The number of pirates with these things is getting ridiculous. And you can see why, it's a free getaway card. Just turn it on while evading the lawfuls and *poof* gone.
It really needs to be interruptable by CD and pulse damage, especially since they give up a CM slot to mount it. If you dont want to get hit by CD damage stay away.
On a more general subject this is yet another example of how piracy in disco is totally screwed up. Here we have Space Somalians with luxury liners and cloaking technology that isnt even available to the (supposedly) powerful and wealthy lawful factions.
This cloaking devices on pirate Prison liners or other pirate Transports are just annoying. Inmo it is absolutely OORP if a normal pirate owns a ship with cloaking device.
People who owns cloaking pirate ID'ed prison liners will be angry about my post, but that is just my personal opinion and I know some people who thinks so too.
Ursus, why a pirate would need a cloak in first place? Lets bring some information and discuss it then:
- Bomber with cloak: Must be the most often situation. The pirate have a bonus to escape but its vulnerable to most CD/missle attacks from all kind of ships.
A pirate with small cloak in small ship can be invisible for maximum of 48 seconds depending on its armour and weapons. If the pirate concentrate on the cloaking duration, he will sacrefice armour which will reduce his chances to survive and successfully pirate something.
Multiple pirates with bombers equiped with cloaks are suitable for hit and run tactics instead of long duration battles.
In the end considering the requirments to build a (small cloak), the time spend, and the credits must worth something.
- Pirate Transport/Slave Liner with cloak: That is very rare because of the significant price of the (large cloak) which can reach max of 3 B. Few people out there can achieve it and mounting it on their pirate "transport" ship would be a waste of credits.
A pirate with large trading ship have one goal: To pirate a trader by taking its cargo. If the pirate have a (large cloak) then its cargo capacity plus the Fuel quantity will nearly make him full. What would be the goal for this pirate then? To capture ~1000 cargo? Isnt that going to be worthless? And what abou the proffit? Its definitely going to be meaningless.
Pirates with cloaks are good for only one thing, scouting. A pirate fleet that is sent to destroy the enemy ships wont go there just to cloak. Even if they do have cloaks these are their tickets to escape. If they do so you have won...why would you want a blue message?
Cloaks indeed need some kind of buff instead of nerf right now. Some people may try to use them to troll you, spy on you but in the end...that is why they gave the credits to have some fun right?
Nerfing cloaks or creating a weapon that is going to disrupt their charging process will lead to a lot more QQ and player base system failure.
' Wrote:Cloaks indeed need some kind of buff instead of nerf right now. Some people may try to use them to troll you, spy on you but in the end...that is why they gave the credits to have some fun right?
Nerfing cloaks or creating a weapon that is going to disrupt their charging process will lead to a lot more QQ and player base system failure.
This. The cloak is the first thing introduced in discovery in order to avoid interaction with hostile vessels- so it does its purpose at really high price.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:Sorry, but the way you described cloaks is just what cloaks are there for and should work
Basically, this. Also, cloaks, unintentionally, solved the "nova uberspam" balance problems for many capitals and at least gave them a chance to survive.
Cloaked bomber, on the other side, is very vulnerable to double missile spam. I'd say it's balanced.
Quote:<strike>I've personally never seen any pirate with a cloak while flying my trader the last 10 days here. And I trade a lot.</strike>
but we almost got him once, using same trick. + it's really hard to have a steady supply of MOX for most pirates out there, these days.
Just, give it a small chance of disappearing on death.
There are two at LD-14 all day, I dont want to give ship names but they are there. One is bret liner, the other is gallic armored transport. They pop out of cloak to pirate people buying the MOX, and then cloak again when the lawfuls show up or when they get too much hull damage. Lawfuls cant shoot them with cap so they have plenty of time to dock with gunboats firing on them. If they need more MOX they just wait then dock on LD-14 and buy more. Pretty sure the cloaked liners in New Berlin (*cough*) are using MOX supplies at junker base in NB for the same thing.
Cloak is supposed to be for sneaking around. This is just ridiculous usage. No counter for it either, so yeah need a way to interrupt the cloak.