So. You want to fly around as a "BMMer" eh? well it aint an easy task lad, but its a fine work for a young lad such as yerself *chuckles* Though I dont see how yer supposed to ferget all this stuff, oI may as well tell yeh again before you get yerself into some serious trouble.
BMM is owned by the Crown. The company is also really old (300 A.S.)
BMM is directly related to the rise of both Molly pirates, and Gaian pirates. Despite this, BMM is still hugely profitable, and the crown reaps all of its profits anyway.
BMM is Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, for RP sake, BMM- (official faction) will be considered as the "upper caste".
BMM is not a Shipping company. If you want to do hauling, join Bowex. BMM transports are primarily intended for local movement of goods, and in some cases, ore. They are not intended for long, risky Trading ventures (unless maybe ore). The conflict with the IMG makes trading through the independent, and border worlds very risky, and possibly stupid as well.
// BMM is a for-profit corporation that likes to exploit its employees. Though its not as bad as the graves incident... you sometimes need to fight for you next paycheck
// For the reason above, it would be rather rare to see a foreign national working for BMM as a miner. (Most BMM miners are bretonian by nationality)
Bowex is also owned by the crown. This is the main reason why Bowex Is BMM's Primary shipper. By combining Bowex with BMM, the crown gains virtually 100% profit. For this reason, BMM- members are highly encouraged to sell at 5/k or less to Bowex players. BMM- players are also highly encouraged to sell at 5.5k/ore to all non Bowex Id/IFF players. Exceptions apply to [convoy] ships as they have an existing contract with BMM-.
BMM should by no means show a cold gesture to Bowex ships. Since Gateway is a privatley owned company BMM would rather side with Bowex, but in certain instances, a gateway shipper might be prefferable.
Mollys revolted from Graves 100 years ago, killing Edmund Graves. This was due to horrid working conditions, which, are nothing like they are today. In a good way.
Mollys are BMM's number one enemy. They have consistently pirated BMM ships and commandeered a few hegemons. They also captured Belfast Production facility in Newcastle. This was due to BMM foolishly hiring employees of dubious background. It will never make this mistake again, It will also be reluctant about allowing any liners or transports carrying people other than VIPs and spaceship crew to any BMM station aside from Birmingham and Thames outpost.
Mollys are not trustworthy.
Mollys should be killed when given a good opportunity
Molly installations should only be attacked when BMM has an "excuse" to do so. For instance if there are many BMM pilots in the air, and a hegemon was pirated or destroyed by a molly, they have authorization to head to the corsair gold field and destroy all Molly mining ships, if any that are present.
One should pay a Molly only when there is too high a chance that an escape will result in destruction.
molly miners are to be killed with extreme prejudice: they are illegal competition. That means stealing their cargo is legal and sanctioned by BMM and BAF. so do it!. These mollys are funding the molly effort.
For the same reason as above, those seen haling molly gold ore, otherwise known as "bloody gold" are to be reported by the BAF. There is currently no law permitting the destruction of these civilian ships, but make it clear that thier presence is beyond unwelcome. Gaians
Gaians are a terrorist group. BMM is one of their main targets, followed by all other Bretonian assets
Gaians are pissed as Sh** at BMM for seeing a lot of waste planet side. Particularly at Leeds where two of its major fields are Toxic waste clouds. BMM actually uses toxic waste. In fact, it is reprocessed in LD-14 into the production of MOX fuel. BMM ughh... never was involved in erm. Any pollutin of Leeds! anybody who thinks so is as high as Sequoia Hart.
Gaians are enemies of the state. They side with Kusari, while the Mollys do not. Be aware of this when dealing with them.
Independent Miners Guild
They are our competitors getting in our way every time. They consistently show behavior that suggests that they are conspiring with Mollys. While in Bretonian space, do not fire them unless they fire at you, if they physically disturb you or your mining operation with weapon fire, then do what you think is best. Remember profit is the main objective. Just don't give in to Mollys.
Concerning Tau-23, the beryllium is currently contested between Outcasts, IMG and BMM. We used to share this field with BMM, but as soon as IMG violated the tau-pact that they agreed on, we closed access to this field to them. if they mine there, pirate or take the ore. If their objective is to supply kusari kill them.
If you want to mine in the niobium field in tau-23, good luck. Just do yourself a favor and dont get caught.
Gallic Metal Service
The current policy of the GMS as of late seems to be to attack all BMM, maybe even all Bretonians. In any case this foreign group are to be considered pirates. Unfortunately there is little chance of them making good with us. (Pay attention to the comm channel, things might change, you never know.)
Keep in mind that 800 years of separation makes strong cultural differences. We don't understand Gallics well. Most Sirians don't.
If GMS are spotted in tau-23 in our beryllium field, only rat them out if you have a chance of winning.
Stay cautions amongst them. You never know what trickery they are up to.
Mining Fields and Importance
Niobium field in tau-23: this is controlled by IMG. BMM tried to take this field. it lost. Nonetheless it is still contested, and is a very rich field.
Beryllium field in tau-23. This field has ample supply of beryllium. Its most effective to sell it in new Tokyo, however BMM is at war with Kusari, rendering this field as useless. Reports have shown that new Gallic forces, the GMS (Gallic Mining Service) have been exploiting this field. They should be taxed to mine here. If not, The Use of force is permitted.
Niobium field in Leeds: This field is controlled by Kusari. Luckily its not heavily patrolled, and BMM Miners have been known to successfully haul out full loads of Niobium ore to local Depots. Gaians are known to patrol these zones, and they are ruthless.
Beryllium field in Cambridge: This field is tough to mine in. Its also huge, and is difficult to be spotted by pirates, granted a miner is savvy about where it locates itself. Get a flashlight or mine opposite the direction of the sun in order to see the light reflection off the rocks. The sell point is New Berlin. BMM is considering on making an agreement with Daumann Heavy constructions to use their stations in the omegas as pit-stops in case of IMG raids. BMM is allowed to ship this ore to New Berlin, however It's highly recommended to let Bowex ships do it.
Gold Fields in Dublin: These fields are a highly contested zone. the h4, g3 zone are independent fields, where everyone is welcome to mine in, until a pirate comes and ruins the party. The d6 field, the most profitable zone, is the corsair field, where the Omega-49 jump hole currently resides in. This is a dangerous place to mine in. Reports show that the it's highly likely that a molly base exists somewhere in the general field. Have extreme caution when mining in this Gold-Rich field.
//Comments or questions about BMM RP are welcome here... even if in OOC
..... So. That sums it up roight there. You should have a purty decent idear of what its like workin in this company... now i got some business to atten' to, so ill bid yeh good moining. *bursts out laghing and leaves*
all ooc
couple of questions...where is the niobium in leeds or do you need to be BMM and how about gold mining in it still possible/feasible....i am working on getting a hedgemon for my dedicated miner, just tring to get a feel for how it has all changed
Quote:Concerning Tau-23, the beryllium is currently contested between Outcasts, IMG and BMM. We used to share this field with BMM, but as soon as IMG violated the tau-pact that they agreed on, we closed access to this field to them. if they mine there, pirate or take the ore. If their objective is to supply kusari kill them.
The Tau Pact was declared never having taken effect by the Bretonian government. We didn't violate it - Bretonia nullfied it from their end. Basically, this makes Tau23 space a miner free-for-all. Not that it isn't a free-for-all for everyone to begin with... but BMM players are likely to have very few friends out there.
Quote:As of this edit, bretonia is at war with rhienland. if IMG is shipping to rhienland as well, you are euthorized to shoot them in tau-23. This clause expires as soon as the war finishes.
War's over last I heared.
Quote:Beryllium field in Cambridge: This field is tough to mine in. Its also huge, and is difficult to be spotted by pirates, granted a miner is savvy about where it locates itself. Get a flashlight or mine opposite the direction of the sun in order to see the light reflection off the rocks. The sell point is New Berlin. BMM is considering on making an agreement with Daumann Heavy constructions to use their stations in the omegas as pit-stops in case of IMG raids. BMM is allowed to ship this ore to New Berlin, however It's highly recommended to let Bowex ships do it.
IMG's (at least IMG|) policy towards BMM is generally to leave em be unless in fields we claim as ours. Plenty of other pirates around that are a bigger headache for you guys anyway. If you're worried about the stations being red, get a bribe. Rephack's gone now.
BMM and Daumann are banned from docking at eachother's stations by ID, so any IRP agreement will still not allow you to do so - it's against the server rules. Which may or may not change (given that according to the storyline, Daumann will be supplying Stokes with aluminium next mod).
Quote:Gold Fields in Dublin: These fields are a highly contested zone. the h4, g3 zone are independent fields, where everyone is welcome to mine in, until a pirate comes and ruins the party. The d7 field, the most profitable zone, is the corsair field, where the Omega-49 jump hole currently resides in. This is a dangerous place to mine in. Reports show that the it's highly likely that a molly base exists somewhere in the general field. Have extreme caution when mining in this Gold-Rich field.
You'll find that the Mollies will object to that field being listed as a "corsair" field.:D
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:all ooc
couple of questions...where is the niobium in leeds or do you need to be BMM and how about gold mining in it still possible/feasible...
Stokes field is the niobium one in leeds.
you get a 4x mining bonus (very large) but keep in mind that its well into enemy territory
' Wrote:i am working on getting a hedgemon for my dedicated miner, just tring to get a feel for how it has all changed
join the official faction. its less boring i assure you;)
also ill work on updating this post now.
' Wrote:OOC remarks:
The Tau Pact was declared never having taken effect by the Bretonian government. We didn't violate it - Bretonia nullfied it from their end. Basically, this makes Tau23 space a miner free-for-all. Not that it isn't a free-for-all for everyone to begin with... but BMM players are likely to have very few friends out there.
you still signed it, and iRP we will use it against you whenever we feel like it.
Quote:War's over last I heared.
Quote:You'll find that the Mollies will object to that field being listed as a "corsair" field.:D