It would be awesome if we could gather all the related rp threads in here. Just so I don't lose track of anything. Just post a link here, preferably with a very tiny summary.
KNF - Pioneers first contact : Kusari Naval Forces attempt to contact pioneers, so that the admiralty can take a decision regarding the nature and amount of assistance to send them.
Defilers - Nerva's first encounter with the Defilers
Alexander Vrenner, Nerva's fake identity when piloting his Sutinga - He discovered the jh to Uncharted and started scanning and investigating everything. He is the first pilot to meet the Defilers; he talks a bit with them, and then he should start shipping Booze to the Moon.
The Mystery Scramble message to the Midnight Runner giving some details about the new Jump Hole.
@Yaoquizque I ain't a spy. X( Also, Regis is a he ^^ < The Æon C'bal become aware of the Moon through the recon of C'bal sentience D'Ara'Archa, masqurading as Nesrin Khan, just as it has for the last five years. Nesrin's observance of the large incidence of Humans bearing exotic technology suggests the presence of a K'vosh ossuary and informs the Moon's populace (and supporters) to prepare for a C'bal occupation of the starsystem to ascertain the reality of the hypothesis.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)