Research Liner Sol Orbiting closely around Cromarty in the Inverness System 1,250 Crew are on board, all ID'd as Freelancer
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The former Starfliers Research Complex has been vacated to make room for the Research Liner Sol. A vessel purchased from Deep Space Engineering, it was first retrofitted as a research liner for the purposes of gathering materials via expeditions alongside the Starfliers smaller crafts. Realizing it's exploratory and expeditionary prowess, it's now serving as their new Headquarters. Being capable of moving around the sector, becoming a mobile research platform and observational deck for scientific discoveries, the Research Liner Sol is normally found in the distant Border Worlds where the most of the Starfliers ships operate.
The station's docking port is coded to allow certain ships to land, allowing only the Starfliers and their partners to dock. A broadcast from the station's computer advises to make contact with the Starfliers if any independents or organizations wish to have docking access prepared for them.
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Docking & Mooring Terminal Area for importing / exporting of commodities and a resting place for our C.E.V.s
Staff Count: 50
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The main hangar of the Research Complex. Open to select groups, the area situates itself at the forefront of the station, allowing easy access for transports to unload goods and for Starfliers snub craft to land for basic repairs and refueling. Being the first point of contact with the station, it has the greatest access to the central elevator which services as the main transit between every other department of the station. Other corridors and pathways lead to various meeting and conference rooms. As it stands, there is a basic system in place to allow easy onloading and offloading of goods while not overtaking the areas dedicated for vessel storage. Orbital Spa & Cruise and Kishiro Technologies are publicly known to have access to the station. Rumors suggest that the Technocracy also have permission, however the Starfliers have firmly denied this.
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Materials Research Wing Widely known as an Exotic Materials Laboratory
Staff Count: 200
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With the discovery of Earhart and their connected uncharted sectors, the Starfliers realized soon after that having a research wing dedicated to specifically this area of space would be beneficial to their goals of research and discovery. The primary goal of this particular wing is to obtain, analyze and further process these materials from Earhart and the unknown sectors into resources that would be more useful for the Starfliers.
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Leisure & Quarters Living quarters, leisure areas and representative offices
Staff Count: Everyone else
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Over the last few years, the complex has reached well over one thousand crew staff, ranging from maintenance and upkeep all the way to the scientists running the research and development wings. Anytime the staff are off the clock, they have generously sized rooms to return to for rest as well as rooms designed for comfort and relaxation. Majority of the people on board the station are off-duty crew members who are assigned to the Sol and Velorum, as they relieve those stationed on the capital ships when they return. Some who reside on the complex call this their home, as they are a mix between family, close relatives and friends of those who work here full-time.
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High-Security Data Servers The most information-sensitive area of the entire station
Staff Count: 30
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Locked behind multiple layers of security, these "Vault"-Class servers are mostly comprised of outdated HX-17 rack-mounted units, purchased from DSE during the early days of the Starfliers. These servers are separated into sections dedicated to storing specific types of details. Imagery, Cartography, Expeditionary, Invoices, Daily Earhart Broadcast and other general and specific sections. Majority of the staff on the station does not have access to these servers, only being allowed to look at the main door leading in. Higher ranking Starfliers pilots have better access to get inside.
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Superior Hydroponics System A system that produces the necessary food quantity for our teams to work
Staff Count: 150
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Built upon the standard Hydroponics Bay blueprint, the "Gaia"-Class is an order of magnitude more powerful and efficient than the advanced module. This improvement has come from the Omicron Edge Worlds, with the Zoners providing us with enough information to construct a similar system to what they use out in the remote regions. The superior version cuts the importation of water and fertilizer almost completely to allow for near self-sufficiency. The particular hydroponics system on the Research Complex has been constructed to run for exactly 1,750 crew.
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Superior Exterior Shielding Unique kind of protective layering that almost prevents wear and tear
Staff Count: 250
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In 823 AS, ALG was asked to assess the Research Complex for suitability regarding a rare protective layer. This layering has been called "Carapace"-Class Shield, which prevents 98% of the normal stress and tear any station would normally endure. Once the shielding was installed, the Research Complex held out against Inverness' Medium White sun for a week without requiring the standard upkeep. The Starfliers have now redirected funds normally directed at station upkeep to better their research departments.
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Barebones Ship Construction Unit Widely known as a Modular Shipyard
Staff Count: 0