You walk into the bar where you are landed and notice a recruitment poster on the wall....
Guild Requirements:
Must not be COMPLETELY new to the game
Must be active at minimum once a week during peak hours
-Peak hours is defined as time on the server where there are at least 8 different players online who
are not a member of the Shadow Stalkers
Tag Information: (sso = Shadow Stalkers Organization)
Fighter Tag: sso|Ace.John.Smith
Capital Tag: SSO|[RANK]ShipName
For character names people need to use a first and last name for the name instead of a "Call sign". This is required. For capital ships I would prefer the ship goes by its own name.
Shadow Stalkers Do's & Don'ts
1. A shadow Stalker will not attack a lawful person unless they have a bounty on their head.
2. A Shadow Stalker will not demand contraband in your hold, we are not police.
3. A Shadow Stalker will not take a bounty on the person they are currently working for.
4. A Shadow Stalker will not disrespect any members of the community.
5. A Shadow Stalker will not break any server rules.
1. A Shadow Stalker will play by gentlemens rules only in combat planned before hand.
2. A Shadow Stalker will order you to drop any lawful or pirate pilots in your hold. Refusal to comply will result in your destruction. This does not apply to police & militaries or naval personnel. (Includes: Police, Navy, Military, Fleet Admiral, Cruiser Commander, Gunboat Commander, pirate pilots of any kind.)
3. A Shadow Stalker will always warn their mark before engaging, but do not require a response before engaging.
The Shadow Stalkers aim to deliver the best quality in fighting prowess when hired by a foreign entity. We also would not police systems unless hired to do so by a faction. We do not overstep our bounds when hired and we shall only perform the task asked for the price accepted. Bonuses and/or discounts are up to the member of the Shadow Stalkers in question. We can perform any duty you wish. In the case of guard duty, you will be protected against all-comers unless you incited the hostile actions by a friendly clan (by refusing to state business etc)
The hostile clans are not shoot on sight, but you can if you want too. As we are a separate splinter group from the Bounty Hunters Guild, the guild masters usually exercise very little authority over the lower ranked members of the clan. However, when a higher ranked member than you issues orders, they will be followed. If bounties are gained, the money/equipment is split equally between the participating members of the Shadow Stalkers.
We are a lawful clan aligned with the Bounty Hunters and will NOT participate against any members of neutral or friendly clans. Tag and ID needed are both Bounty Hunters.
The SSO| division is the capital ship corps of the Shadow Stalkers and does the same job; being a Bounty Hunter. To gain the privilege of being able to pilot a capital ship, you need to get promoted to Huntsman Commander or higher.(Huntsmen can purchase any house gunboat) All places are full at the moment except for two Guild master spaces. I shall handpick these from the well seasoned veterans of Sirius and members who show advanced command capability and straight thinking.
If you want to become a member, speak to Guild master Lee Tra'ng or Stuart Payne. If you are accepted, you will need to register here at these forums. Shadow Stalkers Forums. Chances are you will be accepted and there is a lucrative signup bonus of 10 million credits. Also, once you complete training, you will get your selection of guns from the store, stationed at planet Cambridge.
The store is also selling guns at a price determined at time of buying to other members not in the Shadow Stalkers.
majkp,Dec 13 2006, 12:40 PM Wrote:DBoy, it seems you are annoying this time.
The reputation pictures come from Dark Oddity and he made them for SSO when he founded our faction. SSO was using them before you became the leader of BS. So they can't be stolen from you as they are not yours. OK?
Sorry mate, forgot about that. My mind is slow today.
We are taking new members who start off with a 10 million credit bonus, and full access to our exclusive store for FREE!!! Currently, it has level 10 Sheilds in stock, masses of lvl 10 and 9 guns of all shapes and sizes[color=#33FF33], a few gunboat guns, torpedo launchers, thrusters, Armour mk VIII, and most other things you can possibly think about.
In fact, the only thing that isnt available at our store is Counter Measure Droppers, and thats only because i forgot to put them on my shopping list!
[color=#FFFF00]In joining the sso, you get 10 million in cold hard cash, with 14 million in armour, 10 million in armament and 2 million in replacement sheilds and thrusters. No more long hours of trekking, the sso has all the logistics sorted out for you already!!! In actuall fact, you get 36 million startup cash, just without all the trekking around sirius
Before applying, please ensure you read all of our very very long faction status post here. If you have the patience to wade through that, then you belong in our clan.
To apply to become a bounty hunter (and trust me, we get more business than any other merc clan) state you information and background like this.
Name: (rules for nameing fully explained in faction status post)
You are sitting in the bar drinking and talking. All of a sudden you hear the news. You look to see if anything new has been going on. You hear this...
"Breaking news, and good news for all you lawfuls. The SSO is BACK!!!!!!!!!! They have been sighted in the Omegas the other day."
Bartender: Manuel Barrios, Havnt heard that name in a while...
Micah Shoutz: You havnt heard the latest news? The sso| are back in business.
Bartender: Well thats great! There has been an overwelming amount of pirates in Sirius these days and no-one has been able to quell there hatred.
Micah Shoultz: Well the pirates will once again fear sso|.
bartender: Aye, have a good one mate.
Rules and Regulations for those of you who want to join or don't remember the rules:
I know I haven't read these in a while and almost completely forgot about them... Familiarize yourself with these.
Anything listed here is a rule for the SSO. Any rules listed here you will have to obey in additional to the rules of the Discovery Gaming Community.
"Retreat" by my definition means this: You knowingly admit you lose by retreating. (NOMATTER THE ODDS!!!!!) And you do NOT engage combat with that person for 48 Hours
Engage combat means: You do not attack them unless they attack you first. Which means if you retreat, they get 48 Hours grace from you, no questions asked. Which means:
If they attack a trader, you can't help
If they sit next to you and tease you, YOU CAN'T ATTACK!
If they make fun of you for retreating, YOU CAN'T ATTACK!
Rule #2: You Will Only Fly Bounty Hunter Ships
Bounty Hunters ships are any ship sold on a Bounty Hunter base. Exceptions are as follows: You MAY fly: House Gunboats and House Bombers until we get our own.
Rule #3: You Will Role Play
The Discovery 24/7 is a Role Play server. I ask that all members of the SSO Abide by the RP style of the server. This means, create a character for yourself with a first and last name, create an attitude and anything else required for you to role play that character.
Group chat is not a required RP channel, same with in-game PMs. However, in-game System Chat is a required Role Play channel unless text is surrounded by brackets.. For example: [Non roleplay chatter]
The following are regulations for the SSO.
Regulation #1: You will follow the chain of command.
I am not the only person in command of this clan, my fellow Guild Masters are also in command and must be obeyed as if they were me. Also any superior above you has the privledge of being in command so long as they are not out-ranked by another member of the SSO.
If you are a Huntsman you will obey anyone of the Master Huntsman rank or above, meaning if there is no Master Huntsman, you have to obey the next person in command, which would be a Fleet Captain, then the Fleet Master, and lastly, a Guild Master.
Regulation #2: You need X-Fire
Crossfire is a chat system that not only helps us communicate, but it is an easy-to-use in-game chat device that you can use in almost any game without "Alt-tabbing" to answer an instant message. You can find this utility here:
This software also has built in voice chat capabilities, but is not required to be used.
Regulation #3: You will participate and be aware.
I ask that all members of the SSO register on these forums and at the very least check the board twice weekly. Also if any major changes come up or something important is going on here on the forums, I ask that you do reply with your opinions, ideas and anything that may help the situation.
Regulation #4: You must properly tag SSO Characters.
I ask that all characters used to represent the SSO be properly tagged using the tagging scheme found here on our forums, in this thread.
Regulation #5: You must not land on RP hostile bases.
I ask that all members do not dock on any hostile or unfriendly bases for any reason. Just because you were killing Outcasts doesn't mean you can land on Crete (even if they're neutral). If I find anyone who does this, they will be expelled from the clan. This is your only warning