'sup? Alright, straight to it. I need a new sig for ProjectX, no particular reason, but the one I have is getting a bit old. Aaaanyway, similar request to last time, a gritty-Military kinda' look, a lizard-man... If you need a reference look here. That image is the nearest thing I can get to him without armour, even use that if you want, but only the head, or crop the weapons out... Eh, moving on. As for the text, it'd be "ProjectX; If you can see this, you're dead".
But, there's something else that's optional, instead of the gritty-Military, give it a computerized/genetic kinda' feel, if you choose -this- option, only put the background, and "ProjectX; Breaking your rules."
Base offer is 50 mill, but I'll go higher than that if I -really- like it.
' Wrote:Good, but the first one still makes me all warm inside.
Damn, that's awesome. Now I'm stuck between that and Hundra's.
Hundra you did a great job, idk hard to say which one is best, when they are so different... Mine was done with just a grey blue background. and ALOT of Photoshopping...