You might be able to reconfigure mouse settings to do that. You'd obviously have to set mouse-2 to do what mouse-1 does, of course. (Edit: By going into the config file; it's not possible through in-game settings)
Yes, bomber NPCs exist. It's easiest to find them in Gallia.
' Wrote:is it file "flconfigdatabase" from EXE folder?
Definitely not. If you actually read the contents of that file, you'll notice it's mostly a list of compatible GPUs.
Try: DATA\INTERFACE\keymap.ini for keybinds.
DATA\mouse.ini for mouse things - but that file is encrypted so you'll need to grab an unencrypted copy from a Freelancer SDK and modify it from there, replacing the original mouse.ini with your modified version. Don't forget to make a backup copy of the original. Good luck!
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
It's definable in My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\UserKeyMapping.ini file. The mouse "key codes" are -1 for left button, -2 for right button, -3 for middle button, etc.
key = -1
I don't know the key binding for "Select / Move" so I dont know how to swap the buttons, what happens with the above is everytime you select an object the guns also fire. Maybe one of the other files says which key binding is for select/move or maybe the string can be found in the EXE somewhere
Also, this method lets you bind modifier keys to the mouse, which the main interface doesn't. EG, you can add a line like "key = -1, shift" to the above, and your fire button will still work while you holding shift.