The barrier gate station is truly phenomenal. Easily the best station on D4.85 surpassing even the Razgriz and Tekagis Arch. Also, you find all kninds of people with all kinds of different professions in the bars of this thing. Completley neutral to pretty much everyone (Except Freelancers of course), sells both lawful and unlawful Ids, it's truly work well done.
Kudos to the Dev team for the best station in Disco since.....ever. And more kudos for both Baffin and Coronado, they actually have a place now. Excuse me while i get back in game....
it ranges from stations far in remote systems where zoners live for themselves, autonomous and independent - just the way they want to live without external influences - up to concepts like "babylon 5" - a major trading hub, free for everyone - where conflicts are part of it.
every freeport is different. - freeport 9 is possibly a trading up more similar to babylon 5 - housing zoners, corsairs, BHG. conflicts happen on a daily base. freeport 10 is different - there are zoners far off, but they have to deal with outcasts and the IMG who don t really love each other.... yet they offer trading opportunities for all sides.
then there are "sanctuaries" like stations in omega-49 ( well... it was meant to be a sanctuary for zoners ) or stations in o-52 ( dunno if they re zoner stations in the final version )
there are listening posts like freeport 11 ( which maintains the long range sensor array against the nomads and housed the BHG )
as you can see - it is hard to say "that is what a freeport is meant to be" -- they are all different.
The name Freeport does imply the purpose of a Free Port. To everyone, im not really pointing the finger at the zoners for being lousy at anything, i'm just trying to justify what a Free Port should be like, in general. Not really what the zoners use it for, because that's their business, but what other factions should be able to use if for.
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One thing I noticed about the Barrier Gate station, is there doesn't seem to be a way for people to get from the docking modules to the main station's body. The modules are attached by the metal beam things, but they're all twisted and broken. None of them actually run from the modules all the way to the station - there's always a break at some point or another. So how do people move around?
The bar is brilliant though. People displaying professions rather than factions is awesome.
Freeports are truly great, they allow people who otherwise would be unable to live in the border worlds to live there. For example, it would be much harder to get various criminal IDs without a neutral base as a middle man for pve.
' Wrote:One thing I noticed about the Barrier Gate station, is there doesn't seem to be a way for people to get from the docking modules to the main station's body. The modules are attached by the metal beam things, but they're all twisted and broken. None of them actually run from the modules all the way to the station - there's always a break at some point or another. So how do people move around?
Perhaps they force you to reach the main installation via evac suit like in X2. Also helps reduce tensions that inevitably occur when so many different kinds of people congregate in a small area by exposing any personal weapons a pilot may be carrying. I know I'd be on my best behavior on my stroll to the station if I knew a few dozen turrets could vaporize me instantly.
Does anyone find it slightly odd that Zoners, a group of fairly loosely associated and decentralized people, can out engineer the houses with their heavy industrial base and massive resources?
' Wrote:Does anyone find it slightly odd that Zoners, a group of fairly loosely associated and decentralized people, can out engineer the houses with their heavy industrial base and massive resources?
(Perhaps that one word response is insufficient. However it comes across as a "please nerf Zoners" more than a genuine RP concern, and as such, any explanation about how the Zoners benefited by trading technology and the infocard rumours about the abundant resources in the border worlds would, in my opinion, fall on deaf ears.)
(Perhaps that one word response is insufficient. However it comes across as a "please nerf Zoners" more than a genuine RP concern, and as such, any explanation about how the Zoners benefited by trading technology and the infocard rumours about the abundant resources in the border worlds would, in my opinion, fall on deaf ears.)
Also when you think about it, a faction which has ties in trading with both the pirate and house corporations would stand to make a lot of credits and accumalate assets, since being pirated is less of a risk and house corps regard zoners with indifference.
Plus its nice to have a generic neutral port to go to if you are stuck in the borderworlds being swarmed with pirates and nomads, and in order for that port to stay neutral there needs to be a power to enforce it. In my opinion its a mix of practicality and RP. ......RP Practicality:D
' Wrote:Does anyone find it slightly odd that Zoners, a group of fairly loosely associated and decentralized people, can out engineer the houses with their heavy industrial base and massive resources?
You know, having a neutral freeport is vital to this game. The border worlds are an incredible place, but due to the normal track for most people, they will be so lawful, the only way they'll be in the omicrons is as a BHG.
Besides, as for the zoners, they are affiliated with Order (deep space explorers) and Corsairs by extension (pirates) while being friendly to basically everyone. This means money. In addition, the zoners also invest a lot into space exploration, do you know how many valuable minerals they alone have access too? For example, artifact clouds (mineable) alien organism clouds (mineable), and more.
Finally, many zoners are power traders. Being a zoner is the one in RP way you can be a power trader. The Zoners have an edge noone can match.