Solar Engineering S.A. (Solar) was formed by several young economists and lawyers on New Paris on January 1st, 500 AGS. The company aimed to become an alternative space construction supplier in Gallic space, something that was considered virtually impossible in the Gallic space industry market already extensively controlled by the government and large corporations. Solar succeeded in obtaining the much needed connections with the Royal Navy, which secured several high profile construction contracts that helped to build a strong foundation for the company. The company played a significant but not yet fully revealed role in the final stages of the First Gallic War when some of their corporate representatives were spotted in negotiations with Normandy leaders, posing as civilians. After the First Gallic War was over, the company operated as a contracted builder of civilian space stations ordered by various parties. In recent times, it also operates a large number of its own space stations, making it one of the most versatile space-based companies in Gallia, in some ways similar to EFL Oil & Machinery.
Solar Engineering appears to have unexpected inside sources of information within groups that don't usually affiliate themselves with any corporations. For example, in 686 AGS, Solar announced the cessation of all its operations in the Gallic Border Worlds. In less than 30 years, the Second Gallic War caused huge losses for all shippers and station operators working in the area. Solar used this situation for its own benefit, broadening its services in Gallia's core systems. Still, Solar is significantly smaller than the dominant space-based corporations, mostly due to the much smaller size of its land-based operations. Solar's market capitalization is eight times less than that of EFL, five times less than the value of GMS, and one and a half times less than the value of IDF Shipping.
While Solar has largely chosen not to attempt to compete directly with GMS and EFL in manufacturing for heavy industrial markets, it has developed several highly lucrative product lines in advanced technology fields, catering to both popular consumer's tastes as well as industrial applications. GMS and EFL are Solar's largest customers for several technologically advanced products. This technological expertise enabled Solar to obtain an exclusive license from EFL to manufacture jump gate and trade lane components in Gallia after the invasion of Sirius began. Since Gallia's jump gates and trade lanes are substantially completed, new components are only needed for maintenance purposes, as well as preparing stockpiles for a small number of future construction projects. Nevertheless, gate and lane component manufacturing is a highly profitable and reliable source of revenue.
Solar has developed its own cargo fleet that allows it to supply its transportation needs without being forced to rely solely on contracts with IDF, GMS and EFL. Solar also operates a fledgling luxury liner division, with its flagship resort liner stationed in Provence.
While the larger Gallic corporations are wary of Solar's rising corporate stature, its avoidance of direct competitive threats to their business interests has allowed Solar to prosper without attracting the hostility of other companies or their Royal supporters.
Nowadays Solar tries to break into the Kusari market with various trade agreements with the local corporations. Therefore they have started to explore the Kusari market for profitable contracts. The Liner Grand-Couronne, the mobile headquarter of Solar, has been assigned for possible meetings inside the Kusari space and therefore received several upgrades to survive the dangerous way through the relatively unknown Kusari space.
The recent invasion of the Sirius systems enabled several opportunities for Solar to gather more contracts for the shipment of various components required to uphold the Gallic war effort. It is also rumored that Solar is interested in secret trade agreements with the Council.
The planet side headquarters of Solar are located on New Paris, while Compiegne Space Colony serves as its space-based headquarters.
Establishing trade contracts with Kusari.
Increasing the current market share in Gallia.
Using the current political situation to our own advantage.
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Metal Service
Ile-de-France Shipping
EFL Oil & Machinery
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Kusari Corporations
The Council
Independent Mining Guild
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Police Inc.
Liberty Corporations
Gallic Brigands
Union Corse
The Trade Division is the main hauling division of the Solar Engineering Company. The main task is to supply corporate bases with required goods and to deliver produced components and parts to our own costumers. The Trade Division works independently, so every pilot of each trading vessel can decide what they want to haul, but have to base their decision upon the information they receive from the various Solar Engineering bases and their supervisors. Important contracts are distributed by William Lanoie and Beaufort Lacombe and have priority over the usual assignments.
The Security Division was established to defend the corporate interests by defending the trade vessels from the Trade Division and the Liners from the Liner Division from any kind of threat. Moreover the Security Division defends the space near Solar facilities. They also defend the Liner Grand-Couronne on its missions and the Luxury Liner Antibes in Provence.
The Liner Division is responsible for the transport of Passengers, Tourists, Vacationers and VIPs throughout Gallia. The flagship of the Liner Division is located in the Provence system and serves as a stationary headquarter for the Liner Division. The Provence system is a famous place for tourists from all over Gallia. Therefore Luxury Liner Antibes is frequently visited by Tourists, which are transported from other Liners that are designed for transports of these kinds. The Antibes is equipped with improved defensive capabilities and armor, therefore being able to survive in the open space against most threats.
Assigned Liner Vessels:
Solar|Nantes (Narcotic)
Corporate Special Force Division:
The Corporate Special Force is a newly formed division. It is a subsidiary of the Security Division for more dangerous tasks, such as the hunting of known corporate enemies. The newest task of the Corporate Special Force is to rob Bretonian corporation transports behind enemy lines to collect valuable resources and information. Mostly they were former pilots of the Gallic Royal Navy, thus are well experienced in dangerous space like the Bretonian one. Sometimes they are reinforcing the Gallic Royal Navy forces in Bretonian Space.
2) How many people do you have in the faction? It takes a minimum of four to become official.
Afterthought: I guess SE| aren't actually active...
That was a plan to put the foot in for when 4.86 arrived. We all lost interest as 4.86 took too long to come out so the idea was dropped. There is no other faction, so good luck.
' Wrote:That was a plan to put the foot in for when 4.86 arrived. We all lost interest as 4.86 took too long to come out so the idea was dropped. There is no other faction, so good luck.
Ah, alright.
Well, get flying, and I hope to see you out there.
' Wrote:2) How many people do you have in the faction? It takes a minimum of four to become official.
Afterthought: I guess SE| aren't actually active...
8 with me counted in so far. The initial post will be edited to reflect the total member count.
Not all of them have ships so far though, that will change soon.
' Wrote:Were is the Recuritment Form:), I am interested in joining you guys