How does one resolve or avoid powergaming issues where, having several characters in one system communicate in-game info to a fellow pilot in a near-by or distant system?
I've made it where if one character can land at a Freeport or planet that is not too far away, 5+ systems away, they can communicate information to their partner. If destroyed, that communication is either impossible or delayed a few days out.
This is nothing like: Character 1 kruger miner in omega 7 mines ore for tradeship x, Tradeship x departs to drop off cargo in New Tokoyo and character 1 switches to character 2 (bad guy pirate) and pirates Tradeship x
It is more like: Pilot 1 in New Berlin has seen Pirate Z several times, Pilot 1 was told by a passing tradeship 1 that pirate Z is in a nearby system. Pilot 1 has pilot 2 in that system. Pilot 1 lands and logs into pilot 2
And like: Scout 1 received orders from Pilot 1 to look for Pirate Z. Scout one is 10 systems away from Pilot 1 and finds Pirate Z. Scout 1 lands and leaves a RP message in the communications channel on the forum.
I'd like to know where the line is drawn because I'm dealing with very simular RP issues like this where I don't want to be blamed of powergaming
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
There isn't anything to avoid, there is no such thing as "powergaming", "metagaming" in Freelancer.
@Lobster that example for powergaming you gave, I did that once to a fellow to role play him being captured and handed to the authorities, the outcome of that was a real "hell on earth" inside my private message box.
My problem for example is this: If I do involve my Freelancer who needs to relay information to another player who also has a character who is also a member of the faction my freelancer is fighting against. There is no stopping the other player from using that OORP info to aid his other characters faction.
I know only two players on this game that well to trust with that kind of RP. At the same time, the RP is designed to cripple that faction. Who would willing RP that knowing that another faction they have stock in, would be in trouble?
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
' Wrote:There isn't anything to avoid, there is no such thing as "powergaming", "metagaming" in Freelancer.
@Lobster that example for powergaming you gave, I did that once to a fellow to role play him being captured and handed to the authorities, the outcome of that was a real "hell on earth" inside my private message box.
Don't give advice when your advice is wrong.
There is powergaming, and metagaming, and there are even rules concerning them. Especially on the forums where instances of meta/powergaming are much easier to find and prove, and then take action on.
Your first two examples are metagaming, but I'm not sure if they are really severe enough to get someone sanctioned. Nor are they easy to prove. Your last example is not meaagaming. If he sees someone, he can tell whoever he wants. He also doesn't have to post in the Comm Channel of the forums, but can tell him directly in-game, regardless of the distance he is from his client, Pilot 1. There is no range limitation or time delay to messages in Sirius.
Cripple is too strong a word. Much like Britionia can become a self reliant empire, they now have people evacuating leeds and most Britionia forces only entering into combat when absolutely needed. This is an extreme example and is more a change the devs make, but it's the only example I can think of.
What your saying is my Freelancer 1 can tell Player 2 to tell my Freelancer 2 what Freelancer 1 wanted him to know and that's acceptable?
The end result is to halt or bring to light on goings between some factions, not to remove them from existence.
And please, I'm not worrying about the definitions of metapowerwhoosawhatsagaming. I'm just trying to Roleplay this right. I've managed to get this far without using the Y screen to locate people and keeping my mouse off communications not addressed to me. Other than that, I just need help to proceed with this RP.
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
You're basically asking where rule 0.0 starts being violated, Adam.
Wish I had an answer.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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