I'm trying to do my first stetps modding bases and static objects.
So far i have managed to:
Draw a single box with milkshape (all in one group) and texture it. (Milkshape 3D 1.8.4)
Import cmp files to milkshape (Freelancer CMP importer V 2.7)
Play a little with Freelancer Explorer (V
Play a little with Hard CMP Editor (V
Right now i have some questions & problems:
When i try to export a CMP from Milkshape and then i open it with Hard CMP Editor, the textures don't appear, on the other hand if i open a Freelancer model the texture does appear (i have tried it with Big Dragon model)
Even if I make a box as big as a ship (i made one as big as a big dragon) , once i open that file with Hard CMP Editor, it appears as a very small object (a single hardpoint is bigger that the whole model)
Once i manage to export right the model with the textures (Let's hope it happens one of this days!!! ) wich steps i have to do in order to make them appear at Freelancer Explorer as a "other objects" So i can add it to a base as an addition
My initial aim is to make a sinle box (like a cargo pod) with only one texture as a Solar/static object and try to apply it in a local server to test it. (I have a different copy of Freelancer to test it)
Many thianks in advance Sages of Sirius !!
Edit: Oh and i have another question - I managed to do a new base (Freelancer explorer - Preset liberty base) to Pensylvania but in scanners it appears as a "base command" instead of taking the base name i wrote, any sugestion on that? I searched ini files but i wasn't able to find a property that defines the base name
Base entries are defined in two .ini files; once in the system file, and the second I can't remember. Each base needs to be assigned an IDS number, and for that IDS fill out the base name and infocard...
There are quite a few steps. I recommend googling Freelancer modding guides, system building tutorials, and looking on The Starport.
I have been looking into disco forum threads (most of them are for intermediate level from my ignorant point of view ) but didn't search at google or Starport for guides ^.^
*opens several google windows at once*
Hope I can show you something like a cargo pod one day