The Virulian Enclave is a religious sect of sheltered, peaceful individuals. Their faith is led chiefly by the belief that the return of the 'Creator' will happen by the end of the millennium. Originally spread by an unidentifiable probe, the word which we now know as the founding principles of the Virulian Enclave was, in fact, the handiwork of a Hunter Directive scout vessel in concert with an unknown race of synthetic organisms. Reprogrammed and imbued with sentience by the synthetics, the probe was sent to its correct location: Sirius. A misunderstanding by the machine led from it being called a 'Creation' by the synthetics to the probe associating the race with being the 'Creators' of all machines.
Following the discovery of the probe, now in Sirius, by a group of Maltese Outcasts and following the enlightenment of the aforementioned individuals, a second probe emerged. This time, the machine was discovered by a band of Junkers who had not initially realized the importance of the drone. Once the Junkers had made a routine scrap delivery to Valetta, the AI was noticed by the Enclave, then settled on Malta deep within the earth and hidden in the Meani desert. The AI and crew were integrated into the Enclave immediately.
For a great while, the Enclave lived in relative peace. Within their ever expanding number of remote strongholds, they expanded upon their science and their faith. Cybernetic enhancements are common among members of the Enclave, as it brings them closer to the Creator by imbuing them with the elements of His creations. Nano technology, specifically the use and control of nanites was also built upon during this time of peace. These were among the probes' vast library of technological schematics and information, and as the Archdeacons deciphered more of the probes core in cooperation with the AI housed therein, they developed more control over the tiny machines. Using various cybernetic augmentations, the Enclave began to develop the ability to bend clouds of millions of nanites which could be used to make repairs almost instantaneously or could be used to paralyze or otherwise incapacitate an individual by literally covering them in the coercive machines. (See: Codex Entry: 1.1.8 for further information and documented proof)
Of late, however, the Enclave has been thrown into disarray. The Phantom Empire has destroyed all but one of our sanctuaries (See: Codex Entry: 4.2.5 for further information and documentation). A new Patriarch has been chosen to lead his flock to greener pastures and to redeem their recently decimated greatness. By decree of Jechaim and under the pressure of the looming Phantom threat, an Exodus was ordered. Thus the Virulian Enclave is launched into cold space to seek relative safety.
Talks are underway with Zoner officials for asylum and this'¦
This is where the story truly begins.
:: Concentrated databurst detected ::
:: Reading ::
:: Receiving ::
:: Have a nice day ::
Historical Addendum, May 3, 820 AS ' September 23, 820 AS
The Virulian Enclave now has a home nestled atop a valley among the mountains of Gran Canaria, the Zoner Alliance having voted in favor of granting them safety and allowing the construction of a Temple on their planet. While construction was being finalized, Animus Caste members were sent on assignment by the Council to survey stars and make contact with various groups scattered throughout the Sirius Sector. The group quickly adapted from their previously secluded, exiled nature to one of an outreaching search for friendship.
Seeds were sewn with the Temporary Autonomous Zoners, the Neo-Terran Front, Sentient Machine Alliance, as well as other members of the Zoner community. Trade has blossomed, with the Enclave being the primary importing party to the agreements and it was soon felt that their presence on Gran Canaria was harmless. However to each rose, there is a thorn. Attempted surveys of Gallic House space were often met with violence, or outright destruction of the survey vessel(s). Attempts to communicate with the lawful forces (the hostile party) were met either with silence, or arrogant displays of diplomatic dismissal. The Virulian Council, namely an outspoken Ryodan, declared them enemies of the Faith and Blood, marking them effectively for retribution.
'Blood begets blood,' said the Arch Bishop, 'And where words or steel are met with inequality, one must prove the superiority of one's people.'
Conversely, the recent hostilities between the Zoner people and the Corsair Empire were declared reparable, and during a security conference, the Arch Bishop promised Virulian defense, but would not take part in an open counter-offensive against the Empire. The events spawned a dichotomy within the Zoner community, and the Enclave wishing to remain largely independent from generalized Zoner politics, have severed themselves from the aforementioned. No great outcries have yet been heard, and in fact a new, recent trade agreement between the Temporary Autonomous Zoners and the Virulian Enclave has been struck with a declaration therein to the effect of 'no hard feelings'.
Temple expansion continues to progress to provide the Enclave with the proper facilities to restore them to full functionality.
There are whispers among the Animus of a project being headed by the Corporis Overlord. Exact details are imprecise, and the divide between the two castes has deepened with distrust at this development.
Animus supply missions have increased to fit the new demand for materials needed for Temple expansion.
Operations continue across the Sector.
We watch.
We learn.
We prosper.
The Animus caste is the oldest among the Enclave and certainly the largest within the Faith. They are the teachers and the students, the hand of the Creator and the very soul of the Enclave. They have existed since our foundation: ever since our contact with the First Voice. They began, or rather we began, as a small people. They were shunned by the Outcast population, who largely followed the old Sol religion of Christianity, and our predecessors fled into the Maltese desert of Meani with their idol, their followers, and their Faith. Quickly enough they discovered that the dry desert air, hundreds of miles from the nearest plant growth, was choked of the life-giving allergens which fueled the addictions of the Outcasts civilization. It was here that they first used the knowledge within the First Voice to cure themselves of addiction. (See: The Science of Nanites)
Years later, the Enclave still uses this technology for their nearly every day applications. The high members of the Animus caste are responsible for the ritual 'Transformations', during which a member of the Enclave is either cured of the Cardamine addiction, or otherwise cybernetically altered; or both. The rituals are highly sanctified, as they bring the Altered closer to the Creator.
After the Phantom assault on the Enclave's bases and the loss of over a thousand of their members, the remaining council of the Virulians, voted for the Former councillor; Jechaim of the Animus caste to take on the role of Patriarch, leading the Enclave into this new era. His first command was to leave Outcast space and migrate their fleet into Zoner space.
The Archpriests of the Enclave are in charge of all ritual transformations and enhancements of their followers. There is always one at each of the outpost of the Enclave and every one is among the Enclave's most powerful followers. They have the ability to control the nanites that circle through the local system. These nanites can be used for many different applications, including offensive and restorative measure. No matter the method by which they use their tools, Archprists are the masters of the power that the Creator left them.
The Archbishops are in charge of the knowledge that the Creator passed down to its followers. They are the teachers of teachers and hold communal gatherings each week. They are as highly enhanced as the Arch priest, but retain much of their former appearance and are publically not given much thought in the ways of the nano technology.
The archdeacons are responsible for the teachings of the nano technology. Many would call them the Hand of the Messenger and are feared due to their near mastery of the power of the Creator.
The priests hold a balance between the knowledge and the force of the Enclave. They are taught vigorously in both but are most commonly seen in the halls of teaching. Where they teach, others less knowledgeable in the lessons of the Creator will inevitably appear.
The Bishop are the teachers, the true ones. They are seen in the halls of teaching at all times and they sleep and spend most of their day spreading the word of the Creator. They are constantly surrounded by members of the Enclave who help them with scrolls or books and who gather the followers that are near to listen to their speech or lesson.
The deacons are the closest to a soldier within the Virulians, taught in the art of nano technology, they are deadly weapons. They are the only ones that are enhanced and transformed to serve as the fist of the Enclave.
These are students who have chosen the path of knowledge. More than most would do, they spend most of their time with Bishops to learn all there is to learn
The Curate class consists of the servants and learners that have yet to choose a stance within the Animus. They are taught the basics of the martial path and the knowledge but still have the opportunity to learn most of what there is to learn and choose their paths freely.
The Lectors are on the first step in learning and spreading the Creator's word to the masses.
Acolytes are those new to the Animus. They are either new practitioners of the faith or old believers who have decided to take up the mantle of spreading the Creators word. They are selected to do tasks for the Enclave, some are simple and some are deadly. (This is the trial rank for those wishing to join VE, initially, as the Animus)
Since the founding of the Enclave, the Virulian Council has needed a defensive force to counteract assaults on the Faith and its followers. It began, at first, with a Council mandate requiring new followers to receive some martial training prior to indoctrination; a mark of hesitance by the peaceful Council. They where charged with security on and around bases and outposts, charged with defense of their transports from boarding parties and raiders. To ease the complexity of indoctrination, the responsibility of the security of the Enclave was later transferred to a brand new caste of the Enclave. Ironically, the newly formed Corporis caste had no political power among their people, as they held no seat in the Council, yet they held the very safety of the entire Virulian Faith in their hands.
However, this second-class status could only last for so long. With the destruction of all but one of the Enclaves bases and with the Exodus from Outcast controlled space, newly appointed Patriarch Jechaims first decree made the Corporis caste an essential part of the leadership by allowing the Corporis Overlord a seat on the Council.
The seat was to be filled by the former security Commander Edward Zhane who, following instatement to the Council now bore the title Overlord Zhane. Laden with an honor which only the Animus could previously hold, Zhane, a former Xeno Terrorist turned Independent Pirate, had joined the Enclave out of fear for his own death. He had, in a short number of years, proven himself to the Council and gained in rank within the Corporis caste. His devotion to the Enclave Faith was both admirable and stunning and was only surpassed by that of the Archpriests and deacons.
Once the Zoners had granted the Enclave asylum, the Council decided upon synthesizing a ship capable of containing the Virulian Council and a large population of the Enclave. The ship was named after the newest revelation of the Enclave: Exodus; and on board the First Voice was placed as its essence. A crew was chosen by Zhane to accompany himself and the First Voice in their duties.
With the admittance of the Corporis caste into the Council, it was decided that an equal number of votes within the Council body will be equally distributed between the castes. Two seats to the Animus and two seats to the Corporis were to be given. Among the Animus caste, one Arch Deacon and one Arch Priest were to sit at the Council. The Exodus had Zhane and the second seat was yet to be decided.
* The Corporis caste is synonymous with the Exodus (Or Enclave) Defense Force; however the latter is used when speaking to outsiders who may otherwise not know the implications of the word Corporis.
The internal structure of the Corporis caste differs greatly from its spiritual counterpart and is based upon different military ranks common in human culture.
The leader of the Exodus Defense Fleet
Edward Zhane:
The current Overlord uses no vessel, as he has landed the Exodus a 'Aquilon' Zoner carrier on Canaria to act as a base of operations for the Corporis caste.
The secondary leaders of the Corporis
These caste leaders usually command one of the powerful AI cruisers to lead their soldiers into battle. Life or limb, the warriors of the Enclave will die for the Faith under the inspirational guidance of these leaders.
Corpois caste
The Corpois caste handles all martial matters within the Enclave, be that attacks against enemies of the Enclave or escorting a simple aid mission.
Grand Marshalls
The Grand Marshalls usually captain the powerful AI Cruisers or alternatively one off the mighty Tridente Gunships or Conference Gunboats.
They are the "admirals" of the Corpois caste each control a single EDF fleet.
These are the commaders of the EDF they commonly oversee and command several squadrons of EDF pilots, they use Fighters, bombers, drones and limited access to the Conference gunboats.
These are the 'captains' of the Enclave, they lead the lower ranks into battle. Unfaltering and zealous, they are the best of the Corpois caste.
Are limited to pilot the fighters and bombers of the Enclave.
These are the rank and file of the Exodus Defense Fleet. They fly fighters and bombers.
They can be ordered by both the military arm and the security arm and acts as either police or military pilots.
These soldiers are low ranking EDF soldiers, recently graduated or trained, or recently introduced to the Enclave. Limited to Fighters.
Agent's of the Enclave are newly arrived converts dedicated to defender the Creator's children. They are selected to do tasks for the Enclave, some are simple and some are deadly. All of the tasks performed are to prove the convert's belief and loyalty to the Creator and Enclave. (This is the trial rank for those wishing to join VE, initially, as the EDF)
Goals of the Animus
¶ The Enclave requires resources in order to re-build. Therefore the Animus shall trade across Sirius, gathering supplies such as:
Quantum Multiplexors
Robotic Components
Ship Hull panels
Mining machinery (once settled)
Counterfeit Software
Optical Chips
Bio-Neural Processors
¶ The Animus caste is to bring the word of the Enclave to all those that wish to hear it. This involves diplomatic missions to friendly and neutral parties.
¶ Be present and active throughout Sirius.
¶ Investigate the Gallic systems for integration into Enclave databases.
¶ Continue survey of all star systems around Sirius. Access to systems controlled by un-analyzed biological life forms classified: Nomads ' Is restricted.
¶ Talk, listen and find out about potential trading partners.
Goals of the EDF
¶ To protect all Zoner and Enclave vessels from harm
¶ To escort enclave transports carrying materials for the Enclave
¶ To Patrol Enclave ZOI
¶ Answer any questions neutral factions would have about the Enclave
Light Fighters
All civilian crafts (Preferably the Borderworld series ships)
Heavy Fighters
All civilian crafts (Preferably the Borderworld series ships)
Very Heavy Fighters
All civilian crafts (Preferably the Borderworld series ships)
Sabre ' A fine fighter craft for both the military and Animus Caste. Although found largely among Outcast populations, the Enclave makes use of the vessel by exploiting its public availability as well as past relations.
Super Heavy Fighters
AI Drone ' An Enclave vessel in its purest, most divine form. These ships allow for almost complete neural interface between the pilot and the AI, letting the pilot nearly accomplish apotheosis during the flight. It is reserved for high ranking or honored members of the Enclave.
Spatial ' This is a ship with both enough cargo space to house the large AI systems, and the means to survive alone in the depths of space for incredibly long stretches of time.
Roc ' The primary armor busting unit of the Exodus Defense Fleet. Once the Enclave was granted asylum by the Zoners, the few vessels belonging to the military caste were bolstered by these bombers. If the Hellbound came again, they would be prepared.
Waran bomber - The waran Bomber is a bulky yet efficient anti-capital ship vessel, in the right hands this vessel can destroy most enemy capital ships.
It also has enough cargo space to carry a sophisticated Artificial core.
The Waran bomber also makes for an excellent Artificial unit, many of which the Enclave built and have docked on Freeports across Sirius
Dromedary ' During the initial retreat from the Meani desert, many of the refugees were transported on the confined utilitarian ships of the Enclave, and thousands were left behind in the Hive altogether. Following the asylum granted to the Enclave by the Zoners, dozens of these vessels were purchased and outfitted with Enclave artificial intelligences to continue the evacuation of the Hive.
Border Worlds Transport ' This ship is what feeds the Exodus and has enough cargo space to carry a variety of needed goods to the Migrant Fleet.
Conference Gunship - An advanced gunship design with powerful, top of the line computer equipment makes this ship ideal for interfacing Enclave artificial intelligences with the systems. Zoner shipwrights have authorized the construction of five of these vessels. Command will be given based on individual merit.
Tridente Gunship - The Outcast designed gunship; Tridente is a formidable warship used by the elites of the EDF.
AI Cruisers ' AI Cruisers are to be held, individually or shared, by members of the Council or awarded by some extreme act which if the world saw publicly, it would likely implode. No more than three are to ever be fielded at once, and never in disproportion to Enclave support craft if headed into a fight.
The Exodus was the only Battleship class vessel in use by the Enclave, how ever, this vessel have now been decommissioned and is currently residing on Gran Canaria, in use as a base for the Corporis caste.
Bretonian space is currently an unspecified flight zone. Various hostilities have bubbled and died, however the exact volatility of the region remains in question. Travel as you like given previously amiable relations, but proceed with caution.
Tau and Omega space is an authorized flight zone as decreed by the Virulian Council. No single party owns these areas of space and is generally a frontier for free passage.
Limited access to Liberty space is authorized for Animus Caste members for diplomatic relations and is often where new members of the Enclave begin their pilgrimage. Corporis presence should be kept at a minimum in Liberty space.
Gallic space is a limited flight zone as decreed by the Virulian Council. Gallic lawfuls have proven unworthy of our respect through various unprovoked attacks and inappropriate diplomatic rebuttals. The Creator wishes them bled dry so long as His blood is not spilled while doing it. Smite them cautiously or not at all.
General access to the Omicron systems is authorized given Outcast and Zoner relations, however systems with temporary Corsair presence should be avoided. Omicron Gamma is restricted unless unavoidable (i.e. Traveling from Theta to Delta).
The Virulian Enclave have a similar diplomatic chart as the Zoners, how ever we have made friends and allies during our time amongst the stars.
OSI, TAZ, ZTC and independent Zoners
Once we where one of them, now we are their friends and allies, we defend them as we defend our own.
Sentient Machine Alliance
The SMA are our mechanical cousins, we help them as they help us
We used to live on their planet, shared their air and we relied on their protection, we will never turn our backs on them
Neo Terran Front
Their goals are to build a new Sleeper ship, to escape the wars that ravages Sirius, we wish to live in peace, much alike on our ideals and dreams
Gas Miners Guild
The Zoners are allied with them, and we wish to remain friendly with them and help them if they need us
Those that haven't been listed have been placed as neutral until they have either accepted us or openly gone against us
Hostile and unfriendly
The Gallic Royal Navy
The military part of the 'House' known as Gallia openly hunt our allies, for that they shall be burnt into dust and spread along the Solar winds
Those that support the Gallic invasion shall be crushed along with them
The Phantom Empire
They are our nemesis, they are our end, they are a test of faith from the creator, and we shall destroy them with our fist as a man steps on an ant
OOC Stuff
In-Game Rules
1. Speak in-RP at all times. If anything needs to be said out of character, PM the subject of your dismay. If it's a group of people, contact one of them and ask them to pass it along. If it's a group of unaffiliated individuals, keep it to yourself.
2. An understanding of the Virulian faith is paramount. We can't have people running around giving Sirius mixed signals as to what we're about. If you're confused about something, Serpentis and Magoo are almost always available to answer questions. Otherwise get the consensus of a comrade or two.
3. We are a peaceful people. Never attack first, especially if it's somebody trying to provoke you into doing so. Sticks and stones.
a. This rule may be up for amendment as diplomatic relations change.
4. If you find yourself near a fight which you have every right in-RP to help with, ask yourself if the odds are already ridiculously tilted against either side. If an allied group is outnumbered severely, jump in and assist them. If the enemy group is already outnumbered 2:1, stay out of it. If the odds are even, ask the friendly force if they need assistance. Remember, ganking is no fun for anyone.
Naming Conventions
For animus caste members
For Corporis Caste members, aka: Exodus Defense Fleet members
For Agents
Now, it is recommended, for members of the two castes, not to use ordinary names, but rather shorter names, with meaning behind them. Agent's however are to follow the standard Firstname.lastname naming convention.
Such as the following: Redemption, Absolution, Exodus, Vitosus etc.
Latin words are welcome and so are other names, it's up to ones imagination to decide a word fitting for their character.
ID used for the Enclave
AI ID for all ships
The Virulian Enclave constructs all their vessels and modifies existing ships to hold a Artificial Intelligence and a human crew, down to the Light fighters.
Each ship has its own personality tied into the vessel itself.
In single crew ships such as fighters, the AI and human component bonds on a personal level, they trust each other in their actions. The AI is always a partner to the human pilot, and each should treat each other with respect.
On capital star ships, the AI is a huge part of the actual function of the ship, it is the body, which eyes are the sensors and scanners, its hands and fists are its weaponry, while the crewmen (save the captain or commander) act as its internal components, they all have jobs to handle, making sure the ship is operational. There are science stations and laboratories amid engineering sections where human crew handle the AI core maintenance and vessel propulsion. This way it makes thing easier for the AI to concentrate on more important matters.
The captain commands the AI, but much like in a fighter, acts as partners. How ever, each AI have its 'rank' so to say.
For example the Exodus (the Flagship) carries the first Voice, and that AI could in theory order a lesser ranked EDF officer to go on patrol.
We choose to go with AI ID because it was the most logical choice since it's the closest thing that works for us. Our ships will have no IFF.
1. Ingame encounters - Every single man/woman/child I met from VE I had a pleasant RP experience.
2. VE lore you made - priceless
3. Graphics - beautiful eye candies that actually intrigued me enough to read most of the things you guys wrote
Means allot to hear comments on our Roleplay, the lore ive written (And with help of Magoo! gotten it to be understandable;)) and the graphics, well.. I have re-done the graphics now.. Three times:D
Edit: A reminder if Admins missed it
' Wrote:The required 500 million is available on VE|AC-Vitiosus
Quitting the group without even telling us doesn't do well towards you how ever:P
Anyhow, so far so good it seams.
I have updated and edited all that needs editing and updating.
I know off some of the graphics having typo's, those will be fixed asap.
We have 5 members who are still in the first stage off the recruitment, as in they dont have ships and arent counted in the roster, but will be uppdated soon-ish ™