From: Nic Becket, Kapitän of <ALG>Sauerland Located: Java Station, Tau-23
Subject: Privateer Status and action against ALG
Guten Tag meine Damen and Herren,
today me and my kamerad Felix Becker, Kapitän of <ALG>Econic move from rheinland thru the Omegas to Bretonian Space.
Our destination was Stokes Mining Station in Leeds.
In front of the Jumpgate from Cambridge to New London we get stopped by a Privateer, callsign Queen.Amidala, who demand 3k of our cargo.
It is new to me that Privateers get so powerfull that they can do such things and he told us that when we not cooperate he will blew one of us up to handle the situation..
So to make it short, guncam shots made by <ALG>Econic got lost, because vessel get destroyed by Queen.Amidala.
My ship can escape, because ALG is not that agressiv and trained...
Later i see the same ship above Stokes Mining Station talking to an BAF agent.
So what i am asking you is, why is ALG classified as an not welcome group to bretonia?
And what is the status of the privateers group?
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To: Nic Becket, ALG. From: Senior clerk William Taylor, Bretonian Home Office.2 Encryption: Moderate Topic: Rogue privateers.
If is with great alarm that the Bretonian government views your message - the aforementioned pirate vessel is operating without the authority and sanction of the Bretonian crown. We cannot accept liability for his actions, but assure you - they will not go unpunished.
The assault and / or destruction of civilian vessels within Bretonian sovereign space is an affront to our laws and the people of the realm. Any vessel perpetrating such wanton destruction is nothing more than a criminal and will be treated appropriately.
A BPA investigation will be launched forthwith, and an arrest warrant issued for the pirate in question. Have no worries, sir, he won't be getting away with this.
Entschuldigen sie bitte, Meine Herren. My comms picked up this transmission during a routine frequency scan and I could not help but overhear. I too am an associate of the ALG corporation, I am currently under contract to the Crown of Bretonia and tasked with waste reclamation and removal in both the New London and the Leeds systems.
I too was accosted by the privateer vessel Queen.Amidala, in the Cambridge system. I believe this incident took place only a few minutes after the events described by my co-worker as there was still debris in the area and a large amount of free floating ore creating navigational difficulties.
The Kapitan of the Queen.Amidala declared himself as an agent and privateer of the crown. He asked me to stop for a cargo scan, which I of course complied with. Seeing no reason to feel myself at risk from any vessel flying the colours of the couragous and honourable BAF.
However, upon ascertaining the contents of my hold (Cargo by the way that was destined for Kensington shipping platform, owned by the Bretonian Gateway Corporation), the Queen Amidala declared that I must pay a fee of 2 million credits to continue safely. He gave no reason as to why such a fee should be applicable other than to point out the fate of the ship that he had just destroyed for refusing to pay. A ship I now know as the <ALG>Econic. I informed the Kapitan of the Amidala that my cargo was barely worth the amount he was asking. It was a small cargo being transported as a personal favour for the Overseer of Aland Shipyard in return for the good prices I had received for the waste and scrap metal I supplied them. Waste and scrap, I might add, recovered from Bretonian systems during the lawful and legal execution of my contract with the Betonian government. To my relief at least, i was able to haggle the payment down to 1 million credits and was allowed to continue on my route
This incident has been reported to my superiors, they have left it up to myself as how to proceed, as I am a contractor and kapitan/owner of my own vessel, ALG would have suffered no financial loss. I have been urged to log this act of piracy with the Rheinland Ambassador to Bretonia, but upon intercepeting your transmission I thought it would be less dramatic if I bypass that option (for now at least) and see if I can achieve a favourable response from the Bretonians directly.
I am currently still bound by the terms of my contract to work in Bretonia. However, legal department have informed me that if the attack on my ship can be proved to have been an act of piracy carried out by the very forces that are bound to protect me during that contract, then the contract may be considered null and void and legal action may be taken against the Crown.
' Wrote:This really isn't something that needs to be taken super seriously because it's a game and most of us are just here to have fun. You should try smiling, you'll feel better about things (honest).
From: Nic Becket, Kapitän of <ALG>Sauerland Located: Dortmund station, New Berlin
Subject: Privateer
Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,
thanks for responding. Today i get noticed that the ship what destroy my kamerad is member of the QCP and according to that there is a problem, but read the following:
So next time when i visit bretonia space i ask for an escort from BPA or BAF.
What happens when we then meet privateers?
Do my escort has to follow the orders of the privateer or has the escort then the power to advice the privateer?
I mean that is a very good question and i wanna to get a clear answer from someone who can advice the privateers in that case.
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To: Helmut Geyer, ALG. From: Senior clerk William Taylor, Bretonian Home Office. Encryption: Moderate Topic: Rogue privateers.
Good day to you sir. I can confirm that the individual in question is not an agent of any Bretonian law enforcement agency, nor is he acting under the mandate of the Crown. Full legal redress is currently being pursued so as to end his inexcusable piratical actions. The Crown cannot and will not be held accountable for the misguided and illegal actions of an unaffiliated individual.
Given that the criminal in question is not a member of the Bretonian Armed Forces or Police Authority - and is in fact masquerading as one illegally in order to lull victims into a false sense of security - we would encourage you to file private criminal litigation against the captain in question.
Once "Queen.Amidala" has been apprehended, said litigation would be added to his charges.
- - -
To: Nic Becket, ALG. From: Senior clerk William Taylor, Bretonian Home Office.] Encryption: Moderate Topic: Course of action.
Should a vessel deeming itself to be a "privateer" engage in criminal actions within Bretonian sovereign space, they would be nothing more than just that - a criminal. The Armed Forces and Police Authority would consequently act appropriately and engage the pirate and destroy it in order to safeguard civilian lives.
The "Queen.Amidala" is not a law enforcement official, and is in fact illegally impersonating one. You are not therefore legally bound to follow any instruction the captain issues. As previously stated, the Amidala's captain is acting outside the bounds of Bretonian law and will be treated appropriately.
Herr Taylor
I thank you for your speedy response in this matter. I shall consider the matter closed at my end and shall leave any further action in the hands of the Bretonian Government. After consideration, I will not be seeking reparation for the credits lost during my reported encounter as I do not believe that responsibility lies with yourselves or any other office of Bretonia.
I appreciate your handling of this sensitive issue and commend your professionalism and discretion. I look forward to continuing to enjoy the hospitality and welcome of the Bretonian people in the course of my duties.