Hi guys, with the intention to return I saw this event some moments ago. My resume and result of it: I decided for myself that my time in this game is entirely over. Discovery has become a game, I don't wanna play anymore. Therefore I gonna dissolve Aeon C'bal and the Zoner Consensus or remove myself in case of a serious replacement. (Not that much people have been pretty much interested into these factions)
And yes, I'm giving out my stuff. So, post here with a good reason if you want some stuff.
I will continue RPing my Aeon character, as the part of this faction, so AI cruiser would come in handy. Zoner assets could also go for KRG. that's still the part of Consenus.
Anyway, you are not the first and not the last person, who is leaving this game. It's a sad sight, but this fate is waiting for everyone here. I wish you everything the best in your future RL endeavours and hope to see you here again one day.
I didn't expect or wish to see this. A shame tbh, a real shame. I will somehow miss Alessa, guess that's the real final nail to the Sol Project.
Wish you all the best elsewhere then, Disco surely changed lots.. and not always to the better.