What touches the image I want only the skull (with hair of course). And only it's outlines to be marked by the same colour like rest of the image. Now how it should look in general I don't know yet. Maybe archwise words (in the left letters are taller and getting narrow on the right side).. and skull in the bottom right corner. Or something like that.
The sig itself shouldn't be big. Expecially in height.
Important note: must be PNG format, no background !!!
Payment.. hmm up to 100 000 000 credits. I don't think that the job is very hard so the payment isn't that high.
The skull itself is similiar. Just no bones behind it. And the sig will be used in dark grey forum background. ( http://www.darkness.lt/ ) I don't know maybe leave the eye sockets empty and colour the skulls bone in blue color. But then there is no idea what to do with hair. Propably hair could be done same as it is in this picture.
Also the skull should be smaller... More like an icon. Words " ... kur nubėgo? " (my nick in native language) should take most of the space.