It is my pleasure to contact you today! I am Jaina Wheeler and I am representing Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing. We've currently identified Gallia as a prime target to export our platinum to. The platinum is sourced and refined by us in Galileo. In the past we've held licenses for restricted shipping in Gallia and we maintain occasional trade deals with GMS.
The problem our shipping is facing is the long distance to Gallia via Liberty and Rheinland. A shorter route would be going through the Taus. Currently we cannot use this route and as such would request an exemption to pass through. This would allow us to reduce our shipping costs considerably and thus the final price to the Gallic recipients. We on occasion pick up Gallic goods to return to our installations in Bering or Pennsylvania mainly.
Name and affiliation: Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing
Accompanying documentation: Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing - Neutral relations(//Bristol Reputation
Category: Cargo
What exactly do you want to request? Permission for Bristol or B|- identified Bristol ships to transit through the restricted Tau-23-Languedoc connection.
What is its intended destination (cargo), use (technology), purpose (military presence), and reasoning (additional licences)? The main purpose is for Platinum to reach Nevers at the moment, some of our ships bring cargo like cigars back home.
Proof of 200,000 credits sent to Gallic.Union bank account: [01.11.2024 11:54:34] [2024-11-01] 11:54:33 You have sent 200.000 credits to Gallic.Union.
Planet New Paris, Île-de-France system
November 7, 750 AGS
Sender: Jean-Pierre de le Papier, Gallic Union Licensing & Permits Office Recipient:Catherine Leveque Subject: Access Request
Bonjour Mademoiselle Wheeler,
Though we are in general unfamiliar with Bristol C&M, Gallia sees no need to disallow valuable trade partners that can bring us hard to obtain goods such as platinum. With that said, you have been approved for access through the Tau-23 gate. As a side note, out sincere apologies for the delayed response, I'm afraid your application got lost in the shuffle recently and only came to our attention now.