Development process for those that are interested:
1) Designed the basic shape of the vessel. No details. Asked Jinx and others for review.
2) Modeled the thruster and its capacitor located underneath the cockpit. Lowered the cockpit to conform to the countour line of the wings.
3) Created an emblem for the ship and modeled antennas on the sides. Started experimenting with the color palette.
4) Added a weapons platform and tabs on the sides of the ship which seemed to balance off the large white space of the wings. Reworked the casing around the thruster capacitor. Turned the visor into a frame that goes around the cockpit. Added power feed lines that travel from the back of the cockpit towards the weapons platform. Back of the ship that's glowing purple is the powercore, which is based on Nomad energy collection tech.
5) Reworked the weapons platform again to make it conform to the ship.
That ship is absolutely beautiful. I know it's rendered without textures in those pictures, but when you do texture it, you should try your best to maintain that look.
When it's time to hardpoint that, I'd put the weapons all underneath, so it doesn't break up the ship's sleek lines.