Cap 8 Hegemon - though it is called the "Xeno BS" already.
If you're really looking for a smaller thing i could suggest the Pelican - that thing is quite useful.
As small transport can supply enough energy for black widows (25k /3k) and equiped with a CAP8 it's got a hullstrenght of 240k whilst keeping 500 Cargospace (4.85 data) for cargo piracy.
It has no CD though.
The pelican turns into a massive target when it is cd'd. It's powerplant is instantly drained. This makes it's bigger shield and large offensive payload rather useless. It is also a transport and the Xeno's can't fly transports.
The Camarra only has turrets, and fewer guns total than the other freighters. It really lacks the power needed for the role.
The Anki and the Bactrian are probably your best bet. I prefer the Anki, but others like the Bactrian better. The Anki has a little less hull armor but can mount three codes as well as more deb turrets than the Bactrian. The Anki also feels less cumbersome than the Bactrian. I don't know if it is or not, in reality, but it certainly feels like it has better handling to me.
Two good loadouts for the ship are codes with all deb turrets and nukes with a cau4 or better, and missiles with all deb turrets and nukes with a cau4 or better. With the codes you are better at range and with the missiles you are devastating up close and personal.
Cap8 Pelican with Liberty Small Transport Turrets. And a pair of Cannonball missiles. Pelican turret placement is made more sensible - it's got quite a bite forward now.
[Edit] Request for assistance as model lead: Need a hull-with-ducttape TGA for something...
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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