Honored Professors and esteemed colleagues. With great pleasure, I am here to announce that I have finished the "Infiltration" career criteria by collecting valuable intelligence about a rogue Interspace transport and selling it to the Liberty authorities two times. I have attached everything notable here:
Buonasera Professors,
as we are halfway through the year I thought it would be a good time to visit our export and import network to ascertain that all participants are still in place and fulfilling our needs.
Export bases visited can be seen below with import following.
Export following the listing order in our Technical Manual Import also following our Technical Manual order.
I am happy to announce all was as it should be with only one aside. That aside has already been broached in our internal neural net.
As per this conversation, I have traded for the information that the Outcasts under Fiorella Arianna de Marco are seeking "alternative sources of distribution" for Cardamine, and engaged in attempted assassinations against the Rogue leader. The words "The Xenos don't want to change Liberty." were presented to me as a direct quote from her, as well. We learned from Professor Wolfe's previous encounter that the Xenos cannot be relied upon by anyone, and that they have no qualms about backstabbing. Apparently, this has been in development for at least three years, and I believe it poses an existential threat to Cardamine and its trade. If the Xenos successfully sold Outcast movements, locations, and smuggling routes to the LSF, it could spell the end of the Lane Hackers at least, if not any Liberty Unlawful group to oppose the Xenos.
I recognize that the Rogues are not considered a hostile or neutral faction, but I do note that Hemlocke in particular is known to be repeatedly belligerent against Lane Hackers in general, and as such I am reporting this under the Subterfuge criteria, with the claim that I extracted valuable information from a neutral or hostile individual. Simply put, he doesn't really like us.
I will research the identities and affiliations of those Outcasts under de Marco, and will provide a report at a later date. That is all.
Before going into the specifics on the above criterion, I'd like to mention that I've made a return from the shadowy depths of Mactan to have a look around Liberty - and Sirius -, getting myself up-to-date with the news, extorting corporate lackeys of their hard earned credits and decimating the incompetent Navy lapdogs that were sent against me. While I've already taken a part of a number of fights over the last week, dismantling a number of Interdictor-class and Archer-class warships - even forcing an Overlord-class to dock in order to escape certain death - one of them stood out as a perfect attempt to truly humiliate the Navy hypocrites.
It was earlier today, when during a normal and calm evening I decided I'd visit Pennsylvania. While cruising down the tradelane leading to Erie, I caught a glimpse of a ship who's signature I recognized to be an Interdictor-class that I just so happened to blow up not five days ago, in California. The ship was roughly in the direction of Bethlehem, so I decided I'd exit the tradelane and investigate; make sure the lapdog isn't bothering the Zoners.
Turns out the knave was destroying Rogue installations near the vicinity of Bethlehem, taking the prisoners back to the LPI for 'processing'.
I managed to steer the captain's attention away from the task at hand and lead him far from the station where we had a conversation that lasted a while. Among many, mostly useless things, it was revealed that the secondary fleet does not have the necessary personnel available to assign to warships, so they are prematurely promoting officers in order to assign them in command of such ships with little to no experience, sending them head-first into combat in command of a ship they've likely never been in before. Not a surprise, to be honest, but I did not expect the Navy to have gotten that much more incompetent since last time I popped my head around.
After seeing me cut the tradelane a few times, the captain got arguably pissed off and ordered his crews to open fire upon me. I escaped the vicinity and returned aboard one of the Retaliators to show him why he shouldn't bite off more than he can chew.
Suffice to say, the Interdictor-class stood no chance. Albeit outclassed and outgunned, I easily evened the odds by focusing down the warship's shield generator and disabling it while suffering minimal damage. The rest was history.
By the time I was done with his ship, it was being held together by the hopes and dreams of him and his crewmates, as they were continuing to vent atmosphere. With the warship's hull integrity practically compromised in every way, shape and form, the poor sob broke.
[08.09.2024 22:42:53] LH~Mactan.Retaliator: Guess it's over for you already.
[08.09.2024 22:44:38] LH~Mactan.Retaliator: Any last words?
[08.09.2024 22:45:17] LNS-Upheaval: No.. Just end it will ya. I'm tired of the Navy.
[08.09.2024 22:45:17] LH~Mactan.Retaliator: Nothing at all?
[08.09.2024 22:45:27] LH~Mactan.Retaliator: Why?
[08.09.2024 22:45:32] LH~Mactan.Retaliator: What makes you tired?
[08.09.2024 22:45:34] LNS-Upheaval: All of my gunners are Driven by AI.
Aside from the humiliating victory and the captain's remarks after it, it was concluded that the warship was running on skeleton crew. Skeleton crew. The mighty and powerful Liberty Navy sending Interdictors manned with the bare-minimum crew chasing after Rogue installations in Pennsylvania, not twenty clicks away from Bethlehem.
At this point, my educated assumption is that they -want- the Zoners to win the war.
I forgot to mention that a Forty-sixth fighter showed up to somehow threaten me. I ended up feeling a slight emotion of pity and had him escort the battlecruiser back to base.
During my most recent stroll around Liberty I spotted something intriguing on the Spyglass Network. An All Worlds Enterprises vessel appeared on the scanners all the way in New London. I immediately begun chasing the vessel, running numerous simulations to try and predict the target's route and destination.
I tracked the target all the way to deep Gallic space; Languedoc, Ile de France, Burgundy, Orleanais. I managed to slowly catch up to the vessel, but the best I could do was remain one system behind it, at the very least. While at Burgundy, I had to make an educated call; either the ship was going towards Picardy or Orleanais. Turns out I not only picked the correct system to start with, but I also correctly predicted that the ship would exit - once again - through Burgundy, rather than going through Picardy on the way back.
I successfully interdicted the ship on the trade-lane leading to the Burgundy jumpgate and stated my intentions. During a quick interrogation, I managed to gather that the ship was transporting bio-neural processors to the Kusari Naval Forces out in Honshu. Wasn't aware that Interspace supports the Kusari Naval boys, the more you know.
I suppose my intimidation tactics and speech alone was enough for the transport's captain to very quickly realize that I am not about to play any games. He very quickly offered a generous payment of three-hundred thousand credits, a few grands up from what I'd request.
The poor corporate lapdog's donation to our cause was accepted, and I let him go on about his day. Communication logs attached below.
[14.09.2024 21:20:06] Subterfuge: Hold it.
[14.09.2024 21:20:15] AWES-Hiroshi: Not a good time for me
[14.09.2024 21:20:22] Subterfuge: Quite far from home, are you not?
[14.09.2024 21:20:29] AWES-Hiroshi: You are right
[14.09.2024 21:20:45] Subterfuge: And you don't have much time, huh?
[14.09.2024 21:20:52] Subterfuge: Bosses don't pay that much for wasted time, do they?
[14.09.2024 21:21:07] AWES-Hiroshi: I agree with you
[14.09.2024 21:21:08] Subterfuge: Didn't expect anything more.
[14.09.2024 21:21:21] Subterfuge: I'll make this easy and quick for you.
[14.09.2024 21:21:27] Subterfuge: Just pay close attention and you won't wind up dead.
[14.09.2024 21:21:34] AWES-Hiroshi: Tell me
[14.09.2024 21:21:54] Subterfuge: Just a few questions.
[14.09.2024 21:21:57] Subterfuge: What's your destination?
[14.09.2024 21:22:08] AWES-Hiroshi: Honshu
[14.09.2024 21:22:38] Subterfuge: Honshu, huh? And who are you selling to? What organization?
[14.09.2024 21:23:16] AWES-Hiroshi: Right on Kansai Institute, Naval Forces
[14.09.2024 21:23:28] Subterfuge: Could've been worse.
[14.09.2024 21:23:41] Subterfuge: Alright, I'll keep this simple and easy for you, just as promised.
[14.09.2024 21:23:50] Subterfuge: I don't expect your attention-span to range for too long more, in any case.
[14.09.2024 21:24:03] Subterfuge: My own data implies that the profit you're making is huge.
[14.09.2024 21:24:31] Subterfuge: Send me a small toll from that profit, and you won't see my face again until you reach your destination.
[14.09.2024 21:24:57] Subterfuge: Shouldn't be too hard on you to explain that to your corrupt bosses.
[14.09.2024 21:25:20] AWES-Hiroshi: Agree with you, 300k right for you?
[14.09.2024 21:25:38] Subterfuge: Forward it to me, and you're free to go.
[14.09.2024 21:25:48] [2024-09-14] 21:25:48 You have received 300.000 credits from AWES-Hiroshi
[14.09.2024 21:26:00] Subterfuge: What a cooperative lapdog.
[14.09.2024 21:26:05] AWES-Hiroshi: Sure
[14.09.2024 21:26:06] Subterfuge: Have a safe trip. [She chuckles]
I have yet again successfully extorted a corporate knave of their belongings. This time, however, I did not have to travel through half of Sirius to find my target. They flew right into my hands, almost delivered to me by some higher force. Things were simple this time around; Orbital Spa and Cruise transport taking passengers from Rheinland all the way to Orbital's liner in Vespucci. A simple enough job.
I demanded a small toll of eighty thousand credits for the not-so-hard work I was put through to catch the transport. The silly lapdog of a captain the vessel had thought I was partnered with the Technocracy's Revenant and a Pirate who were in the vicinity - however nowhere near the incident. I made it clear that I was working alone.
I ended up accepting a payment of fifty thousand credits along with a crate of tea, one I will most definitely put to good use - perhaps even better use of the remainder thirty thousand credits I traded for it. Relevant logs are attached below.
[16.09.2024 21:34:54] Stellarum: Hold it.
[16.09.2024 21:35:00] Jacaranda.Florence: Man's on the grind.
[16.09.2024 21:35:07] Stellarum: Woman.
[16.09.2024 21:35:08] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: we have a technical failure
[16.09.2024 21:35:14] A/)-Revenant: Oh.
[16.09.2024 21:35:17] Stellarum: A technical failrue?
[16.09.2024 21:35:20] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: we can't stop our engines
[16.09.2024 21:35:23] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: but
[16.09.2024 21:35:28] Stellarum: Fly the opposite direction.
[16.09.2024 21:35:40] Stellarum: Good.
[16.09.2024 21:35:49] Stellarum: Works just as fine.
[16.09.2024 21:35:58] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: Will be circling the position
[16.09.2024 21:36:12] Stellarum: Where would you happen to be taking those people?
[16.09.2024 21:36:40] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: Barbados is the port of call of this liner
[16.09.2024 21:36:50] Stellarum: That the one in Vespucci?
[16.09.2024 21:36:59] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: oh, a Technocrat
[16.09.2024 21:37:06] A/)-Revenant: Hello.
[16.09.2024 21:37:07] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: the one in Vespucci, correct
[16.09.2024 21:37:58] Stellarum: I bet you're getting paid your weight in gold by those rich corporate knaves.
[16.09.2024 21:38:01] Stellarum: To take 'em there.
[16.09.2024 21:38:09] Stellarum: I'll only ask for a small toll out of your paycheck.
[16.09.2024 21:38:13] Stellarum: And you can proceed unharmed.
[16.09.2024 21:38:14] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: again the technical challenges to our propulsion system
[16.09.2024 21:38:34] A/)-Revenant: Oh stars, I hope I don't happen to take a vacation cruise and bump into you.
[16.09.2024 21:38:45] Stellarum: I don't normally take this long.
[16.09.2024 21:38:48] Stellarum: In any case.
[16.09.2024 21:39:02] Stellarum: How does eighty thousand credits sound?
[16.09.2024 21:39:12] Stellarum: I'd say it's perfectly reasonable.
[16.09.2024 21:39:41] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: to be split to the two of you gentlemen?
[16.09.2024 21:39:42] Stellarum: Most likely especially so when met with the idea of neutralizers and scorchers burning up your hull.
[16.09.2024 21:39:47] Stellarum: "Two"?
[16.09.2024 21:39:50] Jacaranda.Florence: Don't get any of this on me.
[16.09.2024 21:39:51] Stellarum: I work alone, captain.
[16.09.2024 21:39:58] Stellarum: You're my catch.
[16.09.2024 21:40:22] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: our scanners were picking another hostile entity
[16.09.2024 21:40:30] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: you're not a duo then
[16.09.2024 21:40:44] Jacaranda.Florence: You say those words, I immediately think of aliens.
[16.09.2024 21:40:44] Stellarum: Nor the Technocrat, neither the Pirate are with me.
[16.09.2024 21:40:56] Stellarum: We just happened to stumble across each other.
[16.09.2024 21:41:06] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: indeed, still, that's the technical word that appears on our scanner
[16.09.2024 21:41:13] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: "hostile entity"
[16.09.2024 21:41:32] Stellarum: Stop wasting both our time, captain.
[16.09.2024 21:41:41] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: May we suggest 50 thousand credits and some crates of our finest spirits?
[16.09.2024 21:41:50] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: it's a suggestion, for a man of taste
[16.09.2024 21:42:07] Stellarum: You see, captain, that's where we run into problems.
[16.09.2024 21:42:10] Stellarum: I'm not a man.
[16.09.2024 21:42:27] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: oh. Madame then. We're deeply sorry
[16.09.2024 21:42:28] A/)-Revenant: Come on, don't go murdering people over this.
[16.09.2024 21:42:44] Stellarum: I will accept your offer if the crate involved is the tea one.
[16.09.2024 21:43:00] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: oh. Quite an interesting choice
[16.09.2024 21:43:15] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: Indeed, we're contacting HQ for the necessary codes
[16.09.2024 21:43:23] Stellarum: I'm waiting.
[16.09.2024 21:43:51] Stellarum: Right.
[16.09.2024 21:43:58] A/)-Revenant: UH -
[16.09.2024 21:44:01] A/)-Revenant: Oookay.
[16.09.2024 21:44:07] A/)-Revenant: Let's go check /that/ out.
[16.09.2024 21:44:14] Jacaranda.Florence: Something happened?
[16.09.2024 21:44:19] A/)-Revenant: ... I guess.
[16.09.2024 21:44:45] Stellarum: Received.
[16.09.2024 21:44:57] Stellarum: You're free to go.
[16.09.2024 21:45:04] Stellarum: I'll go check out whatever just passed by.
[16.09.2024 21:45:17] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: may we suggest to sip the tea without adding milk or honey?
[16.09.2024 21:45:19] Stellarum: Have a safe trip to Vespucci.
[16.09.2024 21:45:29] Stellarum: I never add anything to my tea.
[16.09.2024 21:45:46] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: a woman of principles, quite a rarity
[16.09.2024 21:45:59] Stellarum: I'm a Lane Hacker of the Inner Circle, captain.
[16.09.2024 21:46:10] Stellarum: I'm not an everyday find.
[16.09.2024 21:46:33] OS&C|WSL-Wanderlust: RO: then that would be our "lucky day"
To preface, over the past five or so years, I've been monitoring everything we had on the Cold Lake Project. Everything salvaged from Airdrie Hideout back when Alberta was accessible, and everything pulled onto Insidious when it breached Alaska before the reinforcement of the system. I, personally, haven't been able to breach Alaska since, and because they're not including Cold Lake tech in regular jump gates, haven't been able to breach the network security on what they built either. But, let's be honest, it's the Cold Lake Project. It's another Supergate.
So, I had this brilliant idea to track for mapping pings that had a strength to be a Supergate. One of the primary functions that's been there since the first Jump Gate is a subspace ping to scout for other viable Jump Network locations. Supergate definitely had one, but tracking down the exit was absolutely horrible. There was always two, and they could be damn near anywhere. I never really saw them in house space, but I did see them in basically every single border and independent world out there. The most common pattern was one near established jump networks that were not too heavily occupied, house borders, and one out in a basically untouched corridor like the deep Omicrons, but once or twice I've had both pings off in the deep Omicrons or Taus, or both right next door like Cortez and Magellen. I might have almost worked out an algorithm to predict them with a 3D Perlin noise gradient, but I'm not confident in that.
Anyway, I've had this tracker in place for a little bit, I rolled it in with a Spyglass Network Scanner package a while ago as a non-intrusive project and just left it to catch data. Yesterday, it finally bore fruit. The primary pings came through from Kepler and Copernicus, both nearby Leiden. I had a squad of real go-getters, called Cipher Team, on standby in the event a secondary ping hit. I wanted to intercept something Cold Lake related to get a shot at accessing the project. Sure enough, after a while of waiting, we got secondary pings. We got a torrent of secondary pings, actually, from Kepler. Twenty or thirty ships worth of hyperspace breaches. Cipher team went through while I ran a blanket signal through Leiden to piggyback on Ames's distress calls and search for fully automated systems. Got a single hit, transmissions recorded below.
So, the Liberty Navy, LSF, Kusari Naval Forces, and KOI were hacking a drone of some kind. In Kepler. Great news all around, right? I stayed in Shikoku to keep an eye on Kusari reinforcements, while Cipher Team hijacked the target in Kepler. As I'd later find out, the target was a Hercules class Heavy Lifter with a chunk of wreckage in tow. The wreckage itself was pretty large, so Cipher Team made the call to transport it to Cochrane, as Leiden doesn't have a drydock. I was called out of interception in Shikoku to maintain the connection to the target as Cipher team ran interception against the LSF and LN, who were suddenly on the highest alert I've seen them since that time the Insurgency breached California. During that time, I got a bit of a look at what the lifter was hauling, and it seemed to be the reactor core and engine of a Kusari battlecruiser.
Nonetheless, as we crossed Ontario, we were quickly intercepted by Liberty's Military Budget, and while Cipher team is good, they're not "stop a team of Liberty Assault Battlecruisers from unleashing full broadsides into a heavy lifter with just 10 guys" good. The actual component was shot to shit, as was the Heavy Lifter. Currently, I'm in the process of seeing what I can salvage from it, but the damage is pretty damn extensive. Plus, some KOI operatives, along with a single KNF, breached Colorado and Ontario as well, and shot down Cipher-44, I think it was. Seems LSF picked up the pod, because I haven't seen 'em since, and the last place their personal tag was pinged was a little too close to the Lehigh.
I've had the Cochrane boys forward every single drydock scan, regardless of content, to Amarillo. With that, I'd like to request elevated Mactan Network access for things regarding this piece of hardware, and to stage a jailbreak. I'd also like to request that this count for Ingeniousness. I understand that this project wasn't listed in the available Advanced Missions, but you gotta admit it was one hell of a job.
That'll be all from me until I get a preliminary report on the acquired hardware out.