Context:Long a contested area between the Outcasts and Corsairs, Knossos has largely remained clear of installations. This de-facto buffer region has prevented high-intensity conflict between the respective empires, ensuring that neither side has a staging ground directly bordering each-other. With the advent of Deterrence, and their increased presence in the region, tensions have risen. The conditions have been set and the recent skirmishes have led to the eventuality of an all-out war between the two nations. Historically, these groups have chosen violence over negotiation. However, with the origin of Xeno Relics being directly contested, there’s too much at stake for a full blown warfare. Should diplomacy fail, the potentiality for the destruction of the ancient ruins is too real.
Faced with the possibility of a substantial loss of life and the loss of the primary source of these precious commodities have pushed the cartels to a stand-still. Neither side can afford such conflict - which military strategists predict to be long and bloody, with no clear winner in sight. A huge drain in either raw resources and manpower, the costs far outweigh any potential benefits. These events have necessitated an urgent meeting and an introduction of a new treaty to de-escalate the situation. Executor Ravenna Nagash and Alpha Conqueror Eduardo Montalban have agreed to meet and implement a new treaty with Leon Vicci from the Starfliers acting as an independent observer and ratifier
The Undersigned Plenipotentiaries, in the name of their respective Governments agree to the all outlined articles.
Article 1:Malta Hyperspace Starfleet (MHS) agrees to stop any further hostilities against the currently existing Deterrence’s (DTR) installation in Knossos. The facility known as ‘’Reincarnation Outpost’’ (or any future name thereof) is officially recognized by the government of the MHS.
Article 2:The government of MHS will make efforts to build their own installation on their allocated side* of the region.
Article 3:The creation of the new installation by MHS should be done on their side* and following standard** construction practices established by regional law.
Article 4:DTR and its affiliated branches agree to this construction and will not siege the facility for the purposes of this treaty or attack it directly.
Article 5:A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is established between DTR and MHS in Knossos. This includes the prohibition of direct and indirect offensive action including but not limited to the use of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases***, and of bacteriological methods of warfare.
If a military engagement occurs outside of the agreed DMZ, combatants must not enter Knossos.
If due to extreme circumstances, combatants do end up in Knossos, the engagement must be finished. No additional vessels inside Knossos can reinforce. No additional engagements can be introduced after conclusion.
If there’s any offending actors on either side, they are to be reported to the respective chain of command with proof attached. Fines can be instituted for violating parties that cannot exceed the maximum possible trading revenue per run or ship.
Blockade of military forces from either side on both ends of Knossos violates the DMZ. Each party agrees to provide a respectful distance of at least 5K before engaging
Article 6:Standard military rules apply outside of Knossos beyond the aforementioned points.
Article 7:Neither side will assist independent factors or other factions in Knossos in any military engagements. MHS and DTR reserve the right to defend themselves and to protect their interests from other independent or hostile threats
Article 8:The governments of MHS and DTR agree to not engage in piracy**** inside Knossos.
Article 9:Any additional issues or unforeseen events not covered by this treaty, need to be discussed in advance by both governments. Reasonable time for action must be given to both sides to address any new situation on a contextual basis.
* For the purposes of clarification, the DTR side is considered to be A-H 5-8. The MHS side is aligned as A-H 1-4.
** Construction of the new facility should be at least 30K away from the mining field or a jumphole / gate.
*** MHS are free to export Cardamine, commercial vessels transporting it should not be treated as hostile.
**** This rule applies only to commercial vessels of both factions. Any other trading vessels are not included for the purposes of this treaty.
Signatories of Plenipotentiaries:
Executor Ravenna Nagash of the Deterrence
Ravenna Nagash
Alpha Conqueror Eduardo Montalban of the Malta Hyperspace Fleet
Eduardo Montalban
Leon Vicci of the Starfliers
Leon Vicci
Drafted By:Executor Ravenna Nagash Appointed Ratifier:Leon Vicci Observers of the Change:Eros Galanis, Audaz Alarcón, Prof. Petra Ferrari . .