The year was 818 AS when the fleet of Omicroners, following in the path of the Zoner Trading Consortium colony ships which had gone before, departed from Omicron 74. They made for dim and distant stars in order to seek out new space which they could call home, far from the dangerous and war torn Sirius sector. Faced with mounting threats, both new and old, they took the difficult decision to leave with their families and seek their fortune elsewhere.
But not all embarked upon the great voyage. Some decided to stay in Sirius, and since their numbers were few they left their home of Omicron-74 in order to seek a new place for themselves and their families. Sensitive research and information was taken aboard their ships, being careful to leave nothing dangerous behind. The scarce few capital class vessels they possessed were formed into a core fleet to house themselves during their travels. The group grew as they were joined by zoners of all sorts, for all sorts of reasons, from across Sirius, and they took to calling themselves Phoenix.
Soon after the core fleet gathered they departed into the edge worlds but the word is that Phoenix built a secret outpost which functions as a temporary berth for the core fleet vessels, and as a place for delicate and dangerous scientific research. The outpost’s location is secret, known only by Phoenix members. With so many emerging threats around Sirius it was decided that keeping their activities secret would be key for their continued survival.
While very much a group of individuals, some goals are shared by all.
Find a safe and independent place for ourselves and our families to settle.
Protect humanity against the nomad threat. The Order have been a stalwart ally against the nomads for many years, we will support them as best we can.
Promote the zoners way of life in Sirius. A mobile society is a free society. Therefore we shall offer low-cost space transportation for zoners, and those who wish to visit zoner settlements. We shall maintain our harmonious relationship with the Gas Miner’s Guild, ensuring a steady supply of H-Fuel for zoner vessels.
Embark on scientific research and exploration for the betterment of zoner peoples and all mankind. Bring life to virgin places as yet unknown.
Endeavour to help those less fortunate then ourselves, whether they be zoners around Sirius, or like-minded individuals in desperate need of help and freedom.
The core fleet acts as our mobile head quarters and home, with our members living on board the vessels along with their families. Following the exodus of our friends and cousins to the far reaches of deep space, we currently have possession of only a few large capital class vessels. Each full member is trusted with the command of one capital vessel, should they wish it. The fleet keeps away from house space and overly populated regions, usually remaining in the Sigma, Omicron and Omega systems.
We tend to stay away from politics. Any diplomacy, whether business or otherwise, should be kept quiet. Any trade or other dealings with so-called unlawfuls must remain hidden to so-called lawfuls and to others.
Members are encouraged to participate in group projects and to propose their own projects, and all such proposals will be discussed by the members and the leader.
Violence against humans is to be used only in self defence or to defend other zoners and our close allies. Nomads, however, should be driven off or destroyed.
Our relations with people we meet in space or through the neural-net must be always be cordial and polite to everyone. We endeavour to bring laughter to awkward situations. Humour is mandatory.
The structure of Phoenix is fairly simple, yet can be confusing to outsiders. All members are equal. Although Christian Burton is leading Phoenix, important decisions are made together, with input welcome from all members.
If someone wishes to join our number, they are free to contact us in space. We’ll fly with them, talk with them about their hopes and dreams, their past, their life goals, the weather and other such things. If they seem like a nice enough sort, we’ll likely invite them to join us. New members are commonly known as apprentices, and will spend some time learning the ropes and getting to know everyone. When the leader deems them ready, they shall be initiated as a full member during a special ceremony, followed by a party with a free buffet, drinks and cake.
Hawk - CTE-1500 Civilian Light Fighter
Arrow - CLI-11000 Civilian Light Interceptor
Scimitar - Series CX Border Worlds Light Fighter
Falchion - HFX-F1A Border Worlds Light Fighter
Onuris - Order Light Fighter
Falcon - CTE-3000 Civilian Heavy Fighter
Karasu - T-493-HF GMG Heavy Fighter
Kingfisher - CTE-HF Civilian Heavy Fighter
Switchblade - Series QX Border Worlds Heavy Fighter
Osprey - Zoner Long Range Escort
Eagle - CTE-6000 Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
Bayonet - BWX-F1A Border Worlds Heavy Fighter
Sabre - Series Z Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter
Nephthys - The Order Very Heavy Fighter
Bastet - The Order Very Heavy Fighter
Kaichou - T-493-B GMG Bomber
Roc - CTE-19000 Civilian Bomber
Cutlass - Series CZ Border Worlds Bomber
Broadsword HFX-F2B - Border Worlds Bomber
Sekhmet - Order Bomber
Dromedary - Series YX Border Worlds Freighter
CTE FR-2302-K Civilian Freighter
Anki - Renzu Corp Civilian Freighter
Garanchou - T-282-F Gas Miners Guild Freighter
Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train
Series "DL" - Border Worlds Transport
Firefly Transport
Crane - CT-69 Civilian Large Train
Stork - CT-73 Civilian Advanced Train
ZBT-100Z 2 - Zoner Borderworld Transport
Prison Liner
Shukensha - Renzu Luxury Liner
Enterprise - L-584 Luxury Liner
Conference - Zoner Gunboat
Hathor - Order Gunboat
Corvo - Zoner Deep Space Explorer
Fearless - Zoner Destroyer
Aquilon - Zoner Carrier
Nephilim - Zoner Dreadnought
Civilian, Zoner, GMG and Order weaponry.
Any other technology can be used only with leader approval.
I don't know if this group is particularly worthy of officialism, but I will say that the encounters in-game as well as forum RP have been very good and fun for both sides.
As a previous founder member (Melliar) I would like to hereby give my support to this request as I know they have worked long and hard for this and carefully planed their development.
As Mercarryn said. In a short, after departure of the fleet, some Omicroners decide to say there. We have gathered remain people also invited a independent Zoners, who's wished to join into our ranks. As our people tired to being isolated, paranoid in Omicroners we decide to establish Phoenix as a free and nomadic group.
In role play we will concentrate on explorer/research/scientific things. But for maintain these expensive projects we will trade. Alot.
' Wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there still 2 Zoner factions, or would this be able to work because OSI and TAZ no longer use the Zoner ID?
You are right. As there is no more a Zoner faction on Zoner ID, we want to try our luck:)Although, here was for some years three official Zoner factions.
' Wrote:You are right. As there is no more a Zoner faction on Zoner ID, we want to try our luck:)Although, here was for some years three official Zoner factions.
Right that was grandfathered in before the one faction per ID rule though. Glad to hear you guys have a shot.
I wish you guys all the best, so far i only had good encounters with you as Corsair and as a Zoner, too.
I am curious though: what will your intended diplomacy be?
Thank you. What diplomacy, if to be exactly? We want to be neutral to everyone as any normal Zoner does(but all we know it's just official stance). If you are mean Corsairs... We had not best relations in the past - me(as player) and my char would be glad to fix it. We already started trade(what I love to) - we are shipping food for Crete and on way back getting BA for our base.
We could cooperate more deeply, like produce shiny things for Corsairs.
As Corsairs our neighbors, we must to live in peace.