Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,
I`m captain Jack Zonerish and I`m asking you about your opinion about the base killers and their anonimity.I would like everyone to stick to the point and the main Question with big Q.
So the question is : "Do you want base administrators to get a personal message with time and Killer of their base ?"
Thank you for your attention and feel free to speak.
I think a message with just the ID and IFF of the base killer would be reasonable - it would be strange inRP if a base and crew just died like that without a word. Also it would give base owners a much needed sense of security that their base was actually killed and not bugged to death, moreover encourage base pew'ers to only stick to killing bases they ought to be killing ID-wise (dunno if the server records who kills bases, and the admins can get access to this info and sanction accordingly, but that would be great too).
I agree on that one. Im pretty sure some folks logged on and say base dead, but who will tell them who made this? Because it would be nonRP for base to silently die and all crew with it. because Im sure there was some situations when base died withoout RP reason (like GRN blowed GMG base in Sigma13 or Corsair blowed KNF base in Hirishima or Hessians blowed OC base in Eta)
They did know an attack was underway though. What we need is an alert system in place, so that people know when they are being hit, and who they are being hit by.
' Wrote:Did anyone know who destroyed Freeport 7?
They did know an attack was underway though. What we need is an alert system in place, so that people know when they are being hit, and who they are being hit by.
Once a base is destroyed - its all over...
FP7 was destroyed by only one torpedo shot. many torpedo at one shot I mean. so I think supplied base with regens and shield can have enough time to record and send message to owner. or at least drop BlackBox
Black box on the place of the base - which lets you dock in up to 7 days, and tells you what happened in the last 24 hours before destruction is a nice idea.
People here are too vengeful and grudge-holding. If they have a means to find out who destroyed their base, they will most likely go to (oorp) lenghts to get even. Which will cause all kinds of unpleasantness.
Well , with taking a decision to kill a base you must embrace the risk of death:)I think also that killing a base to give you credits and part of the cargo stashed there , just for compensation.
People here are too vengeful and grudge-holding. If they have a means to find out who destroyed their base, they will most likely go to (oorp) lenghts to get even. Which will cause all kinds of unpleasantness.
Also if players only got access to ID and IFF information, and a there was a ruling saying admin-investigations can only be undertaken in the case of mismatches between ID of the base killer and the base itself?