my name is Renate Bommel and I'm part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland.
Her highness, ze Kurprinzessin zur Neckar and Direktorin of ze Kaiserreichspolizei, Freiya Wolf, asked me to collect information about your aspiring organization.
So far I could only find out, zat you are affiliated wiz Imperial Shipping. Maybe you could enlighten me a bit more?
For example I need ze count of your current employees, ze amount of ships and ze capacity you can ship cargo around in Rheinland (for tax reasons of course).
If you are willing to provide such information, I'm eager to offer you some minor tasks, which need to be done.
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Brandenburg Border Station
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate von Bommel SOURCE:Brandenburg Border Station, New-Berlin System SUBJECT:Violation of Rheinland laws
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
since you ignored my friendly inquiry successfully wizin a reasonable time frame, I may need to remind you, wiz whom you are dealing here. Let me forward you an incident, which landed recently on my desk:
Last saturday, ze 04.01.835, we got a request for permission from ze bretonian law enforcement regarding a shipment of criminals from Bretonia to Rheinland. Since Hammersee always needs people more or less voluntary working, ze permission was granted. An Oasis, which was stationated at ze Elbe Border Fortress, was joining ze convoy consisting a bretonian prison liner, two escort vessels and five Weiss]-tagged ships, using an imperial shipping transponder code.
Ze KPR|GTV-Celle joined ze convoy at ze Omega-3 gate in ze Rheinland border system Omega-7, when ze convoy was stopped by an argument of a radicalized Farmer. Ze dispute was solved wizout violent (assumedly due ze size of ze convoy) and ze farmer disappeared. Ze convoy reached ze Mecklenburg Station successfully.
As of § of ze Holstein Accords, ze Rheinland Polizei is responsible for policing civilian Rheinland core space, zerefore every ship was scanned for contraband, when passing ze Omega-Stuttgart gate. While ze bretonian ships were scanned silently in Stuttgart and partial New-Berlin, ze Schiffsführer decided to scan ze Weiss]-tagged ships during a break in Planet New-Berlin's orbit. We found out ze pilot of ze Weiss]Engel-2 was using a restricted Valkyrie, which requires an auzorization in ze Rheinland restricted ships and weapons registry. Ze pilot also acted like an law enforcement officer and talked about arrests. Please note impersonating as law enforcement is considered as Disorderly conduct according to §2.6.1. and can lead to unwanted consequences, especially when dealing wiz foreign entities. Ze bretonians had already asked a question before ze topic was changed.
You are hereby considered guilty for violating Rheinland laws Article 2, §2.3.1. in ze space of ze Empire and Weiss] shipping needs to pay a warning fine of 50.000 sc to ze KPR|Bank. Please attach ze transfer confirmation of ze fine to zis channel. You are also ordered to make up your missed authorization in ze approciated office. Ze afforementioned demands have to be met wizin a week. While I'm sure, you can handle ze issues intern, I doubt you don't want me to enforce §2.7.1. or implement ozer punishment.
[04.01.2025 22:29:42] Weiss]Engel-2: We arrest the occasional rare shipment, but Slog has been a much bigger problem, overshooting even Cardamine.
[04.01.2025 22:30:07] CDI)HMPS-Tayloe: O'Sullivan: Weiss has been outsourced law enforcement duties?
To start with, I would like to sincerely apologize you on behalf of Weiss Shipping for the frequent delays in paperwork. As Weiss has restructured as both a legal entity and employee roster multiple times since your initial message, I would like to clarify the reasons behind these delays.
The initial Weiss Shipping fleet contained two (2) fleets. They and their circumstances are as follows:
The first one consisted of five (5) individual Colossus transports and flied without escort, relying on local law enforcement for its protection whilst trading exclusively in house space. It perished in its entirety in the New London system following an unfortunate Corsair raid on Bretonia, where a large number of trade vessels were destroyed or captured, Weiss and Ageira ships, included. We regret to inform that besides our records, the resident CDI officer has made no official report after immediately docking a nearby station, and our records are incomplete, thus we're unable to provide more information on the incident.
The second Weiss fleet operated a total of three (3) Colossus transports, one (1) Peregrine frigate (sadly to both of us, not subject registration in any way in its armaments), one (1) Bulwark Heavy Transport, and one (1) Bustard Civilian Carrier named Mondschein, which inherited the name of my previous vessel, an Explorer liner. Both of the latter ships carried valkyries acquired as military surplus, which were never sortied, pending Rheinland Government registration. That particular fleet was destroyed in the Edge Worlds following a massed Outcast snubcraft attack in IMG-held space in the Taus. The Bulwark was the only large ship to be recovered and, until last night, was not operational for sorties.
We have recovered two (2) out of the five (5) Valkyries purchased by my predecessor, Hermann Weiss. Engel-2 in particular was sortied under the authority of Gefreiter Iris Edelhexe, who was commissioned to assist with training and escorting our new (third) Weiss Shipping fleet. She requisitioned Engel-2, due to her Rheinland Military ship undergoing repairs following a Corsair raid on Sigma-15 this Neujahr. As such Weiss Shipping would like to request you drop the disorderly conduct charges on Weiss and instead raise the issue with the Rheinland Military officer in question. We do not have the authority or interest to get involved in a dispute between different branches of Rheinland law enforcement, and hope for your understanding.
To summarize, it's not that we are unwilling to provide you a full list of ships and employees, we have just been unable to do so within their physical lifespan. This will be corrected within the next week by myself and my new management team.
We believe Weiss is only liable for the registration delay, and have paid the fine accordingly via Weissbank:
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Brandenburg Border Station
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate von Bommel SOURCE:Brandenburg Border Station, New-Berlin System SUBJECT:Re: Violation of Rheinland laws
Sehr geehrter Herr Zimmer,
I'm glad I now have your attention and ze Rheinland Polizei hereby confirms ze successful transfer of your warning fine. Please note, it was levied for ze usage of a restricted ship wizout permission. You received only a warning wizout charge regarding ze disorderly conduct. I agree wiz you, zat furzer investigation on zat case should be carried out wiz ze alleged Rheinwehr soldier in question. Can you provide me a copy of ze purchase for ze Valkyries from Herrn Weiss or ze initial one from ze Rheinwehr?
I look forward to receive ze promised summary of ships and employees. Don't make me wait again.
Enschuldigung for another delay. Our fleet had to serve Rheinland outside of range of this communication channel, and we were unauthorized to be in contact with the home network, as is. I fear answering any inquiries regarding the matter will also require additional authorization beyond our ability to accommodate.
I'm happy to confirm the successful resolution of the registration matter on our side. Please confirm with your own database.
As for the purchase receipt, we can only provide information as far back as late December, when Weiss Shipping was transferred alongside a list of assets from the previous CEO Hermann Weiss to myself and shareholders. It would appear the fighter craft were Herr Weiss' personal property prior to acquisition by the company itself. We will assist within our means in tracing the purchase, but cannot provide solid documentation before that point in time.
There are two additional matters we need to confirm with Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland, as well.
As per our previous brief, Gefreiter Iris Edelhexe is assigned to Weiss Shipping as a combat instructor with escort duties an extension of that role. We asked the officer whether those would be obstructed during her contract term. As it would seem your investigation is also delayed, we are sadly lacking clarity on whether or not she would be available for her duties during this annual quarter. Would your investigation's schedule be in conflict with Weiss Shipping activity during the specified period?
On the final matter, me and my team are discussing the construction of a modular installation in the New Berlin system. We intend to finish paperwork for the eventuality on time, to make up for our previous delays. To expedite the process, we would like to ask for your informed opinion as the primary traffic control entity in Rheinland, on which sector bordering the New Berlin-Essen Station Trade Lane would be more favorable for a bulk commodity market station. Are you able to help?
your delayed response has been noted, but it has been excused due ze circumstances you described. I have already been informed about ze decision ze Reichstag made. Please note, zat a solid proof of ze purchase of zese ship would help, not to consider zem being stolen. In case of doubt, you're free to contact ze Rheinwehr directly to get an approval for ze earlier made ship purchase.
I fear zere is no simple solution regarding Gefreite Edelhexe at ze moment. Alzough a citizen is free to choose employment itself, we have to consider zat zis is a soldier. Zese are bound by instructions. I would feel uncomfortable, if an attack can't be defeated, because she is pursuing a different activity or is too exhausted to pursue her real task of protecting ze borders. However, zere would be nozing against it, if she would perceive her Rheinwehr duties. A proven member of ze Hauptflotte could also deter potential attackers in advance. It should be in ze interest of ze Rheinwehr, to escort supply convoys even outside of Rheinland. But zis is only my humble opinion, you should get in touch wiz ze people, who make decissions on zis matter.
For ze bulk commodity market station I would need to know, what you are going to store on zat station to give you my opinion. While imported goods might be more optimal stored near ze perimeter of Planet New-Berlin and ze Battleship Bayern, goods marked for export could be stored at ze Essen Station. I'd recommend to use ze sun side of ze lane. So it's eizer sector D-3 or F-5. Ze Aachenfeld might be ze biggest issue, as we always encounter unlawful forces heading from it. I would point you to ze governor of New-Berlin, but I fear he is currently not available.
Zat said, I'd like to mention, ze Rheinland Polizei has recently forced an owner of an unregistered installation to give up his plans. Ze installation is currently located in ze Ruhrfeld, which is by standing orders, considered as temporary restricted space. I'd be interested if you've an idea, how to relocate ze station wizin ze system for my own business.