The Percheron is a 2500 cu Metre ship that is used by Planetform as a mining ship for alien organisms. Given Rheinland, Gallia, and Kusari have their own dedicated mining ship, should this not also be made available to Bretonian corporations like BMM? Or at least have a dedicated mining ship built?
Mammoth is the same stuff as Percheron - it's a transport, not a miner. Perhaps its mining bonus is a result of an official faction utilising perk request, so could do the BMF if they finally got rid of identity issue and became BMM. Kamome is, as far as I remember, a GMG Mining Vessel, and GMG is an Independent Corporation selling these to their partners in Kusari
(12-21-2021, 09:26 AM)Groshyr Wrote: Mammoth is the same stuff as Percheron - it's a transport, not a miner. Perhaps its mining bonus is a result of an official faction utilising perk request, so could do the BMF if they finally got rid of identity issue and became BMM. Kamome is, as far as I remember, a GMG Mining Vessel, and GMG is an Independent Corporation selling these to their partners in Kusari
Thank you for the information. It isn't so relevant given the discussion is about three major houses Kusari, Gallia, and Rheinland all having a mining ship. Why not Bretonia or Liberty for that matter?
The Mammoth does not require an official faction ID to use. This could/should be repurposed to be used for all DSE mining operations.
The Percheron also does not require an official faction ID to use. This could/should also be repurposed. In fact, the Serenity would be better suited rather than the Percheron as the BK-65 "Serenity"-class Transport was conceived in Bretonia at the onset of the Gallic Invasion and has a rugged hull suitable for mining - more so than the Percheron.
Perhaps make the Serenity like the Hegemon - able to be used by a multitude of factions.
Do you understand that concepts of "Generic" and "Bretonian" are a priori incompatible? No offense ofc, just askin bcus this is it. We have only one real generic miner and you know which one.
Odds are if you use a BMM ID and IFF a Percheron probably does OK, you can still mine with it.
At the moment GMG has a mining frigate, the Junkers, and then there are hegemon's.
I mined quite a bit of Gold ore reqsonably using the Dunlin on a Freelancer IFF/ID, and it now works great as a Junkers mega salvager. It also probably does OK with a mining IFF/ID combo, depends if you need a speed miner, or mining independence but accept longer times in the field.
(12-21-2021, 01:23 PM)Save My Soul Wrote: Do you understand that concepts of "Generic" and "Bretonian" are a priori incompatible? No offense ofc, just askin bcus this is it. We have only one real generic miner and you know which one.
You are correct. More explicitly I meant a generic Bretonian mining ship.
Gallia corps EFL and GMS have the Rock Badger mining ship.
Kusari Corps, Samara and Kishiro have the Kamome mining ship.
Rheinland Corps, Kruger, ALG, and DHC have the Kaiser mining ship.
Bretonian Corps, BMM and PF - the only two lawful factions in Bretonia able to mine - has none although the Percheron Transport is used by PF to mine Alien organisms.
Liberty Corps, DSE and Cryer, have none, although the Mammoth transport is used by DSE for scrap and toxic waste.