Orbital Spa and Cruise is one of the largest collection of Corperations with in Sirius. From the holiday resort located on Planet Denver all the way to its general Office's. Being founded under one main name in 475 A.S. by one Tony Cortez. It has flourished all across Sirius. Overall Orbital has four main bases from which they operate out of, as well as providing their services at those locations as well. Many other sites are spotted around Sirius where resorts are located like the ski resort at Planet Denver, and the sun beachs of Planet California. Though the list is by no means complete.
Orbital being a big collection of a varity of companies does still remain to hold a main part with in of which handles many of the common tasks from security to logistics. The rest is made up of a varity of companies with in, like Greyhound Transportation whom concentrates with in Bretoinia. Their are many more as well.
[font=Garamond]General Diplomacy
[color=#33CC00]Liberty Navy
Liberty Police Inc
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Corporations
The House of Kusari
The House of Bretonia
The House of Rheinland
Independant Miners Guild
The Corporations under Orbital Spa and Cruise may also have differing and/or additional diplomacy stances towards other Factions. The most notable are;
[font=Garamond]Greyhound Transportation
[color=#33CC00]Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Police Authority
The House of Bretonia
Bretonian Corporations
Liberty Navy
The House of Liberty
[color=#33CC00]Rheinland Military
Rheinland Police
Rheinland Corporations
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police Incorporated
Liberty Security Forces
Liberty Corporations
Orbitals organisation is very unique, namely due to it's size and that it is a collection of companies under one overall name. It also holds a few investors of which most reside in Liberty.
Chief Executive Officer ( Officer 6 )
Each Chief Executive Officer runs one of the sub-companies with in Orbital Spa & Cruise itself. In general they have free reign in matters that directly concern themselves and from time to time may bring friction between other CEO's with in Orbital where the other has a differing view or stand point. However, all the CEO's get on well with each other in personnel life, meeting each other at least once a month.
Chief Operations Manager ( Officer 5 )
The Chief Operations Manager is essentially the CEO's assistant in managing the company. COM's as they are called for short are very visible, turning out order forms and issuing orders. They are also akin to getting involved themselves, with performing the various duties of the sub-company to which they are a part of.
Executive Officer ( Officer 3 )
Each sub-company can maintain a small expert members of Executive Officers. These personnel over see a specific area of the company, ensuring that that specific area runs smoothly. They are also highly regarded among the share holders, as well as the company as a whole. Those that Captain Orbitals traditional Liners are also ranked in this position over all as an Officer. Which also allows them some security in helping with requesting escorts and such like form the other parts of Orbital Spa & Cruise.
Executive Employee ( Officer 2 )
Executive Employees are the common pilots or captains with in Orbital. All are highly regarded, and very competent at their own jobs. Be that security, or Captaining a large Luxury Liner.
Intern ( Officer 1 )
Interns are those that have been commissioned and are now in training as a full Officer of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Share Holders
Each share holder owns a stake in Orbital Spa and Cruise and can dictate it's current direction, though parts of the companies operation's can be easily hidden from view due to it's enormous size. However The Share holders don't really care as long as they get cash in there hands at the end of the day.
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Current stakes
Stake One: John Doe (Deep Space Engineering)
Stake Two: Thaddeus Gideon (Ageira Technologies)
Stake Three: Danielle Mathews (Universal Shipping Incorporated)
Stake Four: Jeffrey Adams (Independant Libertionian Investor)
Stake Five: Lord William Curtis (Bretonian Investor, House of Curtis)
Stake Six: MÃRSK Investment Council (Independant Traders)
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Orbital Spa and Cruise General Operations
The support frame is the most expansive part of Orbital, many of its employees are drafted from other companies with in Orbital or are solely working for Orbitals main Headquarters. This main area of the company holds the main PR, Security and Logistical personnel as well as a few other staff. The Security personnel also form Orbitals main attack wings that are found to be performing revenge parties against those that have caused problems for any of Orbital Spa and Cruises own operations.
Orbital Spa and Cruise Roster
Chief Executive Officer Andrew Bellingham
Chief Operation Manager Kim Allen
Executive Employee Jenny Yuki
Executive Employee Jeffrey Walker
Executive Employee Gunther Kaufmann
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Orbital Spa and Cruise General Fleet
Orbital also holds a general fleet of liners of which are not attached to one of the major companies, with each Captain being ranked by the share holders directly, being of Executive Officer's. Also included in this fleet are those Liners that are specialised in their purpose. The most notable is the Liner Perth rescue, a vessel that primarily transports refugees out of war zones.
Liner Fleet Captains Roster
Chief Executive Officer Andrew Bellingham of Brilliance of Sirius (Brilliance for short)
Executive Officer Richard Wills of Perth Rescue
Executive Officer Ayumi Hinode of Grandeur of Sirius
Executive Officer Thomas Dering of Empress of Sirius
Greyhound Passenger Transportation began as a conglomerate of small transport companies owned by Leeds' minor noble House of Curtis. It was not until an important fleet was built that the Curtis Lords merged all these companies in a single one, named like that because of the color of the fleet's hulls. Later, House of Curtis itself incorporated the greyhound dogs into their coat of arms.
The company's bonds with Orbital Spa & Cruise date back to the 4th century A.S. when the Cortezian corporation welcomed House of Curtis on their exile during the rebellion on Leeds. Since then, GPT has been the Bretonian branch of OS&C. It's headquarters are located at Luxury Liner Shetland in Edinburgh, base which they also govern, though it also has offices in Planet Curacao, in the Cortez system.
Being owned by a Bretonian noble house, the diplomacy of Greyhound Passenger Transportation is slightly different from the one of Orbital Spa & Cruise's core. GPT is loyal to the Bretonian monarchy. Because of this, GPT operates on a side track of OS&C's path, having for example their own independent communication channel.
Greyhound Liner Roster
Captain Bret Darwin of Bauhaus
Captain Hans Weiss of The Cure
Greyhound General Roster
Chief Executive Officer Ernst Geisshardt
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Rheinland Touren und Transport (RheinTouren)
Rheinland Touren und Transport is the Rheinlandische Branch of Orbital Spa and Cruise. It is a relatively young new company formed entirely on the ambitions, and loans, of its CEO and Founder, Gottfried Schulz. It was a mixture of destiny and chance that brought the young company to its creation. As fortune, or fate, had it a young Rheinlander by the name of Hans Weiss was employed in Greyhound Transportation, the Bretonian Branch of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
As Herr Weiss was often at Augsburg Orbital Colony, tranporting vacationers and New Berliners to and from the Colony. It just so happened that Gottfried Schulz booked a TIER-1 VIP luxury trip on Weiss's ship the Easy Cure. This allowed Gottfried to meet the young Rheinlander at the dinner table. Upon discovering the young Captain was from Rheinland, Gottfried asked the captain why not work for a good Rheinland Company. And to Gottfried's surprise Herr Weiss simply responded that Rheinland was devoid of such a company. This puzzled Gottfried, as he knew Planet Baden Baden was a very profitable enterprise. The fact that Orbital Spa and Cruise had neglected assignment of a true overseer meant an opportunity was to be had.
Using Gottfried's modest fleet of logistic ships and his single Enterprise Liner he used to conduct tours around Augsburg he contacted Orbital Spa and Cruise's main office with a proposition. Gottfried would combine his modest fleet with Orbital's operations for a small price. He would head the new Rheinland corporation and take over the management of Planet Baden Baden. After a small amount of negotiation it was agreed upon that the management of Rheinland Orbital Spa and Cruise would go to this young corporation and its charismatic leader.
Now sitting in his office on Augsburg, Gottfried contemplates where to go from here. He can only see a bright future for RheinTouren. But this is just the beginning of the story for RheinTouren. And much has yet to be said if the young company can even survive economically.
RheinTouren Liner Roster
CEO Gottfried Schulz of Der Rhein
RheinTouren General Roster
CEO Gottfried Schulz
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Orbital Base Operations
[color=#000000]Luxury Liner Hawaii
Is operated by CEO Andrew Bellingham of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
Baden Baden
Is operated by CEO Gottfried Schulz RheinTouren
Is operated by CEO Ernst Geisshardt of Greyhound Transportation.
Luxury Liner Mackinac
Is operated by
[font=Garamond]Equipment Usage
All Standard Civilian Equipment is accessible.
All Standard Civilian Weaponry is accessible.
Other House Weaponry is only accessable via permission granted from CEO's.
Codenamed weaponry is accessible.
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Ship Usage
All Civilian Fighter's
All Civilian Bomber's
Armoured Transport
General Liner Fleet
Armoured Transport
Enteriprise Luxury liner
Renzu Luxury Liner
Other Transports may be accessable upon being permitted by CEO's.
Greyhound Transportation additions
Shire Transport
Bretonian Royal liner
[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Other Information
ID: Orbital Spa and cruise
IFF: Orbital Spa and Cruise
Tag: OS&C|
Sub Tags;
Greyhound Transportation: OS&C|name[G]
RheinTourin: OS&C|name[R]
Naming Convention:
[Tag]First.Lastnames[Tag if needed]
[Tag]Shipname[Tag if needed]
RheinTourens Naming Convention:
The naming convention for RheinTouren will be German Rivers for transports and liners, OS&C|Firstname.Lastname[R] for freighters and fighters/bombers.
Greyhound Passenger transportation Naming Convention:
The Naming Convention for Greyhound is of 70s-80s bands for transports and liners
Note: The Rheinland Armored transport counts as a transport.
To abide all server and forum rules.
One character is only permitted in Greyhound Transportation and other future sub-companies, except where granted.
More than one character may be used in the General part of OS&C.
The above 2 and 3, meaning of actual character and not how many ships. Shared ships are exempt.
[color=#FFFFFF]Some last details
Our 500 Million Credits is located on, "OS&C|Factory[G]"
Future inclusion of sub-groups.
We retain the right to include sub-groups in the future. However sub-groups will be required to perform for one month on a trail basis before being fully included. Only one Sub-group may be added for each of the following Houses, Liberty, Rheinland and Kusari.
New sub groups here after joining OS&C| will have a tag at the end of the character/ship names. And also reserve the right to use House Civilian ships from the house they reside from.
We also reserve the right to allow sub-groups to make there own ranking system if they wish to do so,which must be with in the Officer 1 to 6 scale system. One being the lowest and six being the highest.
They may also write a write up. This write up must be checked by myself before being updated on the OS&C| Information thread. And be in relation to its chosen sub-group.
If you mean Skullz's try to do an OS&C summit that got trolled by some factions and had to go to the bin, most of us in OS&C live our lives as if that had never happened, and look down on those who ruined it, obviously.
All of these were developed in the last 6 months or less. Although GH exists since 2010, it was only a way to help new players then, and it was in 2011 when it got a full roster and broadened its activities.
We have a new member "El Vlado" which now brings our total membership count to 11 players.
However delayed, our new media shall be ready in the next few days.
LastlyI would like to re-enforce the following; Myself and those with in OS&C|, being all its members continue to roleplay as if the summit discussions never happened.
My reasoning is, I do not respect those of whom think it was my responsibility to research other factions that I have no interest in, and that when I ask for information to be given to me, that a roleplay reply of boasting with no evidence requested given is not is not the correct course of action. Secondly, that I find it unreasonable in roleplay for Lawfulls to want unlawfull known terrorists to attend. (Thats like the UN asking terrerists to come to a UN meeting)
I have said the reasons in the past, but here they are again.
Posts: 6,380
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
Seeing as there's not much else going on in this thread, might as well ask if you can buy you way onto the board through shares, in the same way you can with Planetform?