The caption may be funny, but its content is meant seriously. The game has gotten terribly boring for me and since devs are keeping on messing stuff up even more, the game gets worse and worse. Im thankful that i had alot of fun here in the last 2 and a half years and that i've met alot of good peeps, but theres always an end. No matter how many struggles i had with some peeps here, i still hope that you will enjoy Freelancer because youre the last ones who are supporting this and with you the faith of this game goes on. My special thanks to the Commune, its the best faction around here with the coolest peeps inside it. I hope you will rock this thing someday My stuff is already given to a good friend, dont ask for it please.
With this I'm leaving for good, farewell dear community.
welp it seems more people will leave the game because game gets boring and boring and more boring. Even i was thinking to leave but i can always take a break and come back no need to leave completely. Sad to see good players leaving.