Matt pulls up a chair in front of his computer, with an Isle of Jura malt in his hand, he recounts his story
Guys, it's been fun - But today I must step back from Discovery and really focus in on what's important and what's required of me over the next few weeks and months.
Most of you already know that my wife is 12 weeks pregnant and she is due on the 14th of August. The last couple of weeks have been really tough for us. First there was the threatened miscarriage which pretty much wrecked our emotions. In one day I felt despair, pain, anger and then the sheer joy of finding out the doctors were wrong and our baby was still alive.
After that came my wife's collapse. Suffering from severe pregnancy sickness, our baby was draining my wife of all the goodness in her system and not letting her replace lost fluids. Seeing Lindsay puke up water was not an experience I wish to remember. However, two days in hospital being fitted to a drip and going through 4-5 litres of saline fluid did the trick.
Top this all off with the need to find a new house. Our current 1 bed house is not big enough, and I have the opportunity to buy a detached family home with a bit of own land. The mortgage is sure to be crippling, but I guess that is what life is about. Anyone in here less than 18 and thinking of leaving home, cherish each moment while it lasts! I wish I was 18 again, that's for sure.
I have officially left my position of power from the SCRA. Alvin has assured me that if, and when, the time is right for me to come back - I can do. I'm going to stick around the SCRA Main chat and give anyone who asks hints, tips and help with setting up. I'll keep my fighter/bomber if and when it is necessary for me to hop on and if I've got the time. I'm sorry if anyone reading this is after free stuff, but the majority of my cash and assets were tied to the SCRA and cannot be given out. As for the rest of it, I've handed it out already.
I have officially left every other faction and I apologise especially to the QCP. I never got off the ground with it and I truly hope you find a strong leader that gives you guys the time that you deserve.
A few special mentions.
Pacific - First RP in my first faction. Was hilarious to think how noobish I was back then, but thanks for helping me start out.
Danny - Oh Dan, you taught me how to die.. A lot. We started out in LN and it was fun buddy.
Joe - Always there with helpful advice and has really helped me over the last while
Espada - Mate, you're sweet. You know it.
Terry - We had our ups and downs, but I never lost respect for you. We were always man enough to work through it as well.
Lanakov - I never tire of your outrageous French accent. And the Spy music mid-raid always perked up my day
Joey - Mate, when I can get on and play STO or Disco I will. And I know you will be Joey and throw your ego into every fight. It's what makes it fun.
And finally.
There are far too many words to be typed here. We've talked for hours on Skype about next to nothing and about the changing times for the SCRA. I count you as a great friend mate. The only thing that needs to be said is this - Shagolvin.
To the rest of you.
This community gets a bad name sometimes. People say some stupid things, somebody else takes it personally. Things get out of hand with name calling and flaming and whining, but always remember - This is a game. This is VR. Somewhere you can escape to when RL gets you down. You are in control of this environment, you can make it fun or frustrating through your own actions. If something irks you, walk away - Take five minutes and come back with a clear head. You'll instantly find you're better for it.
You can't do that with RL. As I am now finding out. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself here, and I do hope to be back in the future. If you see me kicking about on the server on an SCRA char either A) Enjoy the free rusty kill or B) Wave and say hello. I obviously have free time:D
It's been awesome having you around dude. You brought a lot to the [LN] and were an excellent member of the faction. You'll be missed there for sure. The door is always open if you wanna wander back, and if the door is too obvious, then it's not too tricky to jimmy open the window around the back and sneak back that way.
Take care and stay cool. Seems you've got your priorities straight. That family life thing will suit you down to the ground I'm sure.
Good luck, it's been a real pleasure having you around.
That incident where you shot down my Recruit [LN] on your Pirate and then proceeded to log in Smith and spend the next hour and a half helping teach me not to die was very much appreciated, and one of the best experiences I've had in this community.
I wish you and Lindsey the best of luck out there. Hope we see you around again more frequently one day.
You are really a nice guy, I wish you everything good. I hope that your wife will be fine and the baby too.
Somet info that could be really useful for you:
And be extremly careful with the mortgage because it is very dangerous thing- find time to read about it- RoI and RoE formulas,Disagio, together with the different interest rates- the real one, the relative one and the one that banks "offer" to you.
Sometimes is really better to rent your place then to buy it- especially in nowadays times.
Find someone who can help you with that- Friend that have good idea about your local market and idea of finances, make sure you have more then stable job and income, make sure you have at least 30% of the whole price of the property in cash before you take any loan, make sure you have extra money on the side to pay the rates for 1 year at least even if you loose your job, dont thrust any bank- they wont tell you the whole tons of tricks and traps.
Demand from them to give you the full terms of contract in paper form where you can compare them with the other offers in order to find the best one. Mind that the banks are out there not to help you but to realise huge profits and screw your live.
I hope you will be back sometime.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)