I'm having a little problem here i have a ESP LTD M-50 guitar which i use for playing solos but i can't get the right sound out from it.
Like when i take Metallica as Example the solo voice is much better than it comes out from my amp.
I tried everything, switched pickups and f'ked with the Equalisation on the amp, but without success:(
So here comes the question: Is the good solo sound coming out from good guitar or it's because of my amp. Or i should use my effects pre-amp to get better sound?
try a diff amp/guitar combo to see if that alters the sounds.
also, what state are your leads in? split insulation, dirty contacts will cause impedence. clean the contacts inside the amp with a cotton bud dipped in cola, and coil your leads carefully after use, dont just shove them in a bag
I had a similar problem with my first guitar, It turned out to be the strings, which just needed changing. It still wasn't perfecvt however, and so I got a Fender Mustang, Now it plays so much better.
So it might be your strings or your guitar, or maybe a bit of both.
' Wrote:I had a similar problem with my first guitar, It turned out to be the strings, which just needed changing. It still wasn't perfecvt however, and so I got a Fender Mustang, Now it plays so much better.
So it might be your strings or your guitar, or maybe a bit of both.
As this dude said. Sometimes, strings are needed to be changed. There's a big variety of them (materials they're made etc etc).