. User ID:Jaina Wheeler Recipient:Technocracy of Auxo Subject:Reconnection, Status, Rare Materials .
Good day!
I hope this message finds you well. We've done quite a bit of successful work together but regretfully communication turned quiet. I'd like to revisit that and inquire about the current situation both in your and our organisation. Me contacting you today is not entirely coincidental as we've been establishing a new production facility in Bering. Akutan was founded by a group of engineers and while things went without a hitch so far, they've hit a bit of a blocker. We've struggled to find a supplier for some rare materials they said they need to be competitive. The space these can be found in is rather dangerous and we have not many people in our network who have explored these spaces before.
Immediately we'd need something they call "Organic Capacitors". Now we do have the mining expertise and survey craft of course but I'd rather not send an entire expedition out on such sparse information when experts are available. Would your people be available for hire to guide a team if my assumption is correct and you can and are willing to assist in this endeavour?