Ok list of what is wrong is like 50+ pages now in 48 hours. So i figured i would find out what is "NOT" wrong with 4.86. That way maybe i can play a little. As everytime i try 1 of my ships i find a new way to get kicked/crash game.
So list anything that works for more then 10 minutes below.:cool:
I like the fact that when you exit a trade lane you don't automatically turn to the right...Helps with larger ships now that it just keeps flying straight.
Turret steering is gonna be a hit along with Turret Zoom. Turret zoom really lets you get the over all view of a battle, and with the calling a group target function, it is gonna make large fleet engagements more tactical and fluid.
Once Jump effect gets sorted out, I can see an situations where a Fleet jumps in with a Barge to carry fuel. They hold in the system for as long as it takes to make the jump back home. Lots of play out of this Idea...and add that to player controlled and destroyable bases and it could open up a whole new avenue of play. Of course the better organized military factions will have the advantage.
Cloaking if used properly can help smuggler make the last 100 seconds, roughly 5k at 350 cruise speed, and dock in places they would not make it other wise.
So, once it gets debugged, balanced and sorted, It will give hours of enjoyable play.
Quote:Cloaking if used properly can help smuggler make the last 100 seconds, roughly 5k at 350 cruise speed, and dock in places they would not make it other wise.
Envisions throngs of cloaked Pirate Trains docking with 4300 Cardimine on Manhattan.
Well, one thing that hasn't changed is that there's no pleasing some people. Some players are still ungrateful arses who don't seem to understand the function of a public beta phase of a release... Luckily, those are few.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.