I'm just guessing, but my best guess is:
Outcast ships : hostile
House mil ships: hostile
Bretonia civ ships: neutral but strict regulations
Kusari civ ships: neutral
Liberty civ ships: neutral
Rheinland civ ships:neutral
Corsairs: Neutral
Nomads: hostile
independant: neutral
LIBERTY IS THE STRONGEST OF THEM ALL!!! oh wait, that's 4.84
Now you'll see. I'll predict the future. in 4.86 Gallia will launch a full scale attack on the houses! guess how I know.
Anyway would be great if GRN| can formalise a list of ships that gallia considers illegal, I have already seen a Indie Gallic Junker rp character using a Ptransport accused of breaking the law, even when that ship is not listed anywhere as illegal. (Hones characters rp, over forums, via SS)