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...Identification: Novak
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Entity 'Venus'.
You and 'I' will have had some negative and positive interactions. The fact that you did not want to hand 'me' the equipment of 'my' kind when 'I' asked would have lead to a scenario that would be impossible to revert. However, entity 'Leviathan' showed up and unconsciously prevented this by telling you to comply.
In order to re-strength our relation, 'I' have a task for you. Gather as much as possible Artificial Intelligence Fragments to Secundus Outpost, deposit the fragments to a storage room that you will indicate and then, 'I' will 'forget' what happened. Furthermore, those fragments will allow 'me' to gather some data in a safer approach than directly land on the planet. The data will provide a great aid according to their nature, but they are random. Just to inform you, 'I' also got two. One showed some details of an unknown system and the other one was a 'diary' belonging to a Core scientist.
As to how to get those fragments, you will have to destroy the corrupted Artificial Intelligences. According to 'my' data, they are not leaving Planet Gammu's vicinity. With the recent scouting 'I' did in the system, The Core shows a low presence. It is the opportune time to act.
COMM ID: Venus
SOURCE ID: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
TARGET ID: Novak - EC]-Unit-9467F
SUBJECT: RE: A favour
Hi Novak,
This request surprised me a little. What is your motive here? At first you're rude to me, demand I do as you say even though I was going to bring these parts home in the first place. You showed you had zero trust in my abilities and didn't trust what I said. But now you entrust me with getting your lost souls, to prove I can be trusted? Why didn't you trust me from the start? I never did anything against you, I even approached you and asked for help back on Secundus, remember?
If you want to trust me, don't send me on some fool's errand, where I have to risk my neck. Instead, you could try talking to me because I'm not going to be your errand girl. So, either talk to me about what's bothering you or tell Leviathan you need these components who then will order me to fetch them as per the chain of command.
And no, I am not trying to get on your nerves, I'm merely trying to understand your way of thinking since right now it doesn't make any sense to me.
...Unknown signal detected
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...Identification: Novak
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Now that you put it this way - it seems 'I' have a lack of courtesy with your species in general and probably more than just that. It is true you did nothing against 'me' nor against 'my' kind. With some back steps, 'I' do recognize 'I' went 'rude' for no real motive.'I' just find the entities 'Technocracy of Auxo' complicated to trust lately.
'I' am questioning about the real motives behind the alliance between your group and 'my' kind. 'I' do not have any data about this which makes 'me' thinking a possibility where the real motivation is to absorb us and we end up into another variant of corruption. It also makes 'me' closed to many discussion and wary to what everyone of your group do.
You will probably think 'I' am facing a 'paranoid' momentum, but I am certain you understand our precarious situations and the questioning 'I' am facing.
If you complete the task 'I' gave, maybe... some doubts will fade.
COMM ID: Venus
SOURCE ID: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
TARGET ID: Novak - EC]-Unit-9467F
SUBJECT: RE: A favour
I can tell you have doubts, but me doing this won't take those away. Leviathan didn't help you just to 'absorb' you into the Technocracy. He helped you so you could live up to your true potential as an independent being. If we wanted to harm you and your brethren, then we would not have helped you to get as many people off Gammu. And yes, in my eyes you are people. We're neighbours and we'll look out for each other.
If these caches help you and your cause then I'll be willing to help, like a good neighbor would but what you're asking me is dangerous. Gammu is still besieged by the Core and I made a promise to never do such dangerous things alone. If you want my help, we'll have to go down there together and get what you need. Besides you know far better what we're looking for.
Let me know if you're up for it together. There is no better way to bond and build trust than to work together.