The office of Großadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau is located aboard the Flagship of the Emperor’s Fleet, the KKS-Kaiserstolz. Protecting the orbit of Planet Stuttgart the proud ship keeps its position in order to serve the Governor as his headquarter. It’s the best position to serve his people on the Planet and to lead his soldiers during military operations at Rheinlands borders.
The Grand Admiral got used to this position, he now invites everyone, who he needs to talk to, aboard his Ship. The guests arrive on the landing deck and are escorted by at least two Soldiers of the Rheinland Military into Karl-Heinz‘ Büro. It is a neat and tidy place with a big wooden table in the middle of the room. A huge black armchair made of Stuttgart‘s finest leather serves as the Grand Admiral‘s seat. A banner with the imperial coat of arms behind him. It is pinned onto the wooden wall, guarded by two flags, one right and one left. The right one shows the Rheinland Military’s flag with the Emperor’s crown and the Rheinland Eagle in the right bottom corner. The left flag wears the Von Thielau family‘s coat of arms.
Two chairs are standing on the opposite side of his table. For the people Karl Heinz was awaiting this day: Bootsmann Traudel Habermeyer and Leutnant Jürgen Schmidt.
The two Soldiers that encountered a Gallic Royalist Soldier in Rheinland. The Grand Admiral impatiently awaits their arrival.
Polished boots, crease-free dress uniform and impeccable posture - proudly wearing what little accolades she had earned thus far. Almost like a small shield, to protect from what may happen.
Traudel's usual carefree demeanor and that almost always present faint smile of hers were missing today - replaced by an expressionless approach to the whole situation. As interesting as the inside of the Kaiserstolz may have been to her on other days, this was a special day. A very special one. Summoned by the Großadmiral himself. Her sense of honor for being summoned locked in constant battle with overwhelming worry of having done something wrong. A stressful mixture - was it always that warm on a Bismarck?
Nearing von Thielau's office, the young Rheinwehr soldier clenched her jaw. Deep breath, staring at the doors to what might very well be the lion's den to her. After being led inside, Traudel clicks her heels, salutes and remains at attention. Bright blue eyes fixating on a point just slightly next to Karl-Heinz' face.
To say Jurgen was nervous would be an understatement. A, very, big understatement. Summoned by the Grand Admiral...
It had almost felt unreal.
The time had come. His heart was pounding. Jurgen started searching in his mind for all previous encounters he had, and if any had been worthy of
the occurrence. But time had run out. He was at the office. Jurgen took a deep breath upon being lead inside. He saluted and stood at attention.
Karz-Heinz stood up as he heared footsteps near the door. "Ja, herein." He bid his guests into the room.
*The shoulderboards and the insignias of the two Grandadmiral's staffs, as well as Karl-Heinz' white hair, were shining brightly in the artificial sunlight generated by the lamps.*
He saluted to the Bootsmann and the Leutnant as they saluted him.
The Großadmiral then looks into the fearful eyes of his soldiers. "Make yourself comfortable and take a seat. Be aware everything that is talked in here will stay in this room.", he says, allowing the Soldiers to leave their alert position. He takes a seat himself and leans back in his mighty armchair. "Leutnant, Frau Bootsmann, I have ordered you here since you came across a Gallic Royalist vessel. I have read your Report carefully, Frau Habermeyer, and I have to tell you that you maneuvered me into a very delicate political situation. You both probably know that Rheinland is currently developing its diplomatic relationship with the house of Bretonia and the Armed Forces. I do know they are economically and Militarily crippled, but they have proven as reliable neighbours in the past. Especially their Intelligence Service. I have thought of doing talks with some Gauls already. They are building our Lanes, they supply Rheinland with needed materials, even during the darkest hours of Rheinland, the Bürgerkrieg. We may not forget, that this was the ROYAL government of Gallia back these days. That is what brings this f***** up situation.
Frau Habermeyer." Karl-Heinz suddenly stands up, puts his handplams on the table, leans forward and looks directly into Traudels eyes. "You. You have used your superior's communication access port. You know what that usually means. In normal situations I would have already expelled you from the Militär for such actions. But in this situation I honor that you used your mind and did it, since more people could have read that if you used your own code."
Karl-Heinz stops looking at her, sat down and leaned back in his seat again.
"I want to hear your ideas regarding this Situation now. You have heared in what Situation I am right now. I don't want you to get the impression now that the OKW wouldn't have a plan. That is falsch. We do have one. But the one of you, whose Idee is closest to our plan, will get the next promotion immediately and will become the commanding officer of this Operation."
Traudel only sits down after both Karl-Heinz and Jurgen did so, her every move stiffer than the previous one.
Großadmiral von Thielau talked - so there was but one thing to do. To listen. With each word the Reinwehr soldier became more and more concerned, only partially masking it by putting up a stern facade. Not a particularly strong one, as it shattered the second the Großadmiral focussed his unrelenting gaze upon Traudel and only Traudel. Freezing right on the spot, like a deer in headlights.
As if that alone wasn't enough already, the prospect of having to voice her own take on this conundrum made her heart skip a beat. At least it took her mind off the potential discharge. Swallowing once, Traudel collects her thoughts.
"Jawohl, Herr Großadmiral." Bright blue eyes fixate on the right flag behind Karl-Heinz. "Allow me to preface my view on this with a simple warning, i may not be the most politically astute pilot out there. But i listened to Vizeadmiral Herzsprung plenty of times, now that she has returned. As i like to serve Rheinland for as long as i can, following her example seems like a solid idea to me. That ouf of the way ... let me see. I value loyalty a great deal." The table is being looked at, gets replaced by a random corner of von Thielau's office and in the end Traudel's attention simply wanders around while talking. "First and foremost i see a possibility, a chance. A way to influence dealings outside our usual control, sir. Whatever the Gallic Royalists view as potential enemies, if they are, by any chance, undesirable in the eyes of Rheinland as well... or about to become that in the future... how do i put it? Use the Gallic Royalists as a secret proxy for our designs. We could cause damage to those undesirables without being directly involved or breaching any form of current status quo we are otherwise unable to affect. Consolidate our own power, while neighbouring systems get placed under more stress."
Frowning once, Traudel stares at the right flag again - that of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr. "If they succeed in their own plan to overthrow the current government of Gallia, they owe us. We'd have a strong ally, one that is not held back by long-winded discussions in congress or postponed decisions. A few voices, or just a single one even, are always quicker. In order to ensure they do not 'forget' this continuation of good relations later down the line, whatever assistance we may render should, of course, offer the possibility to pull the rug from under their feet." Traudel takes a deeper breath, right hand gesturing a little now. "Weapons cease functioning once required ammunition as well as key maintenance parts are no longer delivered. Specific food, medical aid or other means, which are out of reach for the Royalists, will leave a gaping hole in any logistics chain once we stop providing. 'Randomly' undefended borders that held strategic value for them... and so on." One hand runs through Traudel's hair. "All of this has to happen mostly in secrecy for the start, i see no benefit to letting anyone know of it. Which, in turn, means little stands in the way of proceeding as planned so far with Bretonia. They are economically and militarily crippled you say, Herr Großadmiral? Excellent - yet another house that'll owe us in the long run. And if anyone complains later on... let them. None of them put their eggs in one basket either, i am quite sure of that. All they'll do is out themselves as the hypocrites they are then. The Rheinland i wish to see does not, nor did it ever, rely on the likes of spineless yea-sayers or a house that is nothing more than a banner in the wind! Changing its mind or side, depending on whatever currently is the most appealing." Traudel huffs once, adjusts her uniform and notices one small detail about herself in this very moment. She was standing - and shaking! Must've gotten up during the last parts of her little speech. Taking a few breaths, the Rheinwehr soldier sinks back into the chair and grasps her hands. Focussing on calming herself again.
Jurgen heard Traudel's rant, wondering about the sudden display of bravado and passion. He decided to take a calmer approach.
"The Royalists seem to be losing traction. Not gaining. They are a revolution. Not the government. However, if we are looking to play both sides or support their movement, we may take this approach. Even if Bretonia has been weakened, they are still, as you said, an asset and ally. Through minor financial aid and munitions aid, untraceable of course, we may gain the Royalists trust. Their position is highly advantageous to us through the fact that they have Gallic technology. Although support will, as I said, have to be incognito. Unless we wish to bring Gallia, and potentially all other houses opposed to their rule. Which, is practically all of them.
Jurgen took a moment to breath and make sure they were still following.
On the other hand, maintaining relations with both of the entities may be easily renewed through diplomatic talks with the Royalists, and we do not want Bretonia to know about this.
Karz-Heinz looked at the two and nodded slowly. "Nun, both of you have a point. Traudel, I see you have understood why this matter is so important. Your Promotion to Oberleutnant will be announced after you two return to duty." The Großadmiral stood up again. His white hair shining in the artificial light.
"Oberleutnant Habermeyer. You will be sent to Schlachtschiff Altenburg in the Köln System. You will do your normal work for the Rheinwehr and you will wait for Maréchal Ferdinant Mounier to arrive. I cannot attend a meeting myself for now, but I am convinced that you will handle the Situation and inform me as soon as you have news."
"Leutnant Schmidt, Oberleutnant Habermeyer, you are dismissed. Return back to duty and always remember; Für Kaiser, Volk und Vaterland!"
The two Soldiers stood up, saluted the Großadmiral and left the Büro.
"You are going to get yourself killed. This is wrong. This is stupid. You overstep your boundaries!" Thoughts were running rampant in Traudel's head, while she unsuccessfully attempted to mentally prepare herself. The Rheinwehr pilot was on her way to the Kaiserstolz, flagship and seat of power for Großadmiral von Thielau himself. Certainly, she had been summoned before once. Saw the interior, a few faces and no longer feared the utterly soulcrushing aspect of setting foot into von Thielau's office. Only difference now?
No one had summoned her this time - Traudel was about to invite herself in by simply stating the Großadmiral, in fact, did summon her. Taking a gamble, a mighty one at that. Banking on the off chance her current assignment allowed some leeway or him being interested... or furious enough to let her in and deal with her personally after hearing about it.
Approaching the mighty Bismarck-class battleship, one last sigh follows... then she opens a communication channel to the bridge crew. "Oberleutnant Habermeyer to the Kaiserstolz - requesting permission to land. Unscheduled meeting with the Großadmiral."
The majestetic Flagship shines brightly reflecting the sunbeams from Stuttgart's medium red. Flottenkapitänin Lara Seeler sat in the seat of the commanding deck officer and relaxed, since no meeting was settled for today and the Großadmiral was busy in his Büro.
Soon after her shift began, the terminal began to blink and the radio terminal announced a ship reaching for the vicinity of the Kaiserstolz. Lara rolled her eyes. She wasn't ready as she lacked her coffee. "A ship? Militär one eh... Bring it onto my screen!"
She spread her crossed legs again in oder to show her unamusement and her superiority.
"Oberleutnant Habermeyer to the Kaiserstolz - requesting permission to land. Unscheduled meeting with the Großadmiral."
"Habermeyer"... She thought. Lara remembered her. The poor girl that was ordered into the Großadmiral's office not long ago. Lara still didn't know why Obl. Habermeyer and Lt. Schmidt were ordered there and she doesn't like that fact.
She sighed and looked at the free hangar slots. "Rheinwehr Gold 4-2 your code has been checked. You are clear to proceed; Hangar 2 Platform 14. The Großadmiral will be informed of your arrival."
Lara closed the transmission and called the Großadmiral. "Mein Oberbefehlshaber, Frau Oberleutnant Habermeyer arrived. Unscheduled. She needs a meeting with you, eure Hoheit. In 20 minutes? Verstanden, Herr Großadmiral"
Lara stood up to take her speeder and chase for Hangar two in order to wait for the Oberleutnant and bring her to teh Großadmiral's Büro.
Traudel's Valkyrie lands, engines power down and not long after Oberleutnant Habermeyer leaves the fighter craft. 'Armed' with nothing more than a sealed suitcase, chained to her left wrist, and a few more medals than last time, neatly adorning her finest dress uniform. A slight hint of tension could easily be made out in facial expression and way of moving, yet strict adherence to protocol keeps the bundle of nerves from breaking down entirely. Heels click as Lara receives a proper salute.
"Glory to the Kaiser, Frau Flottenkapitän."
Bright blue eyes mainly staring straight forward, while following Lara to von Thielau's office.