only private communication.....
starting sale in 24hours
--sold together 7B or separately--
Base for sale core 4
with: factory cloak,h.scanner,jumpdrive,
2 defense platform 3, 1constructing defense 2
max storage 230.000
location: magellan
prix 500M
------------------------------------------------------------------ (many of its vessels to this base)
id gmg Stork-Okinawa 100 M
id freelancer Bretonia cruiser with cloak - Magellan 300M
id corsair Pirate train - O.Delta 50M
id zoner zoner carrier with jumpdrive - okinawa 300M
id liberty rogue Pilgrim liner - magellan 100M
id lane hacker pirate train -magellan 50M
id council gallic train - magellan 50M
id pirate pirate transport with cloak-pennesylvania 200M
id dse asteroid miner - alberta 20M
id gateway percheron - gateway new london 10M
id freelancer gallic a.transport -picardy 20M
id LR Rogue destroyer with h.scanner picardy 100M
id gmg kamome okinawa 10M
id zoner destroyer o.zeta 100M
id zoner destroyer o.100 100M id gmg BARGES okinawa 5B
id dse asteroid miner humbolt 10M
id LR rogue destroyer with h.scanner 300M
id zoner Juggernaut 400M
id freelancer eagle magellan 20M
id AI cruiser 100M
id zoner whale o.zeta 50M
id freelancer havok mkII new london 10M
id gmg renzu liner okinawa 200M
(10-26-2012, 12:50 PM)Tyson316 Wrote: id zoner zoner carrier with jumpdrive - okinawa 300M
This is mine,just tell me where you want the credits. Also you mean JD 4 right? If not what kind of Jump drive?
(10-26-2012, 12:50 PM)Tyson316 Wrote: id pirate pirate transport with cloak-pennesylvania 200M
I need to see the armour, the map and the rep of this one.
Also it needs to be moved to ship sales since it is not RP topic as it seems.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
(10-26-2012, 12:50 PM)Tyson316 Wrote: id corsair Pirate train - O.Delta 50M
id liberty rogue Pilgrim liner - magellan 100M
id lane hacker pirate train -magellan 50M
id council gallic train - magellan 50M
id zoner whale o.zeta 50M
I am interested in these sips, could you reply quickly.
I have sent you a message over Private comms. The message is about your base. I need to bit more information regarding the base. All information has been sent over the Privet comms. I will also be wanting to inspect the base with 1 other person. I shall give you the names of those people later. Money is available right now. Just tell us the required information and we shall proceed from then.