WV-Laptev: The Captain of a 'retired' Rheinland battleship is lecturing me. How quaint.
[11.02.2018 18:15:05] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Order has big toys.
[11.02.2018 18:15:12] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Look what they did.
[11.02.2018 18:15:18] White.Tiger: Emiko: If I might say.
[11.02.2018 18:15:22] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: No you might not.
[11.02.2018 18:15:26] 2018-02-11 18:15:27 SMT Traffic control alert: OSC-Las.Vegas|Casino has requested to dock
[11.02.2018 18:15:28] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: They only returned here to raze a base and ally with a group of pirates.
[11.02.2018 18:15:28] White.Tiger: F-fine..
[11.02.2018 18:15:32] Core|WV-Laptev: Alright he's sent the fine. Let's escort him out to the Sigmas.
[11.02.2018 18:15:48] Core|WV-Laptev: It goes without saying that if we see your face here again, we will shoot you.
[11.02.2018 18:16:02] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Please, oh please. Make my day and return.
[11.02.2018 18:16:05] Core|WV-Laptev: We will also be informing the Rheinland Military High Command.
[11.02.2018 18:16:06] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: That is almost sweet.
[11.02.2018 18:16:15] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: I'll gladly prevent another infected warship roaming around.
[11.02.2018 18:16:22] Core|WV-Laptev: Let's move, on me
[11.02.2018 18:16:31] 2018-02-11 18:16:32 SMT Traffic control alert: White.Tiger has requested to dock
[11.02.2018 18:18:23] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Now move it or lose it.
[11.02.2018 18:18:28] Core|WV-Laptev: Now charge your engines and go.
[11.02.2018 18:18:35] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: I'm going to count to ten.
[11.02.2018 18:18:38] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: One.
[11.02.2018 18:18:39] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Fourth shot won't miss.
[11.02.2018 18:18:40] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Engines ready...let's move.
[11.02.2018 18:18:40] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Two.
[11.02.2018 18:18:43] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Three.
[11.02.2018 18:18:45] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Four.
[11.02.2018 18:18:48] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Five.
[11.02.2018 18:18:52] Core|WV-Laptev: On me.
[11.02.2018 18:18:52] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Six.
[11.02.2018 18:18:58] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Speed progressing.
[11.02.2018 18:18:59] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Is that a joke?
[11.02.2018 18:19:06] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Cruise it or lose it, pilot. Stop wasting our time or I'm going to waste you.
[11.02.2018 18:19:08] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Should we...blast you up to speed?
[11.02.2018 18:19:10] RNC-Schiller: This is Battleship Schiller for Battleship Krauss what are you doing close to the target?
[11.02.2018 18:19:11] Core|WV-Laptev: Alright I'm sick of this.
[11.02.2018 18:19:14] Core|WV-Laptev: Light him up.
[11.02.2018 18:19:22] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: On it. Firing torpedoes.
[11.02.2018 18:19:22] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Wait, what?
[11.02.2018 18:19:26] WV-Stingray: Wayne: Charging weapons
[11.02.2018 18:19:31] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: Woah what the hell.
[11.02.2018 18:19:33] RNC-Schiller: Krauss is under fire! Moving in to support!
[11.02.2018 18:20:37] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Retired, eh?
[11.02.2018 18:20:38] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: We have organisms aboard! THEY INFECTED US***********************
[11.02.2018 18:20:44] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: But also fully combat ready.
[11.02.2018 18:20:50] RNC-Krauss: Kyle: YOU DIRTY SCUMBAGS
[11.02.2018 18:20:51] WV-From.This.Valley: Joe: Incoming heavy artillery! Nightmare torpedo!
[11.02.2018 18:20:52] Death: RNC-Krauss was put out of action by WV-Stingray (Gun).
[11.02.2018 18:21:01] White.Tiger: I got this
[11.02.2018 18:21:06] White.Tiger: Oh he does
[11.02.2018 18:21:09] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: I want directed neutron purge on the area.
[11.02.2018 18:21:20] Core|WV-Perditrix: Daniels: Erradicate all lifeforms in that area. Sterilize it.
The RNC Krauss is a ... strange subject. I did grant it clearance first because its' captain (at the time, Kyle Vaughn, who commandeered it from his friend who had, god only knows, had it stowed away somewhere in the Omicrons) had helped the station numerous times before, but...
If the statement that he's been infected by the Schiller is true..
Oh.. god..
I... I..
Emiko - I'll be out soon to get information from the defense forces that survived the ambush.. God..
[11.02.2018 17:01:18] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Good day.
[11.02.2018 17:01:21] (C~Diamond: Contact on radar.
[11.02.2018 17:01:30] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Civilian liner, non hostile
[11.02.2018 17:01:48] (C~Diamond: Fuel, I see.
[11.02.2018 17:02:01] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: For the ships on the edge worlds, correct sir.
[11.02.2018 17:02:11] (C~Diamond: Who in particular?
[11.02.2018 17:02:32] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Anyone on the Freeport to be exact sir, I heard its hard for Gas Miners to get fuel ships out here.
[11.02.2018 17:02:44] (C~Diamond: Gas miners?
[11.02.2018 17:02:53] (C~Diamond: Aren't they the ones who produce it?
[11.02.2018 17:03:11] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Indeed they are, however I picked this bay up from the Freeport in Theta.
[11.02.2018 17:03:26] (C~Diamond: I see.
[11.02.2018 17:03:32] (C~Diamond: Odd
[11.02.2018 17:03:41] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Hmm?
[11.02.2018 17:03:46] (C~Diamond: Are you sure those are really for the Gas miners guild?
[11.02.2018 17:04:11] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Oh no no no sir, I meant that the Gas miners mine helium and turn it into fuel, thats what I meant
[11.02.2018 17:04:44] (C~Diamond: I see.
[11.02.2018 17:04:55] (C~Diamond: Well, I was a bit confused there.
[11.02.2018 17:05:05] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Its alright, I should of explained myself better.
[11.02.2018 17:05:11] (C~Diamond: Because the GMG are producing the H-Fuel.
[11.02.2018 17:05:59] (C~Diamond: Judging by ship scan, you got a big crew.
[11.02.2018 17:06:08] (C~Diamond: Including...
[11.02.2018 17:06:18] (C~Diamond: REsearch corps.
[11.02.2018 17:06:30] (C~Diamond: Or marines even.
[11.02.2018 17:06:32] Yellowstone.Park: *The captain nods* Besides transporting cargo, I got an onboard medical team that helped civilians during the evacuation of the
[11.02.2018 17:06:37] Yellowstone.Park: Port.
[11.02.2018 17:06:55] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: And yes, research for medical needs and marines to stop Corsair raiders from boarding.
[11.02.2018 17:07:14] (C~Diamond: I see.
[11.02.2018 17:07:30] (C~Diamond: You are well prepared then.
[11.02.2018 17:07:39] (C~Diamond: Sadly,
[11.02.2018 17:07:42] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Always for the edge worlds! *She smiles kindly*
[11.02.2018 17:07:53] (C~Diamond: I will ask for a little tax.
[11.02.2018 17:08:14] (C~Diamond: We do not really like the Freeport being supplied.
[11.02.2018 17:08:17] Yellowstone.Park: *The captain nods* I got only two hundred thousands on me, but might I offer something else as well?
[11.02.2018 17:08:36] (C~Diamond: Something such as...?
[11.02.2018 17:09:11] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: I got two blue diamond rings onboard, their directly from Gallia..I don't got much left in my money because yesterday
[11.02.2018 17:09:22] Yellowstone.Park: miss *grand* Loyola blew up my ship...
[11.02.2018 17:09:34] (C~Diamond: Loyola?
[11.02.2018 17:09:44] (C~Diamond: Really?
[11.02.2018 17:09:52] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Yes, Emna Loyola, all over one really stupid fact.
[11.02.2018 17:10:06] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: I might not look it, but I used to work for the Order...I left.
[11.02.2018 17:10:09] (C~Diamond: In Gallia, just as we expected.
[11.02.2018 17:10:19] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: The babbling madman and his crew that now run that show
[11.02.2018 17:10:36] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: And..the death of my family..
[11.02.2018 17:10:51] (C~Diamond: I am sorry.
[11.02.2018 17:11:11] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Its alright. the further I am from Golanski and his hounds, the better.
[11.02.2018 17:11:26] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: But first, here sir, I'll give you want I have left.
[11.02.2018 17:11:33] Yellowstone.Park: *what I have
[11.02.2018 17:11:37] (C~Diamond: Right
[11.02.2018 17:11:53] (C~Diamond: Thank you for your cooperation.
[11.02.2018 17:12:00] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: No worries, am I free to go sir?
[11.02.2018 17:12:07] (C~Diamond: Indeed you are.
[11.02.2018 17:12:15] Yellowstone.Park: Captain: Thank you, have a good day sir!
[11.02.2018 17:12:26] (C~Diamond: Let the light be with you.